Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The government also accepted a Lords ' amendment specifying special needs as a factor that may bc taken into account in the resource allocation formula .
2 Few now want to follow Philadelphia 's lead and cut museums off from the public purse altogether — a policy that would surely up-end the Met 's unrivalled success at striking the right balance between showbiz and the unworldly .
3 So selective breeding has played havoc with the natural coat of the cat , producing types of animal that would not all thrive in the wild today .
4 The Local Authority will not think it worth while spending money on science teachers or equipment , nor will properly qualified science teachers be willing to accept posts in such schools .
5 It is those that will not that need a lot of preliminary experience building up to the Big Event .
6 Because the paper is so critical to the final outcome of the painting , watercolourists generally prefer high quality papers that will not yellow over time and minimise the original brilliance of the washes .
7 In his discussion of the metaphor ‘ man is a wolf ’ , Black describes the work of metaphor in discursive terms : ‘ Any human traits that can without undue strain be talked about in ‘ wolf-language ’ will be rendered prominent , and any that can not will be pushed into the background' ( 41 ) .
8 Then one learns what kinds of questions , formulated in an alien mode of thought , might receive answers — but answers which , though grammatically , syntactically and even semantically plausible , do not represent , and may positively misrepresent , indigenous and spontaneous interests and ideas ’ ( ibid. p. 74 ) .
9 For normal political life to be maintained in Northern Ireland , is it not critical to defeat terrorism , and must not that defeat come before political changes or constitutional arrangements ?
10 And must n't all these things be a second best ?
11 As my hon. and learned Friend has accepted the closure of Bir Zeit is part of the systematic infringement of the Geneva convention by Israel which has been going on for years , should not a more robust approach therefore be taken , both by our Government and by the European Community , and should not economic measures at some stage be taken in relation to Israel to prevent the continuation of such unacceptable violations of human rights and of the Geneva convention ?
12 However , even if it is accepted that treaties do not perform a single function and should not all be subject to the same rules , there remains the threshold question of how treaties are best conceptualised and categorised .
13 ‘ It would be inconceivable , in the opinion of the Court , that Article 6(1) should describe in detail the procedural guarantees afforded to parties in a pending law suit and should not first protect that which alone makes it in fact possible to benefit from such guarantees , that is access to a court .
14 And should not those in Sponging Houses , who squandered what properly belonged to their creditors , be removed to the actual prison ?
15 Purely in order to minimise costs , drafting meetings should be kept to a minimum and should wherever possible be restricted .
16 And might not that be worth five thousand pounds ? ’
17 By the time he could toddle he was a constant worry to his mother , because he was ‘ into everything ’ and could not left alone for a minute .
18 All three members of the court took the view that the corporation was bound by its undertaking and could not resile from it without at least giving the association an opportunity to make representations .
19 Cranston tossed him a penny and , standing on an overturned barrel , bellowed for half the market to hear how he was Coroner of the city , and would no one help the poor lad have the corpse removed ?
20 Last night , Stephen Eades of Southport-based environmental group Save our Shoreline , which has campaigned for protection of nature amid Hamilton Oil 's exploration , said : ‘ We are concerned that the exploration does not disturb the environment and would rather these advances were in renewable energy sources . ’
21 She said she did n't mind playing a redskin at a reduced salary and would n't six weeks here be better than one week in Warrington ?
22 And soon there would be a shortage of clothing and would n't those shop girls have a field day , then !
23 A new restaurant is being built in the Overport Battery Casemates and will open next spring .
24 She believes it would be politically inept to cut such training programmes at a time when the jobless total is rising fast and will soon top three million .
25 A wet or juicy ball will tend to skid up the face of the club at impact , causing it to fly slightly higher and will much less backspin — a ‘ flyer ’ .
26 And will too many shoot 'em ups eventually lead to blindness ?
27 She 's dying and you 'll be the only golden eagle here then and wo n't that be nice ! ’
28 And wo n't that teach me to make judgements ? ’ she asked with a laugh .
29 Horses are individuals and can not all be trained in the same way .
30 What should the division be between public and private spending on health care , and can publicly funded systems continue to offer a comprehensive range of services ?
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