Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] that they " in BNC.

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1 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
2 I like to think I 've been helpful to somebody else , so that they do n't make the same mistake as I made , or so that they know the responsibilities they 're taking on if they do have the baby .
3 Ministerial statements have talked about raising council house rents to ‘ more realistic levels ’ or so that they more nearly approach rents in the private sector .
4 The most remarkable of these long-established families were the Boulters who had established no fewer than eight different households during the 100 years or so that they had lived in Wigston .
5 They were always a big league band in the States , but it 's only in the last five years or so that they have been rising up the Euro league .
6 For instance , if father has lost his job , whispered conversations about money worries , which break off as soon as children come near , may give them the idea that a terrible disaster is about to strike , or even that they are too insignificant to be taken into their parents ' confidence .
7 Do not imagine , however , that lectures will always be held in the order shown in the syllabus or even that they will cover every aspect of it .
8 ‘ An order under section 61(1) that the third , fourth and fifth defendants and each of them pay such sum as the court thinks fit to the plaintiffs or alternatively into court or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 30 or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 31 in such manner as the court may direct or alternatively that they take such other steps as the court may direct for the purpose of remedying the contravention by the first defendant of sections 47 and 57 .
9 I mean what we 've heard that in fact erm they had met in prison , but was that known to you at that time or simply that they were known to each other and that had a record ?
10 ‘ They got the other women to call me that so that they would n't like me .
11 and the Stationmaster 's office faced the platform but there is another door that to get into as soon as you got in the main door to the left , you see and with a flap and that 's the door that we used to take in the parcels , you see and very often we used to go in that door or sometimes we would go through o on to the platform and go in the Stationmaster 's door , you see and then there again , if I took messages to the Stationmaster on the single telegraph er I had to go down the steps because th more often than not that they were in the basement .
12 In fact , if the problem is set within the context of an evidently powerful late-tenth-century Danish monarchy , it is difficult to believe that Harald Bluetooth or his son could not have introduced a naval system had they wished , and when the concern about the country 's southern land defences is remembered , along with the importance that must also have been attached to protection from sea-borne attack , it might seem more likely than not that they did wish .
13 Perhaps the adults will understand that now that they have been arrested .
14 He , he , he said that at one point this chap had used the phrase that well that they were going for controlled destabilization from the Health Service .
15 And so that shows that how that they I mean it implies that that 's happening and that that ought to be controlled .
16 In applying that how that they did n't implement land reform because it was n't viable but if erm another way of looking at it is that how the Communist Party no longer saw land reform as the best way , means of achieving greater
17 They , they did have the option that they could have had complete absolute egalitarianism and made everybody into a poor peasant , but the commun but the commun the Communist Party were progressive and they s saw that how that you needed to have industrialization in order to increase the welfare of peasants which was their ultimate aim , and I mean it appears that how that they did n't actually care er what kinds of means they 'd have to achieve that , as in capitalism was justified in this longer term perspective .
18 It had got rid of this , the old order and new power relations had been established and so it should n't be regarded so much as an economic failure but as a profound political and social reform , which is an important step towards the Party 's ultimate aim of communism , and going back to the beginning of my paper that how that they had always seen industrialization as a means to an end and that how that socialism and ultimately communism could only be achieved through stages and so that , although it was an economic failure , it was a sort of a social
19 But I mean you see the problem is that how the rich erm rich peasants two different mutual aid teams which meant that how that they did n't ha the resources they were sharing were pretty much the same .
20 I 've asked them as well and this might take them into the second week er to start with their pupils process on a Wednesday morning whereby in each classroom there would be a me master year plan even if it means they have to buy four and divide it up but I su I suggest that I would do something , you know , produce one and on that they will write pertinent to the the form to the form er and continue to add on that over , you know as and when it 's relevant er , dates for completion of course work , it might be module testing etcetera and I 'm going to ask at briefing that any anything that a teacher has put down for children , it might be just you know Mi Mr x's group is mentioned at briefing so they can write down what 's pertinent to them and therefore
21 Erm the process check list erm again they 've identified the people on each erm and within that they 've actually nominated people to look at the land ownership which is the , on the ignored with their rider on the previous sheet .
22 All active ingredients are 98% biodegradable within 3 days of leaving your house , all products are concentrated so that 50–70% less packaging is used AND so that they are extremely economical .
23 Most anorexics have a low opinion of themselves and see losing weight as their most important goal in order that others will value them and so that they can respect themselves .
24 Such bodies are set up outside government partly so that they can attract skilled personnel who might not be prepared to work for the core of government ; so that they can develop a high level of expertise in the area they are responsible for ; and so that they can develop policy in an atmosphere divorced from direct party political pressures .
25 In view of what you , Mr. Speaker , have had to say about the Consolidated Fund Bill , can you give some assurance that , if this matter about Maxwell and him laundering money is raised , you will ensure that people such as Arthur Scargill and Peter Heathfield will be given special tickets to sit in the Gallery so that they can hear the debate and so that they can draw the attention of various channels to the fact that perhaps Mr. Lightman should investigate the missing Maxwell millions , and perhaps we can find out whether Roger Windsor , Mr. Maxwell 's nark , was paid £50,000 out of the Daily Mirror 's missing millions .
26 The Jot 1.0 specification is designed to enable applications to share handwritten notes , sketches , signatures and other free-form data across the generality of computers from hand-held devices to mainframes , so that if someone scrawls a note and sends it over a modem , it will turn up at the other end as handwriting , regardless of the sending and receiving machines , provided only that they both implement Jot 1.0 .
27 Shoemaker asserts that Tunguska-like explosions should be a common fate of small bolides entering the terrestrial atmosphere , provided only that they are less strong than iron objects .
28 It should be noted , however , that at best the results can establish only that managers have a reason for pursuing one or other goal , and not that they actually do pursue it .
29 Arran himself had joined Beaton and the dowager at the end of 1544 , when they ‘ promised and made bond to the French ambassador , that the French king shall have the young queen , to marry where he list … and also that they shall at the spring of the year , send both the young queen and the old ( Mary of Guise ) into France ’ .
30 It is the experience of other sociologists on similar missions that their findings are frequently cast in a negative role — that certain conservation measures will not succeed or will actually do harm — and also that they are frequently overridden or relegated to writing a disparate chapter in a project document or report entitled ‘ Social constraints to soil and water conservation ’ .
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