Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Those who defend the kinship bond find more acceptable a situation where , say , a child may maintain an active relationship with his [ or her ] natural parents while living with foster-parents , or may even remain in contact with them after adoption .
2 Similarly , someone who is primarily in a bulimic phase of the disease may binge on lettuce or on other foodstuffs that have particularly low calorie value and weight-producing potential or may even control body weight by dramatically reducing fluid intake .
3 But in any event , the argument makes a disproportionate claim , or may even involve a non sequitur .
4 The dividend may be expressed as a fixed percentage of the nominal or paid up value of the shares , or may even extend to participation in any dividends declared over and above that fixed amount .
5 Children may be referred by teachers or parents or may even ask for help themselves .
6 Instability was greatest at periods of high sedimentation at the onset of deglaciation , when ice sheets reached or may even have extended beyond the shelf break .
7 A beat that sets out for a destination may have to renavigate on the way or may even have to change destination .
8 apart from anything else er , er , er your complaint has been rather overtaken by events and , and both parties would no doubt wish to or may well wish to take further , er , but I think you 'll both agree that prospects of er let say getting any meaningful answer out of the commission by Christmas are remote .
9 So it is all the more remarkable that in France , Spain and Italy , where politicians hesitate before being less than wholeheartedly Europhile , parties have either come into government , or may soon do so , that are less enthusiastic about European union than those they replaced .
10 Depending on the length of course you choose , content may be essentially to do with financial planning or may also include health and leisure plus the social and emotional adjustments to retirement .
11 * Usage Rate — the supplier may attempt to increase the purchase rate of the customer , so that the customer becomes a heavier user , or may instead try to increase his proportion of the customer 's total order for the product .
12 Commonly the prescriber will be fairly familiar with the remedies and will ‘ just know ’ the remedy as the case is taken or may only need to look up one or two symptoms to confirm the remedy .
13 Perhaps Edward indeed was reluctant to embark on that wholesale hanging ; or may merely have assessed that this way he would force the Scots army into a rash and costly attack which he could repulse , and then get Berwick 's surrender .
14 Commonly , later stages of cements precipitated during veining episodes may induce neomorphism of earlier cements , replacing them partially or completely , or may merely precipitate films of new material along crystal interfaces between existing cements .
15 When the Bingham Report recommended a statutory duty for auditors ‘ to report to the Bank any information or opinion which the auditor knows or should reasonably know to be relevant to a bank 's fulfilment of the criteria in Sch 3 of the 1987 [ Banking ] Act ’ ( ie the criteria for being licensed as a bank ) , auditors ' reactions varied from the totally relaxed to the slightly concerned , but no one positively opposed the change .
16 It is , however , a puzzle to me why this should be a surprise to anyone , or should even require exhaustive research .
17 The idea of a God-given nature and destiny had the corollary that nothing so essentially predetermined could or should ever change .
18 It may also involve some degree of persuasion that the customer should consider purchasing the product , or should actually make the purchase .
19 But then you have to stay there , in the small place , or must even shrink to cower deeper .
20 To this end , the semantic net must itself convey a meaningful model of the world or must somehow present patterns to the user that are easily understood .
21 — With Mr. Gould all this is very different — he has sufficient to live on , whether his subscribers pay or not , & can well afford the innumerable little expenses of printing — but for poor I — I have just nine and twenty times resolved to give up Parrots & all — & should certainly have done so — had not my good genius with vast reluctance just 9 & 20 times set me a going again . ’
22 He had a gift for coming up with innovative ideas , suggesting links that others would never dream of , and testing them in a rough way to see if they were flawed or might instead lead somewhere .
23 The Vendor is not in relation to the Business a party to any agreement , practice or arrangement which contravenes or is subject to registration under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 , the Resale Prices Act 1976 or the Competition Act 1980 or which contravenes the provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1973 or which would or might either result in a reference to a ‘ consumer trade practice ’ within the meaning of Section 13 of the Fair Trading Act 1973 or to the Consumer Protection Advisory Committee under Part II of that Act or contravene any of the provisions of Articles 85 or 86 of the Treaty of Rome or any other anti-trust or consumer protection legislation .
24 So I do know the different things that do make people feel either a little bit better or might just help them .
25 Analysts are saying that the price will be static for a while , or might even go down .
26 He talked about using force but knew that such a step might provoke a greater crisis or might even break the loyalty of his army .
27 If coal was just another industry or a medium-sized company in the private sector whose product was not as much in demand as previously , or had been superseded by another product that it could not make or compete with it , that industry or company would slim down or might even close altogether — with the same tragic effect on families and communities as has been seen in the coal industry .
28 But the associative theory can predict that the mechanisms that normally produce acquired distinctiveness might fail to do so , or might even produce negative transfer with certain sorts of test task .
29 Other unions which had either supported the earlier feasibility study , or might otherwise have been expected to be sympathetic , came up with only feeble amounts .
30 An l.e.d. requires 2V approximately between its ends to make it work and the output from the stereo would hardly achieve this or might only do so intermittently with loud sounds .
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