Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bethnal Green has many points of similarity with a village , or rather with a whole series of overlapping and interlocking villages .
2 This is the paradox that the very theory which seeks to unveil these hidden realities underlying human society also comes into direct collision with them , or rather with the repressing forces which safeguard them in the unconscious of each one of us .
3 The lesson since Bismarck has been that France can not compete politically , militarily or economically with a united Germany .
4 It is essentially a melodic instrument and , though holding-notes in music of light calibre are charming in effect ( especially from or thereabouts with the exception — save in the hands of first-class players — of C ) it can not efface itself sufficiently to carry out the menial task of ‘ filling in notes of the harmony ’ in block writing .
5 In the ASE system of nomenclature , the oxidation number of an element in an oxoanion is sometimes used instead of or together with a prefix of suffix .
6 To give a text-book example , college students were trained in a situation in which a buzzer was sounded before , after or together with the delivery of a mild electric shock to the finger ( Spooner & Kellogg , 1947 ) .
7 With Norwegian jacquard , the colour changes , whether made with the colour changer or manually with the jacquard claw , are always carried out at the left side of the machine .
8 When working alone , or perhaps with a dog , you can flush the rabbits from their seats .
9 The London Film Co-Op had just started too , and for those too tired , smashed out , or bored for the music or perhaps with an interest in America in grainy black and white there were movies like Kenneth Anger 's Scorpio Rising , and Towers Open Fire .
10 And you you will know as well in relation to Policy H one that it was said that if fact development housing development in particular 's kept pace more or less with the er the policy of er the the policy set out in the structure plan .
11 But I 'd dealt more or less with the small firms even to the the extent of collecting dues .
12 You know both sides were very happy you know it was up with the company or down with the company you know , and I think certainly the younger lads sort of saw it as an infringement upon their future , you know we 've all got mortgages and the o older men who 'd been working since the quarry started you know were gon na see a drop in their standard of living , so I think you know people were getting a bit upset you know that a n a new fella h a new face had come in , and all of a sudden you know changes were being made that were gon na hurt everybody financially .
13 A similar situation exists with African migration where especially with the early stages of migration , out-migrants are mostly young adults ( Roberts 1978 ) .
14 Nevertheless , the overall impression in all the islands is of coastline submergence ; a process that appears to have occurred over the last 8,000 years or so with the amount of sea level rise being estimated as approximately 5 m .
15 After twenty minutes or so with the list broker you start to see the world as he does .
16 As a family , therefore , we have perfectly happily left what little savings we could scrape together over the last 20 years or so with the Woolwich Building Society , whose efficiency and ethics we have never had any reason to doubt .
17 Now operated within Effect Products , this business is still considerable , with new opportunities arising in markets in the developing world , but the product range for sales in Western Europe has been broadened over the past 10 years or so with the development of more specialized products for use , for example , in carbonless copying paper .
18 The majority of parents reported being presented covertly or overtly with an opt-out clause when the diagnosis was first made , often couched in terms of : ‘ Leave the baby here for a couple of days , go home and think about it ’ ( ‘ it ’ being unspecified ) .
19 To prevent putrefaction the soft organs were removed via an incision in the trunk , and then buried either at the place of death or separately with the body .
20 This is available to people age fifty or over with the er necessary amount of qualifying service which is generally two years .
21 We may or not with the squad system but I intend to play all my cards . ’
22 It 's hard enough keeping the weight down when you 're on your own or just with the family .
23 The pH probe was passed either nasogastrically or orogastrically with a small amount of water .
24 The station and train staff are always very courteous and helpful ; quite often the guard takes the trouble to help me on or off with the bike ; and station staff are good at guessing in advance what part of the train will take the bike , hence where to stand on the platform .
25 Introduced by the Chancellor in the 1990 Budget , this scheme allows individuals to make single gifts to charities of£400 or more with the benefit of tax relief .
26 There are a number of imponderables at the present time e.g. the rates to be charged by CCC when it becomes an agency in 1992 , the high annual cost of a direct link , the number of and cost of training staff to prepare data for processing at a bank or internally with a software package available on a PC system .
27 By the eighteenth century foreign offices , departments of state concerned simply or mainly with the making and execution of foreign policy , could be seen in embryo in many parts of Europe .
28 5.14.1 any act omission or negligence of the Tenant or any persons at the Premises expressly or impliedly with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] or
29 You have to be fine-tuned and the notion of writing drunk or even with a hangover is not on , because you need every sense and more .
30 Now you hear it said that we are going to live with stable currencies or even with a single currency for Europe ; that recovery will be slow ; that inflation will stay down while interest rates stay up — poison for precious metals .
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