Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is the property of the Widow and the Orphan who regard it as safe in your Hands , & in our case moreover it is the property of the Sovereign of the country who selects us for the deposit because he expects ( & expressly has declared that to be his motive ) to find in us , the nice Honour of Gentleman added to the common honesty & Integrity of Men of Business . ’
2 But no subject received more attention than Mathematics and no curriculum project then or since has received such massive support as the Entebbe programme and its successors .
3 No one before or since has published so much from so many sites in quantity and variety .
4 The last decade or so has seen significant changes in patterns of employment .
5 But research over the past 40 years or so has revealed some great surprises in the natural world .
6 Much RE writing in the past 20 years or so has centred on the raising of ultimate questions , and there has also been an insistence on developing in pupils skills of understanding and of handling these questions .
7 But the last week or so has provided a couple of classics , little exchanges that appear to have nothing to do with policy and everything to do with ego , bitterness and vendetta .
8 Whether Marx held such a view or not has had great importance for later Marxist polemics , and we shall return to this question .
9 Marshall boasted on his trade card that he was ‘ the inventor of true Spectacle Grinding & the only person that has , or ever has had , the Approbation of the Royal Society ’ .
10 However , it is not the case that presentation of a word is assumed to leave no trace behind in the logogen system after a second or more has elapsed .
11 That the same is true of questions of fact is a conclusion that lately has become increasingly difficult to resist .
12 Elsewhere , Sinfield makes the cogent point that the idea of a personal judgement that nevertheless has to approximate to an accepted opinion involves the candidate in learning tricks .
13 Combining therapy and politics in an interesting way that still has to reach this country is the work of Bjorn Magner ( 1972 ) who , in Sweden , has used a kind of political psychodrama , not in order to point out weakness in our society but to refine each individual 's capacity for political awareness .
14 For this is the beach club that really has got EVERYTHING for the family .
15 I would therefore be grateful to learn from Benoit Rudloff , who is buying these 1700 ploughs or , as I suspect , respectfully suggest to Mr Rudloff that maybe has had picked up some duff information over the past two years ! !
16 Well I , I 've been on to world wom women 's committee and they assure me that they , the hospital says these tests should come through in a week , at the most three week 's , but you can phone them , so that certainly has improved , there does n't seem to be a back log .
17 so that definitely has stopped , you 'll not be staying with anybody overnight .
18 A decision to cut a town 's tourist budget by more than half has angered shopkeepers and hoteliers .
19 The economic situation in Zambia then and since has prevented any such ambitious project from being carried out .
20 So far Saatchi and Saatchi has maintained its ability to win new business and remarkably has clung on to its status among advertisers , only recently being voted the best all-round agency .
21 Sometimes , if the child writes in there first I say , I concur with what so and so has said , Well done or something like that .
22 Regularly , at least one day a week , he goes to one of a few chosen locations to shoot a roll of film and has been doing this now for several years and so has built up a record of places such as Trafalgar Square , Westminster Bridge and the South Bank in London .
23 Regularly , a least one day a week , he goes to one of a few chosen locations to shoot a roll of film and has been doing this now for several years and so has built up a record of places such as Trafalgar Square , Westminster Bridge and the South Bank in London .
24 These inner conflicts are in part due to the person having ‘ id-impulses ’ which he or she has learned to see as wrong , and so has internalized prohibitions against acting on them .
25 The Royal Family has thus judiciously assented to this and so has participated in the creation of its own image ; in the process , it has ensured that the monarchy , as an institution and as a symbol , retains a cultural past , present , and ( crucially ) future .
26 If the patient can not use the lexical procedure to read , say , pint , and so has to fall back upon the non-lexical procedure , a reading error will result : pint will be read with a short i ( as in mint ) .
27 Again it seems that the radical critique has confused form and content , and so has directed valuable criticisms about the level of state support towards the form of state support itself .
28 had to notify the authorities that so and so has signed up for one .
29 In addition , the marker has responded as master-craftsman to apprentice , so to speak : he knows what a court report ought to be like , and so has helped the pupil-writer towards that understanding , and has directed his attention to the part where the reader was confused .
30 So and so has started , or will start , alright .
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