Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 When he was a famous , rich , literary-establishment figure living in Antibes or somewhere they would all realize it .
2 The difference in the popular vote was less dramatic : for the CPP , 398 141 ( plus five uncontested seats , where presumably they could have had a landslide ) ; for the combined opposition , 299 116 votes .
3 Or rather they would be if they had a side of slightly more than average demeanour .
4 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
5 Or rather they can tell you that ‘ previous assumptions on the dark nature of this pigment can no longer be considered entirely operative ; indeed , we may be in total reversal scenario here , which is in line with expectations . ’
6 Rightly or wrongly they may feel unwilling or unable to adapt .
7 Maybe they just ca n't bear to contemplate it , or perhaps they 'll just be forced to wait .
8 Or perhaps they would have the sense to be washing their hair when Esquire phones to ask them out .
9 This meant that the men on each farm , with the addition of certain seasonal workers like the company of sheep-shearers , agreed with the farmer to bring in the harvest on ‘ piecework ’ — so much per acre of crops ; or perhaps they would contract to get the harvest in during the period of a month from the time they started ; or instead of a month some agreements would state Twenty Four Fine Days .
10 But times have changed and chefs may not be able to get away with overcharging for simple dishes using relatively inexpensive ingredients for much longer … or perhaps they will .
11 Obair has also had reservations about private sector developments in West Belfast — or perhaps they should be called public sector developments with a private face .
12 If rates were to move up or down they would do so in both markets .
13 Or So they could all eat at least .
14 A delegation of the residents complained that they were not getting the priority in rehousing which had been promised them and demanded to know whether or not they would be moved before the winter .
15 Often other professionals have assumed the parents would like to see you without actually establishing whether or not they would !
16 Thus , for example , when asked whether or not they would describe their own redundancy as genuinely voluntary , the oldest group ( those over 65 when interviewed ) were much more likely than the rest to say ‘ yes ’ ( 83 per cent compared with 46 per cent of those aged 55–59 and 65 per cent of those aged 60–64 ) .
17 They would all affect the voter 's decisions , and whether he was aware of it or not they would all constrain his freedom of choice .
18 They may provide for the position of the institutional equity investors in respect of warranties on a flotation , in particular , whether or not they would give warranties in the offer for sale agreement to the merchant bank leading the flotation .
19 There is never anything to lose by asking whether or not they would be interested in putting some of the work your way , especially if you have acquired an expertise that will be useful to them .
20 Still wondering whether or not they would be able to control Bruno , Sophie found to her surprise that she had underestimated her godmother 's capability .
21 Without these pupils , the new schools could not of course demonstrate whether or not they could provide for them as well as the grammar schools had .
22 To use the argument brought forward against the related speculation of Block ( i.e. about the tiny homunculi ) , one might at the very least want to deny that the higher and lower consciousnesses could , in any sense , be the same consciousnesses , whether or not they could be said to be in a physical part — whole relationship .
23 The Bradleys talked about whether or not they could afford to keep the services of Annie McCafferty , and they decided to do so , at least for the time being .
24 My right hon. Friend 's constituents were often paying £2,000 on their houses , whether or not they could afford it , and whether or not they were widows or pensioners .
25 And we know there are various er responses to that question , and I would be looking to the districts to say whether or not they could cope with the various levels of provision that have been identified for Greater York , and it 's the view of whether they can cope within their own districts , I have n't said how you can cope , I said whether you can cope , you might I will I will leave you free to make the odd comment , but I want to focus on that part of the issue , and then the natural corollary to that is , will it be necessary , or is it considered necessary in the context of this alteration to provide specific guidance within H One policy for the distribution of that er development to er at sub , what I would call sub-district level , in other words do you want a specific entry for say Ryedale or Hambledon ?
26 Whether or not they can sing , all these players have a tremendous understanding of how to phrase .
27 Nurses can help these patients by first observing tactfully whether or not they can read and write .
28 They are given a copy of their own group 's timetable , whether or not they can read , and they are timetabled in a variety of rooms , with different tutors on two different sites .
29 When information technology users are in doubt about what to buy , who to buy it from , and whether or not they can afford it , they are apt to buy nothing at all .
30 It is sensible , however , to check with editors of really specialist publications wether or not they can use a good picture .
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