Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 We reported a couple of years back that just as leading US companies like IBM Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co were adopting Total Quality Management with messianic zeal , the Japanese had decided that it was not good enough and had moved on to Zero-Defects Management , and the Financial Times ' Observer column offers an example of just why : it has a release that flags ‘ the first major conference on Total Quality Management for Pension Finds ’ .
2 I ) rather than simply as having a reputation for power .
3 I will argue that the best way of seeing research is as an aid to increasing enlightenment and not as providing the answers .
4 If all the statutory conditions are satisfied , the shareholder is treated as disposing of his shares for capital gains tax purposes and not as receiving a distribution , and this treatment is mandatory .
5 The Queen had already been informed ; this had been the purpose of his visit to Sandringham the previous day , which had generally been regarded as part of the normal routine , and not as marking any special occasion .
6 Kashi was directly in point , but the judgments in that case were treated as statements of the then settled practice and not as declaring any restriction upon the powers of the court .
7 On the other hand , public authorities do not usually commit illegal acts deliberately , and if an atmosphere of opinion were created in which compensation for illegality were seen as being simply compensation for loss and not as carrying any stigma of fault or as being designed to perform the function of deterring illegal conduct , public authorities might be able to put the chance of an award out of their mind in deciding the applicant 's case the second time round .
8 Section 22 reaffirms the notion that a partnership share is ordinarily to be seen as a proportion of the net distributable assets of the firm available for distribution at the end of the winding-up process and not as comprising a severable share in each of the partnership assets — though , as mentioned in Chapter 10 , the Revenue may take a different line .
9 An alternative way of examining this example might be to see the individuals as employees or representatives of the organisation , and thus as exercising the rights the organisation had gained for them through the treaty , independent of their member States .
10 But to celebrate the dignity and resilience of man is itself an honourable ambition and just as moving and true .
11 He defined the need for special forces in the area : first as troops for post-occupational duties in captured territories ; second , as ‘ small raiding parties of the thug variety , for which we have L Detachment S.A.S. Brigade and the Special Boat Section ’ ; and finally as raiding parties on a larger scale which was the original purpose in retaining the old Middle East Commando .
12 Some see corporatism grandly as a total economic system distinct from capitalism and socialism ; some see corporatism as a particular kind of " state form " distinct from , say , parliamentarianism , where citizens participate in the determination of policies through the exercise of voting rights in relation to a parliament ; and still others see corporatism rather more modestly and fruitfully as connoting a particular system of interest-group politics and representation distinct from the pluralist system that we have just discussed .
13 In addition , Iraq viewed Kuwait as having gradually eaten away patches of Iraqi territory in the border area between them over the years and also as draining reserves from part of Iraq 's South Rumailah oilfield which straddled the frontier .
14 Working with an ensemble he had built in a hall whose construction he had supervised , he could afford to be as relaxed as he wished , and also as demanding .
15 Arab states including Algeria , Jordan , Sudan , Syria and Yemen strongly condemned the plan , regarding it as setting a dangerous precedent in the region and also as signalling the effective three-way partitioning of Iraq into Kurdish , Sunni and Shia blocs .
16 It has to succeed , not in fair competition , but in the face of ignorance and misunderstanding : ignorance , because whereas professional knowledge and informed advice on the incorporation and conduct of conventionally organised companies are generally available , whereas education and training relating to them are commonplace , this is not true for co-operatives ; misunderstanding , because the industrial co-operative sector is still often regarded as characterised by the three well-known rescue cases … and hence as supposing itself to be exempted from test by commercial criteria and the rigours of the market economy .
17 He knew Marshka would destroy him as effortlessly and unthinkingly as shelling peas .
18 They all insist on the centrality of Jesus , but incline then to explain that centrality in terms of something more general or universal , which is thought of as exemplified in him , and then as spreading out from him and moving on through history .
19 The continual passage from one to the other was initially as refreshing as a succession of hot and cold showers , and ultimately as enervating .
20 Maslyukov had served as First Deputy Premier and chair of Gosplan , and briefly as acting Prime Minister after Nikolai Ryzhkov was incapacitated by a heart attack in late December .
21 And the nearly murdered baby , how was it , where was it , Liz wondered , and found herself involuntarily doing a head count of her own stepchildren and children : she could see Jonathan , Alan and Sally ; her younger daughter Stella was away in Florence studying Italian , for her A levels , and staying safely and respectably as paying guest with art-historical friends of Esther ; but where was her middle stepson , Aaron ?
22 For the purposes of my present argument , however , of even greater importance than the influence exercised by Les Annales is the fact that their approach is clearly governed by the idea — definitive of concessive holism — that individualist and holist explanations are best seen as answering to different interests , and therefore as contributing , at least to some extent , to independent projects .
23 The first advantage to the participating company of all of these types of activity is that they are not seen by the reader as advertising but as part of the editorial content of the magazine and therefore as having the endorsement of the editorial staff .
24 The short-sighted , narrow-minded Education Reform Act should not be seen as ringing the death-knell of teacher reflection and autonomy , but rather as signalling its increasing urgency .
25 In ( 145 ) and ( 146 ) , the subject of cause is clearly a condition , and the to infinitive evokes its consequence : the causal agent is not conceived as actually doing anything in either of these sentences but merely as having been the condition giving rise to a new state of affairs .
26 More subtle than corruption , but just as damaging to the judicial process , were variations in court procedure which must have seemed arbitrary to many Sri Lankans .
27 They operate negatively as constraints , but positively as enabling conditions .
28 An invitation to sing in the cathedral encourages parishes to see it not only as providing expertise but also as receiving what other musicians can provide .
29 Animal portraits at this time can therefore be appreciated as not only accessing many artistic currencies but also as moving between the needs of several classes located in both rural and urban populations .
30 It quoted him as saying that " if the Iraqis had given a positive response to our call sooner , the situation would be different now " , but also as adding that it had become " evident " that " the USA and its allies are pursuing wider aims than Iraq 's withdrawal from Kuwait " .
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