Example sentences of "[conj] [unc] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Do you have any recollections of any particular disputes and maybe an answer that you could possibly sort of , make a few comments on whether you felt the the procedures were worked out so finely that they in fact prevented disputes because they were so long and drawn out perhaps or er it took the fire out of disputes if you like ?
2 and you li , it 's a bit late you have to wait longer but apart from that like , when we 're on the bus it 's hot or so it has had to be set , it 'll probably still be runny a bit .
3 I thought she 'd dried it , and she said , oh , I 'm just gon na put this washing on radiators , and then it , it were then that er it made me think , well , what done with her dryer .
4 erm Hugh said that er it does n't apply to jobs that we 've already got .
5 That 's not the point the point is that er it does n't matter which agency it goes through it , their multi-locational site , so that 's why it 's a national account .
6 I would say that the five advantages of our alternative draft is that er it makes it clear that the policy applies to land outside the national parks and so forth but with less repetition than the proposal put forward by the county council .
7 Those of us who attend soccer matches as I do er regularly you 've got to say that er it 's not gone away , it 's merely been contained .
8 Although it 's two years later they 've got to resell at the price that er it 's been discounted more or less .
9 Right well just that er it 's been resolved a bit since I handled it cos er got this meeting set up which I do n't know whether , whether you need to come , it 's on the second of February
10 I feel that er it 's been a , a slightly peculiar month really .
11 Yes I think th that , that er it did give , it did , it did give opportunities , but I mean it 's not a , it 's not an enormously major erm part of our overall Lazard business .
12 It 's a pity really that er it has n't been kept up .
13 The County Council 's position is that er it has taken on board , environmental considerations .
14 Although er it looked pretty pathetic it was on .
15 and then getting all the the chassis numbers and that and welding them on to these stolen cars and Because what , you know , er Siobhan 's dad had a , bought a Montego and I do n't know how it came about but they discovered that erm it had a diff I mean it 's had a Maestro engine in it and it had this that and the other .
16 It 's also very important from the adults ' point of view that erm it does n't matter if you are a so called single parent , which , I by the way , am , or whether you are within erm a couple but actually in in fact you 're , you 're a single parent because you 're getting no support .
17 Elizabeth Howell , how serious is this that erm it does n't seem to be such a high priority on the curriculum ?
18 The point about the shop is that erm it sells things on a medieval theme and more specifically it has we have this undertaking that if you see it in the house , you can buy it in the shop .
19 But it 's on a hill in the , in the , in the , it 's a long way down from there to walk and , and if I remember rightly it was on the outside of the hotel , on a bank and that to me means that erm if we had had some weather , which we had at that time , then the roots could have suffered but the other clue I think is that erm it comes into leaf first and it drops its leaves first in the autumn so maybe it 's a different tree than the other , different variety , because there are several horse chestnuts are n't there ?
20 In as much that erm it comes out of a different purse
21 Er , my Lord er I my observations on that issue at this point be that erm it seems to be the defence case that for the purposes of er the defendants avoiding a duty to advise the plaintiffs as to the need for clear financial offers their terms from the bank , Mr was an experienced man of business and er had considerable financial acumen for the purposes of considering er whether under the banks original proposal for finance he would have been successful , they would be trading as a financial disaster .
22 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
23 Well there 's no logic to that there because the the lack of cover and er whatever applies the minute the last person leaves , and that erm it lies that the the concern is that if somebody who was in on the building , in the building on their own has an accident ,
24 erm When the the the job description is signed it ought to be passed by a job analyst just to make sure to check the things that erm it has been done properly and then it has to be signed by the erm job holder , the job holder 's manager and the head of division , and it has to be got to personnel .
25 The reason for for local plan consultation is such that erm it gives the opportunity for objectors to make comments and otherwise , and that District Council and the the County Council erm should consider er objections and it 's i it it happens that erm the local authorities you know can change their mind as the process goes along .
26 Yeah it 's just that erm It 's just got .
27 That i it does n't toughen you up at all .
28 He said on the one hand he was agreeing with you , right that i it does n't matter how good a cyclist you are it 's the fucking car drivers , nine times out of ten , that cause the accidents on and then , on the other hand he was saying but I do n't see I I ca n't se ever see myself coming off you know , he 's fucking stupid !
29 Yeah because if I work it out I 'll just know that i it made so and so but I wo n't know that it gave off that I 'll just remember that it made like zinc chloride or something I wo n't remember
30 And er it achieved my first ambition in life to appear on television I , I do n't know wheth can you remember the Rampton enquiry
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