Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] be [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Even assuming a genuine ecclesiastic use of the chapel following demolition of the remainder , it can not be said the church as such is still in ecclesiastical use or would be but for the works . ’
2 1.14 " Working day " means any day on which clearing banks in the City of London are ( or would be but for a strike lock-out or other stoppage affecting such banks generally ) open during banking hours and " working days " shall be construed accordingly
3 Or would be if you had white hair and put on a bit of weight .
4 Even if an airship is shot down , the loss is negligible , or would be if the reconnaissance machines were small , which , apparently is the suggestion .
5 Not only are astronomy and chemistry reducible to physics ; but also biology is — or would be if physicists put any effort into making it so :
6 More soon of this exciting saga , which is due to be turned into a TV epic or will be if we can fix up a deal with anyone .
7 Certainly when we get settled in after Christmas that should be and I 'll shall say about six rolls but I 'll shall say six rolls and just the every time I get one roll of wallpaper up and you you 'll think oh I 'll do the rest tomorrow just a bit more , then you get one more looks alright there , the other wall and er , I 'm sat , I 've been up all night doing this shall do one more then I 'll go a bed , I get from the wife bloody hell mother what time did you go to bed , about an hour ago , could n't leave it wallpaper .
8 ‘ Then that must be because you provoke me .
9 Erm and in a sense that might be because the , the flats , the area within the flat is n't a thoroughfare .
10 If you 're a financial institution that might be or data , and if you 're a manufacturing plant it might be process control information on P L Cs on the shop floor .
11 I have sometimes found that they are longer than need be but not wide enough .
12 There 's no law anywhere in the land , nor will be until King Stephen is free and that woman packed off back to Anjou . ’
13 So what angle , anyone , Claire have a guess at what angle that will be or how would wor how would you work out what angle that is ?
14 There are many more features that can be and are included in public relations proposals but the above are a good foundation .
15 The reasons for waiting list length are complex , and may be as related to shortages of aftercare facilities and ancillary staff as to the availability of surgical facilities .
16 All the alternatives have not been properly considered , and must be before the Institute is committed to an enterprise of this magnitude .
17 ‘ No , no , you see , we are in Rome and must be as Romans … ’
18 For example : to move from one foot to two in any glissade , it can and should be when first studied a smooth gliding movement as it is when Albrecht gently draws Giselle to sit on the bench before telling her of his love .
19 I mean , can be , and might be and , and er , could be .
20 This project is an intensive study of one rural area , Hay-on-Wye and its surrounding area , to identify the current employment situation , how this situation is likely to develop , what policies are currently being pursued to promote employment , how effective these are and could be and what is the role of private development in the creation of jobs .
21 The answer to the three problems of wind traffic and camcorder noise is to be found in the use of an extension microphone : it can be more easily sheltered from the wind , it can be a super-directional type if need be and so help to exclude the sound of passing traffic , and it can be placed far enough away to reduce camera handling noises to zero .
22 That 's right , and Hick can you see if need be and Botham can I mean let , it 's a good all round side really
23 Well th the profits of the sale fixed assets that the shares and would be if there were any the sale profits on the sale of any other pieces of land at Lakeside or indeed elsewhere in the group and we sold a site not in ninety two , it was ninety one at Frinton I think you 'll remember that so small profits .
24 Different blockades are still being organised and will be until the Penan 's rights are recognised .
25 I just hope that they are n't completely lost and in particular I 'd just mention the because it 's being increasingly used and will be as the bypass comes in into use because access will be restricted to the , the erm roundabout .
26 Rules and customs can be changed overnight — and will be if they fail to meet needs — but motives , especially unconscious motives , are not so readily changeable .
27 But may be that we had a description , want to get the description out to as many people as possible , to see if anybody recognizes the person described , er then we 'd come to you there , give you the description of the
28 Well here , here are char for example , this is a female , you see the , the white line on the fins and the very pale pink spots , this will actually get gradually more highly coloured until about December when they will be quite bright red , and , and in my opinion not a question really , but might be that some of these other ones are pretty nice as well here 's quite a , quite a dark little trout , probably been in the light for quite a long time , right now nevertheless that 's a female as well just a couple more famous small ones here , that 's a young salmon , that 's really a beauty .
29 A definitive agreement that outlines exactly what kind of a subsidiary USL will be , how independent of Novell it will stay , has yet to be written but will be before the acquisition can go through .
30 Thirdly , the government party would proceed to an election as expeditiously as might be and , when a successful candidate was elected , the Prime Minister ( if able , or the deputy or number two if not ) would recommend him as successor , resign , and the new Leader would kiss hands on appointment as Prime Minister .
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