Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For instance , if someone had n't heard from a man friend for — oh , for a couple of weeks or so-when he 'd said vaguely he 'd ring — I mean , she might wonder if there was something wrong , if he was ill , or if she 'd offended in some way .
2 She reminded him of someone , or rather he felt he had met her before .
3 He looked at Jimmy Boyce , or rather he looked at his tie — all red and blue , almost patriotic , and yet the tie still hung at that curious angle .
4 Lawrence feels like going back and saying to her ‘ It 's all right , do n't take any notice of that mental lunatic ’ ( p. 304 ) , thereby offering a new inflection of the erotic triangle : intervening between Swift and Celia , Lawrence displaces his own anal neurosis on to Swift while offering his healthy ideal self to Celia — or rather he seeks to become his ideal self in her eyes .
5 He did n't seem to hear , or rather he chose not to .
6 We sat after lunch on Monday in his room ; or rather he sat chubbily at his desk , living up to his nickname , spooning Hymettus honey out of a jar and telling me of the flesh and fleshpots he had bought himself in Athens ; and I lay on his bed , only half listening .
7 Heredia is ‘ hard ’ , but there or thereabouts he ends .
8 He had retired to NZ after a long career in education and publishing with Schofield & Sims , Collins Educational and Holmes McDougall , where latterly he had been publishing director .
9 Or perhaps he felt he had no choice , perhaps he did n't know about the other places in the city which he could have gone to ; anyway he became a real regular , and soon he was there most nights , in fact every night , six nights a week , The Bar being open every day of the week except Monday , usually from the afternoon and always until three a.m. ( at least officially ) .
10 Or perhaps he knew something unsavoury about Latimer 's personal life .
11 Or perhaps he knew that Warnham and Calcraft in Buckingham 's retinue were really the King 's agents . ’
12 Or perhaps he had heard rumours of my goings-on , and had come personally to find out ‘ what Kirkup 's up to now ’ — the traditional BC phrase wherever they have the misfortune to discover my presence .
13 Or perhaps he had reason to be content , since Franca had been , perhaps visibly , moved , or startled by his sudden gesture of kissing her hand , something which she could not remember his ever having done before .
14 perhaps he had undone the knot and looked inside or perhaps he had done no more than lift it and feel its weight .
15 Perhaps Vincent 's mother had put pressure on him , or perhaps he had his own reasons for softening the blow .
16 ‘ she has never seen what is good , how can she be good ? ’ — Vincent quoted from Zola 's L'Assommoir to back up his contention ; or perhaps he had read it there in the first place and appropriated it .
17 Perhaps he had got himself moved to the bigger town , or perhaps he had gone home to London as some of the children had done .
18 Or perhaps he had already found them .
19 Or perhaps he had a premonition of the huge effort that lay ahead if he was to extricate France from a crisis in Algeria that had reached the verge of insolubility .
20 Perhaps her mother had convinced him that Shiona was incapable of such behaviour , or perhaps he had n't needed any convincing .
21 Or perhaps he cheered up and they had to get rid of him .
22 But perhaps Evan still thinks too much , or perhaps he does n't think enough or , then again , perhaps he does n't really think at all …
23 Perhaps he has forgotten that his lord ought to be murdering his lady just at this juncture ; or perhaps he thinks Emilia is as corrupt as himself ; or perhaps he does not understand love , The error is great , since Emilia is the only person who knows the truth about the handkerchief .
24 Or perhaps he does n't .
25 Or perhaps he thought , if he was rude enough , she would cry off .
26 Or perhaps he 'd simply lost interest in the diversions of aesthetes .
27 He looked worried — or perhaps he looked thwarted .
28 Perhaps he has forgotten that his lord ought to be murdering his lady just at this juncture ; or perhaps he thinks Emilia is as corrupt as himself ; or perhaps he does not understand love , The error is great , since Emilia is the only person who knows the truth about the handkerchief .
29 He has forgotten that I do not drink , or perhaps he thinks I am bluffing .
30 He is wearing his traditional outfit of pinstriped suit , pinstriped shirt , spotted tie and Gucci shoes ; or perhaps he has been home and changed , and is now sporting yellow cords , a maroon V-necked jersey , and highly polished brown brogues .
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