Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [noun pl] go " in BNC.

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1 In the end , whether applicants have their experiential learning counted in the admissions process , or whether students go on expanding the degree of influence they exercise over the curriculum , will be up to them .
2 How different that is from the Labour party 's position — it wants to lead according to the principle which states that where others go must be right .
3 Part of the problem is that once children go to ‘ big ’ school , parents expect them to do ‘ proper ’ school work , says Neville Bennett , Professor of Primary Education at Exeter University .
4 And , of course , to know that if things went wrong there would be a helping hand to pull me up .
5 Seldom if ever will he invite you to carry on , and assure you that if things go wrong he will bear the burden of guilt .
6 Mr Justice Cooke said that if receivers went beyond the point where they had completed their duties , they might be liable to account as trespassers .
7 The Proverbs of the Old Testament return over and over again to the theme that men should beware women ; the Jewish Talmud says that if you teach the Laws to a woman , you teach her lasciviousness ; the Hindu sage Manu teaches that if women go unrestrained , the result is anarchy ; and the oft-quoted Church Fathers and medieval theologians appear to respond to the idea of the Female with fear and disgust .
8 The bombshell means that when bills go out next April , thousands could be up to £340 out of pocket .
9 It is a common experience that when things go well nothing gets said but when things go badly it is certainly noticed and all hell breaks out .
10 The exercises taught me that when things go wrong you need to take a step back and think things through before acting . ’
11 Arsenal manager George Graham was the most strident of those who hinted to Clough in recent weeks that when points go out of the door , football philosophy should fly through the window .
12 It was a male MP who first drew attention to this unlikely cause for concern : he noticed , on a night out , that when men went to the toilet , it took just a minute or so , while women were left queuing for what seemed like hours .
13 The idea is still discussed at scientific conferences , but most biologists feel that as ideas go , it is a bit of a dead end .
14 Is my right hon. Friend aware that many bed-and-breakfast families are living below the level of subsistence and that parents go without so that children can eat ?
15 And if things went wrong , how could a boy and a one-legged man fight five strong men ?
16 Most of them do all they can for the elderly with their limited resources , but if your parent is badly in need of a telephone and there is no way of your managing to install it for her , you should bring every possible pressure to bear to produce some speedy action on his or her behalf ; for sudden illness , and the need for medical attention , does not wait for lengthy negotiations and committee work to rumble on indefinitely before it puts in an appearance.With very few exceptions , blaming individual social workers for delay in providing any particular service is usually an unfair and useless exercise , for they are only part of a large organisation and if things go wrong an approach to the local Director of Social Services is the best course of action .
17 Considerable effort goes into the organisation of the operations and if things go wrong it is n't their fault .
18 In the latter case Z buys from X through X 's agent Y ; it is with X that he made his contract and if things go wrong , he can look to his seller , X , for a remedy .
19 And if tutors go on strike because they do n't get more money , it certainly wo n't be the students who notice .
20 And when officers went into a tent they found Peter Jones inside with over £300 in cash in his pockets and drugs which police claim they saw him drop .
21 We thus tend to think of ourselves as machines , and when things go wrong treatment is organized along similar lines as it is for our machines — servicing , repairing and patching as dictated by the appearance of aches , pains and loss of function .
22 And when things go wrong ? ’ she enquired sharply .
23 Indeed I think that the the the present secretary of state for whom I have great respect and regard , I think he would be very well advised to think again , because I think that the temporary derision that he would meet in the House of Commons would be nothing as compared with the the er the wounding that he will sustain later if and when things go wrong with these proposals .
24 The reason ; President Chamorro 's refusal to cite this man as head of the army , he 's Umberto Ortega , brother of the out-going president , Daniel Ortega , and as inaugurations go , it was an inauspicious first day in government for Senora Chamorro .
25 But if things go wrong , how easy is it to complain and get your money back ?
26 But before players go out they tend to kick the wall to make sure their boots are on properly .
27 It is a common experience that when things go well nothing gets said but when things go badly it is certainly noticed and all hell breaks out .
28 But when things go wrong , can humans step in to take charge ?
29 ‘ We know how bad we 've been lately , but when things go wrong it 's hard to explain how confidence drains .
30 Too much of a good thing for too long , in fact , mirrored in their supremacy at cricket , but when matters go awry through the dictates of cyclical change , then rebellion and recalcitrance appear the sole riposte .
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