Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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31 In one Douglas Fairbanks tells a woman to follow him and when faced with her persistent refusal , arguing as she does that she can not abandon her home , he tethers his horses to the latter and carts the whole house off in a burst of white-toothed laughter .
32 He removed them when he first came since they would not shut because , as old Mr Abbott the gardener explained , ‘ not once but twice Mr Betjeman reversed out of the garage without opening the doors , and when charged with stupidity , made the excuse that on both occasions he was wearing a sou'wester . ’
33 It was pulled along by a rope at the front and when loaded with its full complement of three , required two boys to do the pulling along the pavement .
34 The marginal platforms appear to have prograded over the top of the mud aprons and when combined with the latter , form lenticular bodies of sediments ( Figs .
35 The action on this example has been set quite low and when combined with the almost flat radius of the fingerboard and the slim neck , feels very rock'n'roll indeed .
36 The drilling provided for the first time borehole information on the age and evolution of the Great Barrier Reef Pore morphology was seen to be a control on both the resistivity and velocity logs , and when combined with Formation Micro Scanner data , should enable laboratory research to provide the basis of enhanced geological interpretation of the downhole geophysical logs .
37 These important rights mean that the safety representatives must be consulted by the employer well before action is taken and when combined with the existing functions of safety representatives , they provide extensive rights to organize around health and safety at the workplace .
38 The lacinia is commonly spined or toothed on its inner border and when fused with the subgalea it has the appearance of carrying the galea .
39 They glower from early summer and when planted with the dainty violas such as ‘ Jackanapes ’ , they make an attractive planting to add colour between the winter and summer bedding .
40 When grown in the absence of FCS , many of the cells died asynchronously over several days , with morphological features that are characteristic of apoptosis : when viewed by time-lapse video recording , the cells showed active surface blebbing and then shrank and often fragmented ( not shown ) , and when stained with propidium iodide or viewed in an electron microscope , the nuclei of the dead cells were condensed and often fragmented ( Fig. 2c , f ) .
41 However , it has been shown ( Lloyd and Beveridge , 1981 ) that when the task is within the child 's realm of experience ( familiar objects varying on comprehensible features such as size , form , and colour ) , and when paired with adult listeners who provide optimal feedback , even the preschool child is capable of repairing inadequate messages , leading ultimately to successful communication .
42 A visually outstanding picture book revealing the megalomania of Stalinist architecture both on paper and as realised with amazing diversity in popular palaces deriving most from Boullée , Piranesi and the Gothic cathedral .
43 The second daughter had died in childhood ; the fifth and sixth princesses , still children , were virtual prisoners of Horemheb in the royal palace of the Southern Capital , together with their aunt Nezemmut , Nefertiti 's younger sister ; and though treated with all the deference their rank demanded , they were never allowed anywhere unattended by a corps of Horemheb 's own men .
44 James Stewart lost Glen Duror , and though compensated with a lease of the township of Aucharn , was deprived of his shop .
45 And though embellished with a couple of right hands which sought but did not destroy , it was the work of a crushing left hook-cum-uppercut that was ripped from the top shelf of Razor 's own weapon room .
46 They are then encouraged to notice and talk about what happens , e.g. a plastic boat floats , but if filled with water , it sinks ; or paper is lighter than a stone , but when it is wet through , it sinks .
47 The following can be normal signs of growing up , but if combined with the above may mean there 's a problem :
48 The woodwind , owing to its vastly inferior volume of tone when compared with the brass , can not hope to compete with it , but if used with knowledge and skill it can add considerably to its brilliance and sonority .
49 Franco 's own forces were similarly , if less virulently , shot through with internal rivalries and disagreements ; but if confronted with a choice between the status quo and the risk of " the reds " returning , they would all opt for the former .
50 It was all very well reading about the clouds in books and studying the illustrations , but when faced with a sky full of different shapes and colours , we were frequently baffled .
51 Other figures yesterday showed turnover slightly lower at £116.1m from £119.5m , reflecting discontinued businesses , but when compared with continuing business the figure increased to that level from £108.6m .
52 The recompense is meagre , but when combined with ideological enthusiasm it helps sustain a new type of local politician .
53 But when clothed with notions of gravity or blameworthiness — and setting is an inevitable component in the evaluation of conduct — any hints of moral neutrality are abandoned .
54 But when confronted with such a defeat , changes at the top are needed , if only to revive enthusiasm and ideas .
55 Gold in its natural form glows deep amber yellow , but when mixed with the various alloys it takes on a variety of hues .
56 It must not be waterlogged , but when improved with garden compost or manure it is ideal .
57 Wood dyes are best applied with a cloth , because if applied with a brush , there will be dark areas where the brush first touches the wood .
58 It does , nevertheless , have one benefit in that it makes the identification of the Z3 Carbonate relatively easy because when combined with the leaching profile at the top of the formation , it gives the sonic log a characteristic D-shape which is unique to the Z3 Carbonate ( Fig. 28 ) .
59 .. were of a violet grey colour , and seemingly very dense , for although endowed with an almost inconceivably powerful ascensive force , they retained to the zenith their rounded summits .
60 As a brief aside , the issue raised here is principally one of perception , or rather one of representation , where certain products are represented as and connected with a material form and others are not .
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