Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] by an " in BNC.

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1 The source of this advice will be an indicator of the cultural shift in the NHS : will the advice be tendered by a single expert of directorial status on the Executive — a ‘ general management ’ culture — or collectively by an Authority in the traditional manner — a ‘ consensus ’ culture ?
2 In practice the majority of planning authorities do consult the relevant environmental health department either directly or indirectly by an informal system whereby all planning applications are automatically scrutinised by environmental health officers , thus enabling them to comment , when the need arises , on any with prospective odour problems .
3 There is evidence to support the theory that the whole system was disrupted at some point , either by the passage of a comet or else by an encounter with an interstellar storm .
4 A decrease in PV has been curiously " rewarded " more than once by an increase in PS .
5 This commitment makes any significant reduction in interest rates impossible , particularly since British monetary policy is now determined not in London , nor yet by an independent European Central Bank , but by German interests as seen by the German government .
6 Scotland was still a divided and badly governed nation and David thought that progress to a well-ordered State could be achieved most quickly and effectively by an extension of Norman influence .
7 Whether or not one regards this as a prime example of the way in which a political settlement was undercut by the optimism of those Frenchmen who believed in a military solution it should also be pointed out , as Irving does , that ‘ Any policy which might have been construed as the abandonment of Indo-China would have been rejected by the National Assembly in 1947 , if not by an overwhelming majority , then at least by a decisive one ’ but this , in turn , did nothing to resolve the US dilemma .
8 Undertaken sensitively and carefully by an experienced operator in controlled circumstances , regression therapy should be a beneficial and restorative experience for the subject , enabling him to be rid of a serious problem that may have been troubling him for years and indeed possibly ruining his life .
9 Autumn is blown hither and thither by an ever-changing tempestuous wind .
10 It is then stayed athwartships by wire and fixed for and aft by an aluminium alloy strut which clamps onto the backstay .
11 Domination , first by a foreign power and then by an elite , leads to poverty and alienation .
12 An arms advantage for oneself is now the option that is next most preferred ( 3 ) , followed as before by the arms race ( 2 ) , and then by an ‘ arms lag ’ ( 1 ) .
13 This he had done , according to the story , by finding the weight of water displaced first by the crown and then by an equal weight of pure gold , the measurement being that of weighing the water displaced from a full bowl .
14 To his left , St Anthony lighthouse flashed at intervals , and far away to his right the sky was lit now and then by an arc of light from The Lizard .
15 Another buoyant capacity Oval crowd was hushed first by stout Australian late order resistance in the morning — and then by an all-too familiar England batting collapse late in the afternoon .
16 Some Egyptian axes can be dated by association with datable material in excavation contexts and occasionally by an inscription .
17 Changes have included the introduction and repeal of selective employment tax ; VAT replacing purchase tax ; corporation tax replacing profits tax ; the amalgamation of surtax and income tax ; new taxes such as gambling and betting duties , and capital gains tax ; and the replacement of estate duty first by capital transfer tax and subsequently by an inheritance tax .
18 Baldwin lanced this boil fairly quickly and quietly by an announcement to a party meeting on 11 February : ‘ I do not feel justified in advising the party again to submit the proposal for a general tariff to the country except on the clear evidence that on this matter public opinion is disposed to reconsider its judgment of two months ago . ’
19 Private companies can now get rid of the requirement for member involvement , but only by an elective resolution under s 379A .
20 This was specific because it was competitively inhibited by peptide 15 but not by an unrelated peptide , peptide 1 ( compare tracks 6 and 5 ) .
21 In his buoyant narrative style , his particularly exact , observant eye for detail , his confident concentration on a particular event coloured by emotion but not by an intensity of analysis , he offers a significant contrast to Conrad 's dense , probing accounts of similar events .
22 This section will be displaced by the adoption of a new partnership agreement but not by an unexecuted draft or by heads of agreement unless their terms have in fact been acted upon or all the partners have agreed to be bound by those terms ( see Walters v Bingham [ 1988 ] 1 FTLR 260 ) .
23 Trusts arise not only by a direct expression of intention but also by an inference or implication which may or may not correspond to any actual intention .
24 The problems of encouraging orderly development in the older conurbations have been heightened not only by an inappropriate metropolitan administrative structure , but also by an inadequate and diminishing regional influence .
25 Your expertise will be rewarded not only by a competitive salary , but also by an extensive range of benefits including 5 weeks ' holiday , pension and profit share schemes , a subsidised restaurant and first-class sports and social facilities .
26 It is marked out not just by virtuosity and weight of tone ( there was a time when the Leningrad Philharmonic could have supplied front-desk players to virtually every other top-class orchestra in the world ) but also by an astonishing unity of expressive purpose .
27 These factors — the noble connections of churchmen and the extent of their involvement in the secular world — meant that the king 's attitude to them could be determined not only by the importance of their spiritual role in a society in which religion mattered , but also by an intricate web of personal political allegiances and aspirations deeply rooted in lay affairs .
28 What transpired was a superb display in the line-outs and the driving rucks , where Garryowen 's Waikato lock , Brent Anderson , gave a typical display , well backed by no.8 Ben Cronin and Robert Costello at lock , but particularly by an astoundingly good all round performance by the 20-year-old hooker , Keith Wood .
29 In Britain , Owen and Mivart argued that many cases of evolution consisted of parallel lines of development within the same group , all driven in the same direction as though by an internally programmed force .
30 It crossed Harry 's mind that on the kind of salary he received — even if he was lucky enough to be paid as well by an English employer as he was by Wendell Harvey — Madeleine would not be able to afford designer dresses , or any other of those expensive luxuries she took for granted .
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