Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , because I was rather sad , I I tried to instore the Rotary Club in the district in taking part , or or encouraging their
2 The way it is at present , we can not , we can not get more loot to put into the new project but the bank manager , i.e. the Chancellor of the Exchequer , reminded us a few months ago that the other way of funding our projects he encouraged us to look at our current assets and if possible liquidate some of that asset and fund it , or or use it to fund our new schemes and this Mr Mayor is what we should be doing .
3 prior to the Daily Telegraph article in January nineteen eighty eight , had or or had they been in the habit of spending large amounts of money on national publicity ?
4 So he was taking it for granted or or chancing his hand that this Monday for this year was going to be another good day .
5 That 's erm would you say that obviously it 's a b it 's very difficult to actually ask cos it to some extent you 'd be generalizing anyway , would you say that people in the flats , do stick together or or do you get some people who isolated and just k just do n't have any flats ?
6 And then they started recruiting or or or promoting them from the ranks you know .
7 Or or have it all ready
8 You know if the children are not going to go out , and the adults are not going to have their own education classes , which let's be honest most of us do n't attend or or have anything to do with .
9 Was it d d d w was there was there like er erm sort of pa er erm love of country or or did they stress , say the virtues of honesty a a and fairness , can can you remember anything like that ?
10 Is that it all or or did you try it ?
11 Er I think one of the greatest er causes of s absenteeism , it was n't so much ill health er not on the part of the pupil , I think it was more er if something was wrong within th family , particularly if you was an elder daughter or an elder boy , you see and erm , if your mother was ill or or confined you see , you were probably kept at home er for those sort of reasons to either look after the the younger children at home or to help to look after home .
12 ( Crick , 1979 , p. 132 ) The language is not so hard to understand , and it is jejune to suppose that not knowing it has impeded philosophy , or that knowing it will help a lot . )
13 That spirit of truth whom the world can never receive since it neither sees , know or nor knows Him .
14 His house or and saying I 'll be .
15 George Eliot had loved the bonnets and sprigged china — because she knew them , or because writing them down gave her power over them , made her gentle and generous to their meaning ?
16 The letter is about the vexed question of ‘ unmet need ’ and whether to record it and employ extra solicitors or whether to ignore it and allow the DoH to remain in blissful ignorance .
17 But no-one says anything about what to do , or whether to do anything at all , when you simply do n't miss it . ’
18 Syria will determine whether to accept any resettlement , or whether to continue its support of the refugee demand to return to Palestine , as a function of its own regional objectives .
19 He dreams he is sitting at the wheel of his car at the traffic lights , unable to drive off because he ca n't decide whether to kiss Rose when he arrives , or whether to ask her for a cheese and chutney sandwich instead , or where to go for his holidays .
20 As from April 1993 , even more flexibility will be allowed with couples able to choose whether all the tax relief should go to one partner ( husband or wife ) or whether to split it on a 50–50 basis .
21 They talked about how to write The Yellow Chair , whether to make it stark and classical by keeping the unities , restricting the action to the terrible days of the battle with Gauguin , or whether to make it episodic and epic , to introduce Theo at least and maybe other figures , even the looming pastor from Nuenen .
22 Er this tells us that domestic political considerations are very important in deciding whether to use er violence or whether to threaten it or , or , or whatever erm so there is er er a domestic political dimension to this which is well worth examining if you wish to understand the limits that actually exist on politicians ' powers .
23 The minority parties , including the Liberal Democrats , would have to decide whether to support a Queen 's Speech based on consensus politics ‘ or whether to throw us back into the melting pot of a general election ’ .
24 The so-called " bare infinitive " will be analysed here as evoking a perfective view of the realization of an event , i.e. the image of an event as unfolding in time from its beginning to its end in the case of an action-like event or as actualizing its full lexical content at each instant of its existence in the case of a state-like one .
25 If however the means used is simply the issuing of a request as in ( 176 ) , then the causee can either be represented as being brought to perform some action as a result of the request ( get ) or as doing something under the influence or authority of the causer ( have ) .
26 1 µg of the regulatory protein p4 was also added when assaying P A3 activity or when analyzing its repression effect on P A2b .
27 Accordingly a detailed knowledge of the Legal Aid franchising requirements will also be required when setting up your department or when gearing it to expand .
28 Sometimes morose and tetchy , particularly when subjected to the formalities and longueurs of polite society , or when contemplating his reduced fortunes , Byng had yet a fund of good spirits , and endeavoured ‘ to be pleased with the world , and content with its comforts ’ .
29 After I left the council , I worked for the council for ten years and then I stopped the council in nineteen forty six for I I telled you that afore have I .
30 Even more , what was there for some of its women except that or selling themselves ?
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