Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] because the " in BNC.

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1 That little knife slashed sharply , circumcising the very tip of the digit , and even before the Larramen cells could clot — or perhaps because the blade was treated with some special anti-coagulant — a sprinkling of bright blood fell like rubies from each fingertip to mingle in the chalice .
2 Sukarno suffered from malaria ; in 1938 he was moved to Benkulen in Sumatra , perhaps for humanitarian reasons ( in 1936 Hatta and Sjahrir were moved from their vile jungle camp ) , or perhaps because the Dutch hoped that a more Islamic environment would complete his ‘ conversion , from politics to religion , for Islam in Sumatra was more powerful than the syncretic faith of Java .
3 oh the timetable which I as well will , will erm , would be about two months , the first step has to be taken by the defendant because we do n't know yet whether they are prepared to oppose the structure , and if so , what sort of structure they would be prepared to oppose , erm , if and when , er a formal offer of structure came through , I would have little doubt that we could instruct accountants and get a response within a matter of weeks , sometimes one has to if they 're doing an commercial structure within a week or so because the offer is only open for ten days
4 Corporate sailing , either as a training exercise , a reward , or just because the chairman fancies himself as Captain Bligh , is a fast growing business .
5 If for example the result of acoustic front end processing on the word actually was out by a single feature , ( either through error , or just because the speaker had pronounced it that way ) , and reported the string the match would fail , even if the information following the allowed the word actually to be hypothesized with a fair degree of confidence .
6 Sit without motion , they can not breathe deeply or rapidly because the burning is increased so much by any change in the pattern of respiration .
7 It increases the pressure on volunteers and on the phone lines dramatically , because whereas any other sort of information call may take a minute or two , an AIDS call can take half an hour or more because the information may lead into a discussion of the caller 's lifestyle , moral attitudes and emotional needs .
8 Some of these shots could not be taken today in this , either because building has made them impossible or simply because the crowds who congregate to nowadays to take these shots would detract from the scene .
9 Whatever the overall reliability of the figures , some categories may be less reliable than others due to particular circumstances or simply because the relevant subsamples are very small .
10 This example was worth discussing in more detail than most because the Argille scagliose type of " catastrophic " deposit is now recognised in many parts of the world , from California to Formosa .
11 Peter was able to take his test a year earlier than most because the law allows disabled people to pass their test at 16 .
12 IHTA 1984 , s65(8) provides that just because the trustees invest in gilts , etc , within IHTA 1984 , s6(2) , thus making the property excluded property ( IHTA 1984 , s48(4) ) does not mean an interim charge will arise .
13 It is impossible to describe an organization in behaviour terms ( i.e. processes ) other than momentarily because the processes are always changing ; but when we speak of the processes we freeze that dynamic interaction for a single moment , take a picture , and know that a moment later the picture will be different .
14 Vibration problems at BPXC 's wells are more dramatic and commonplace than elsewhere because the formations are hard and the holes tend to be extremely enlarged due to wellbore ‘ breakout ’ phenomena , so that the drillstring easily loses stability .
15 Lloyds Bank fund manager Michael Smith says : ‘ If the stock market picks up , as many are suggesting it will , PEPs will look more attractive than ever because the tax-free capital gain will be more valuable for someone who has consistently invested . ’
16 Siemens Nixdorf is in as bad a way as IBM , and only a couple of years behind Bull , and that simply because the German public sector still has n't realised it 's crazy to pay $50,000 or more per MIPS for computing power .
17 He insisted he had not abdicated , but what should he do know ? *q Before any advice could given , at least by the British the Shah and Soraya flew on to Rome — perhaps because King Faisal was embarrassed by his presence in Baghdad and perhaps because the Shah thought they would be sager and more comfortable in the Italian capital .
18 Most pundits , so far at least , rule out the prospect of a neutral unified Germany , if only because the Federal Republic is too deeply rooted in the West to distance itself from its allies .
19 Nor is it possible to have a membrane with pores of just the right size to allow in needed substances from outside but not let essential substances escape , if only because the cell may need to retain some small molecules , and admit some larger ones .
20 It is too late for British Telecom to return to its old ways if only because the public now knows that it does not have to put up with a telephone system built for the 1950s .
21 This would be difficult to do if only because the story is far from fully played out .
22 Geologically this seems unlikely , if only because the Campanian chalk is widely distributed in the Paris Basin and is certainly not confined to the Montagne de Reims . ’
23 He discards the assumption to which most of us still cling ( if only because the ground seems to melt under our feet if we think otherwise ) that we can clearly distinguish the literal and metaphorical uses of a word , fix the literal by definition , and leave the metaphorical to the poets .
24 And although this is conjecture , I feel it should be mentioned , if only because the primal mother-child relationship so highly emphasised in post-Freudian psychoanalytic literature has been largely ignored by those who have written about anorexia nervosa .
25 Very many court decisions have an impact far beyond the interests of the litigants , if only because the doctrine of precedent makes them relevant to the affairs of others .
26 Inevitably , he will emerge as a different artist , if only because the full extent of his achievement simply has n't been seen together .
27 There was considerable irony in the fact that it was Baden-Powell , the maverick hero of Mafeking , who should come to rescue England from its Hooligans , if only because the feverish excitement of the jingo crowds and the ‘ Mafficking ’ that accompanied the South African campaign was thought to be no less of an affront to the English sang froid than ‘ Hooliganism ’ itself .
28 In his world these fixed points must be observed , if only because the servants expect them .
29 Peripheries in relatively advanced societies which have undergone the process of homogenisation described by Shils may be susceptible to investigation by pluralist methods , if only because the overwhelming predominance of a specific value-system ensures that peripheral conflict is usually limited to items which do not impinge on the central elite values .
30 This was not the most logical of arguments , it would seem , if only because the Hudson recommendations were concerned with craft courses , while TEC and BEC , the latter of which in any case was only likely to be peripherally involved , were supposed to be operating at technician level .
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