Example sentences of "[conj] [unc] that be " in BNC.

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1 Er I was , I think I 've got pictures about it somewhere or tha that was in the Evening Star not so very many years ago .
2 I am trying to find out if it was ED611 or RF141 that was involved in the Woodbridge incident ?
3 That w that is exactly at twenty five , and that is allowing a doubling of the housing area to allow for all the other features that come within the new settlement .
4 And it was er They used to great pride in their in their er stacks because they had to make them as neat as they could and er well built , so that if the So that w that was good for the To keep the the wind keep them dry .
5 you know , and er you just did n't er you just did n't have er er y you may get a cinema once a week , or perhaps a dance once a week , but that er that wa that was the limit , you know .
6 That a that 's all I know .
7 So we we 're taking a consistent line on existing employment sites , we do want to reuse them but we do recognize that there may be circumstances where that er that is n't the case .
8 The only other thing I would say is that we have in the report used the words , freedom to run and since writing the report we have been advised that er that is capa not capable or satisfactorily with legal terms and I would suggest that instead of the words , freedom to run we use the words , access management and permissive rights of way , to cover these .
9 I think that er that is a question better directed towards the French , possibly my colleagues in the foreign office but my understanding is that the French assembly have indeed er approved ratification er but the French government i is declining er to append the appropriate signatures to it er er until agreement over the erm the parliament building at at Strasbourg is completed erm but my honourable friend I think in true parliamentary form , asks questions to which he already feels he knows pretty well what the answer is and I suspect that my answer squares with what he knows already .
10 and er report stage and I invite the Minister to confirm that er that is that is the position and that the Government will not enter any discussions with a closed mind on those issues .
11 Erm , so that that was put in the meeting to show a balance , if you like , between , yes they 've achieved an eight percent but over last two years the providal unit have run deficit and erm one interacts with the other and that was , that was also something that er that 's
12 So you can see that er that 's the Orion underneath there .
13 Erm , I think possibly again , if you 'd got down a bit lower this sort of little rise in the ground there , that er that 's a , it 's erm what do you call it ?
14 Now that does n't the Kipsigy was just the study of the erm you know it 's a good statistical it 's good hard-hat social science you know with distribution and everything it 's all good stuff , erm they do n't say that , where we do know this is something I have researched myself very carefully , the Australian Aborigines erm we have rich data on this and I 've read an awful lot of it and I compared notes with world authorities like David McKnight and erm erm what 's his name erm Shapiro authority on this , and they agree that er that 's definitely what happens .
15 It 's a little a little fresh Cajun music from New Orleans from the and I can say that er that 's why I 'm playing it really .
16 The other on population and housing , erm has been delayed in being sent to the printers , in order that we might incorporate some of the erm information from last year er so that the document would be thereby erm even more er immediately useful and in consequence it wo n't be available until either the end of the month or the very beginning of February , but er progress is on a is in hand on that er that 's all I wanted to say to you .
17 we will pay them for a start , that 's that 's the that 's the trouble with a lot other companies and er it would n't be professional of me to mention names , but let me tell you that er that 's one thing we do make sure that people erm get their money when when they 've earned it .
18 Er and I think that er that 's part of the problem that we have .
19 And that er that 's what happened to the 's and they 're still about actually .
20 That 's that er that 's a traditional beer in n it ?
21 But you see the other thing , the other thing that er that 's worth , when you 've had the smaller dos , you know
22 I said , well we had n't intended doing it yet cos the children being so young that er that 's what he needs .
23 Well that er that 's not .
24 like for instance chapter ten of John , verse sixteen which talks about other sheep which are not of this fold , you , you might think that er that 's talking about , what er , the logical sense of that scripture is that the dividing line with sheep and you get different sort of folds do n't you ?
25 lives or is that talking about they 've approached straight line that 's already there in heaven , in other words , the , the , you know that the understanding which I have it from this bible is er that seems to be suggesting that er that 's talking about apos the apostles ' lives before they died , our spiritual lives with brightest ones who have at that er point been made perfect by being prepared to go where they 're going
26 But the , you see if you look in the , I have information off the Birmingham secretary , er Secretary 's secretary , she was involved , she even was imprisoned in Switzerland erm when the peace movement was on between the two wars , and that was when they were , I believe it was a German woman that er that was on , you know in the committee , but I 'll have to refer to the Caring and Sharing book .
27 I , I only took one case on after I was married er and that er that was a maternity case I 'd been to the first baby .
28 Yes well , erm I think I mean I I did check with the various trustees last week and the current position is erm there was basically a four hundred and sixty million that er that was the original missing figure , to which now goes back over two years er recoveries have come to into over a hundred thousand now with the
29 Well they they got reasonable care because , like I said , that was , that was the the owner knew that er that was his livelihood then
30 The type of policy we 're actually seeking is already included in the Humberside structure plan and I see this morning that er that was circulated as D four double O seven .
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