Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] make they " in BNC.

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1 Tenants need help decorating their homes when they can no longer do it themselves , and owner occupiers on low incomes need both financial and practical help to adapt , repair and improve their homes to suit their needs , or just to make them habitable .
2 Why should I require animals to join me in some mutual admiration society or even make them honorary members ?
3 For example , the allocation of land in a development plan for a school will probably reduce the value of houses on this land or even make them completely unsaleable .
4 Our negativity may have sent the fire brigade on strike , or even made them uncouple their hoses from that hydrant that gave all that lovely , cool life-giving water that would have quenched the fire and instead couple them to the nearest petrol tank .
5 It is not clear whether this reduced their disadvantages or simply made them more alarming to the British .
6 The third John Booth provided much of the capital for his partners , Samuel and Aaron Walker , when they established the business that eventually made them the leading ironmasters in the North of England .
7 You did n't run — that only made them eager for the chase .
8 It has been shown to thrive on a diet of soluble uranium ions converting them into solid waste and thereby making them easier to remove .
9 For many individuals the experience is repeated several times a year , thereby constituting a serious infringement of their personal liberty , disrupting the lives of their families , often preventing them from complying with requirements for obtaining welfare benefits and effectively making them unemployable .
10 In an unusual analogy Coleridge described people as " tanks " or " springs " according to the way they borrow ideas from others : " tanks " just take over ideas and store them like water ; " springs " adopt them , producing a stream of water and so making them their own .
11 He had the art of lighting up the faces of those he met by a single kindly word , and so making them his admirers in a flash .
12 You know all the guests and something about them ; you can greet , welcome , introduce and generally make them feel at home .
13 In particular the fact that so many officials had bought their offices and thus made them their personal property ( see p. 126 ) made it very hard to dismiss them , since the government could seldom afford to refund the purchase price .
14 They were rubbed with soot at the edges and to you know , just And then polished up and just to make them look er antique .
15 Surely , then , it is perverse and inexplicable behaviour on the part of so many English speakers to take words ( like adult or person ) that are not inherently misleading , or are meant to improve linguistic precision , and deliberately make them misleading and imprecise .
16 The Golf Foundation Merit Award Scheme is designed to give young golfers an incentive to improve their technique and also make them more knowledgeable about the Rules and Etiquette .
17 Indeed , Ernest Bevin , speaking at a union dinner , maintained that , if there is a new conception of the objects of industry , then there can be created in this country … conditions which will minimize strikes and probably make them non-existent for 25 years . ’
18 Dunleavy ( 1982 : 190–7 ) , using the example of the British civil nuclear industry , argues that the ‘ professional ’ ethos of public enterprise specialists may strengthen their links with their professional colleagues outside the state and hence make them less susceptible to control by state agencies .
19 Leaders make others feel that what they are doing matters and hence makes them feel good about their work .
20 She went straight into the kitchen , and automatically made them both a cup of coffee , a mutual family ritual when one of them went out to a meeting .
21 She bit her lip and kept her peace , and even made them cups of tea with the same grace that her mother had demonstrated in the dark hours of the night .
22 Mothers shaved the heads of their daughters and then made them undress to take cold baths in public on the Hill of Calvary .
23 SCIENCE : A way of finding things out and then making them work .
24 To introduce a recipe page — ‘ Favourite Foods Of The Stars And How To Make Them . ’
25 This leaflet discusses sex and drug use and how to make them safer .
26 ( ii ) It is probably clear to the reader that , although we are trying to work formally and to assume nothing other than that given , we do not choose our definitions of unc and unc in a perfectly random fashion , but rather make them reflect what we want to happen .
27 Government policy was not to reduce the privileges of those who enjoyed privileges , but rather to make them pay .
28 The idea is to be able to play melodies using only arpeggios , but not making them sound like arpeggios .
29 ‘ We want to intimidate the audience but also make them feel with us .
30 Since the war , every spell of Anfield success has been set or kept in motion by the signing of a top-class ‘ striker-cum-provider ’ a player who not only scored goals but also made them for his colleagues .
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