Example sentences of "[conj] [be] now [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Many of its main weapons , from tanks and aircraft to submarines , were bootlegged and upgraded from Soviet designs that are now up to 40 years old .
2 I feel that we rely too much on the present state of affairs , too much on uniformitarianism , when interpreting the fossil record , especially in those groups that are now completely extinct or but a shadow of their former selves .
3 But what is possible in theory , does not always happen in practice , and there are many Third World countries that were recently more or less self-sufficient in basic foodstuffs , that are now increasingly dependent on imports .
4 THEORY OF THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION — It was formulated on the basis of population trends experienced during the period of transition from agrarian to industrialized economy in countries that are now economically developed .
5 The move is Zurich 's response to structural changes in the insurance market which threaten a ruinous price war in the familiar ‘ off-the-shelf ’ products that are now widely sold to households and companies .
6 Silver amalgam is still used in teeth in the rear of the mouth , but even then there are aesthetic considerations favouring the use of tooth-coloured polymer-ceramic composites that are now routinely used to repair front teeth .
7 Ten days ago we had confirmation that a company was willing to offer a 7 night holiday in Cyprus which means that are now hurriedly getting our act together .
8 She used to make things that are now quite commonplace but which at the time seemed really exotic — fabulous cakes like kugelhopf and filled croissants which were wheeled in on a trolley for tea .
9 Consequently , there is real uncertainty about the outcome of the large experiments that are now about to start .
10 As far as the working classes were concerned all that was needed was managers who could determine the right mix of films and the right range of prices to suit the specific down-town drop-in cinemas and even more the neighbourhood and small-town cinemas that were now increasingly thought of as catering for ‘ industrial ’ or working-men audiences .
11 Three Fulmars were already up — Red Section of 807 Squadron — and four more ( all that were now immediately available ) were scrambled , the incoming attack proving to comprise twenty-eight Ju87s of l/St.G 1 from Cagliari , in two formations , with a top cover of six Bf110s of 9/ZG26 , these led by Hpt .
12 But Rohmer had to know the answer to the questions that had fascinated and intrigued him for so long ; the questions that bore down on him with ever-increasing force during the drug-induced hallucinatory periods that were now so frequent in his life .
13 It was at those times , or times like the present as they went about the health-care tasks that were now so routine , that she most often brought up the question of this campaign over Tom .
14 This is both an interesting and picturesque site , and one that is now well cared for by people who fortunately appreciate its significance .
15 Semer Water was formed when the last glacier to carve its way down Wensleydale melted , leaving behind a bank of moraine that formed the nether end of a lake that is now nearly three miles in circumference and , at its deepest part , forty-five feet deep .
16 Realization dawned only in 1915 , when a comparatively young theoretical physicist called Albert Einstein published the paper that is now generally called the General Theory of Relativity .
17 The initiatives are more examples of the topic based , ‘ one off ’ style of health education than of the sort of approach that is now generally advocated , which involves a comprehensive and coordinated programme of health education across the curriculum and throughout the school career .
18 He produced works of precise scholarship , especially bibliographical works and studies of painting , and he applied his historical skills to the Dead Sea scrolls , identifying the Qumran sect with the Zealots against the generally proposed Essene identification that is now generally accepted ( 1958 , 1965 ) .
19 These effects of bFGF have been documented with our modification of chronic gastric ulceration induced by serosal application of acetic acid that is now widely used in studies of the efficacy of various antiulcer drugs .
20 The trouble is that the majority of kitchens in the majority of homes were designed years ago with appliances , storage cabinets , work surfaces and lighting that is now either inadequate or unsuitable .
21 Fossil plants are of great use in plotting the many shifts of climate that happened during the Tertiary : a humid-tropical flora may be found in what is now an arid region , or a warm-climate flora may be found in an area that is now decidedly cool .
22 One partial solution , of the kind that is now almost universally adopted by serious conservationists , is to construct a mathematical , or computer ‘ model ’ .
23 Women and girls would appear in droves , dressed in their carefully planned outfits , to promenade slowly past the smart Caffè Bizzi , a beautiful shiny place like an Aladdin 's Cave , of a sort that is now almost extinct in Italy .
24 The introduction of new efficient and fast fumigation techniques which have been developed by Rentokil , combined with the use of insecticides compatible with airframe construction , have created an international aircraft pest-control service that is now far more effective than the previously available one-shot aerosol ‘ disinsection ’ .
25 Now Standlake is one of the sites that is now out for consultation .
26 The man behind Shoom — a club that is now so legendary that if all the people who claim to have been there in its formative months really had attended , it would have been held in Wembley Stadium not in a sweaty south-east London basement — he resolutely refused to cash in on the boom that became known as acid .
27 Well , she said it was n't quite ready for inspection , but I have seen some work that is in progress that is now very much in her own style : some night forest scenes that are very striking , one very calm , two very anguished .
28 Well that 's two that 's a word with two meanings that 's now just completely out of use more or less .
29 We have two reports , the first from Ken Goodwin on the clear-up that 's now underway
30 But the exact nature of the contribution is perhaps less straightforward than is now often assumed .
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