Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Further , it is noticeable that the grand total is very close to Professor Thrupp 's estimate of the Company membership , while the numbers valued at £40 or better and £20 or more closely match the livery lists of 1501 and 1537 — 8 , respectively .
2 Highly fast cars crash violently shows that the mis-match in the latter is between highly and fast , not highly and cars , or highly and crash , etc .
3 The selection of the correct key added on another minute or so and Sandison could only look on feeling helpless and frustrated .
4 The appointment of a chaperone enabled four women teachers to accompany this early party which spent eight strenuous days completing walking climbs of twenty miles or so and evenings listening to lectures on Ruskin and places of interest .
5 The bonds are available to personal savers aged 16 or over and trustees for personal beneficiaries .
6 The arrival of universal pension provision following the Second World War laid the foundation for age discrimination against all women aged 60 or over and men aged 65 or over .
7 An investigation was considered to have been concluded once a judgement had been made about whether the allegation(s) had been substantiated or not and decisions made about how to proceed to an outcome , for example , to close the case , offer treatment , call a case conference , etc .
8 A good hairdresser will tell you a ) if she thinks it will suit you or not and b ) if it will actually work on your hair type .
9 He took her arm and led her indoors whether she wanted to go or not and Jenna said nothing more .
10 Nick refuses to say whether he 's got any children or not and George keeps saying , you know .
11 Year 9 pupils could choose from Geography , History or Integrated Humanities , French or German , Separate Science or co-ordinated or Modular , Religious Studies , Islam or Christianity or life and teaching of Jesus , English language or English language and literature or English language and Media Studies , Technology and design or Design and Realization or Design and Communication or Drama or 2nd language or Art and design or Physical Education or Home and food or Geography or History or Integrated Humanities or Pre-vocational Course .
12 ‘ Married couples receive an additional allowance of £1,720 , which rises to £2,465 for those aged 65 or more and £2,505 for those aged 75 or more .
13 Typically , the timetable will be suspended for a week or more and pupils will take responsibility for their own Mini-Enterprise , which may be based on producing goods for sale or providing services .
14 In August 1973 a two-tier pricing system was introduced : the price of oil from wells already functioning in 1972 was fixed at a maximum of $4.35 per barrel ; oil from wells begun in 1973 or later and oil imports were exempted from the price ceiling .
15 Today Brighton & Hove is very much a resort where past and present meet , merge and coexist perfectly .
16 Of the remaining 40 cases , 38 complied strictly with their diet and this was supported by an improvement in the morphology of repeat small intestinal biopsy specimens or symptoms , or both and weight and laboratory indices .
17 Whether at the planning stage or up and running , Midland has an Enterprise Counsellor in every branch who can guide you along the path to success .
18 We do body massage or back and shoulder massage .
19 Yet the cancer patients , who had significantly longer mouth-to-anus transit times , were not obstructed clinically or radiologically and stool frequencies were similar in all groups .
20 Of the independent variables the degree of CEO involvement in the project is higher in the FRG than elsewhere and absence of status consciousness is highest in Japan .
21 The widow 's ivory face , framed in its veil of luxurious black curls , seemed more exquisite than ever and Athelstan said a prayer of thanks to God for such beauty .
22 The need for user industries to take the lead in actually making this change-over is more urgent than ever and ICI is working closely with its customers and governments to help in this process .
23 She 's more eccentric than ever and Lizzie 's gone gaga .
24 Stressing the fact that home and school are in a state of continuous interaction , the report emphasised the importance of parental attitude .
25 Very few of those surveyed wrote positively about parental and home influence , with a high degree of concern that home and school values were out of step .
26 I said there that UP and MP followed ‘ naturally ’ from VP , but this was not the whole truth .
27 The well-remembered texture of it triggered off vivid flashes of memory , so that past and present blurred together , confusing her still further .
28 But another reason is presumably in the past , because the military was terribly powerful , much more powerful before the coup than now and Gorbachev was frightened to start dismantling it too .
29 But last year 's event raised far less than previously and organisers say the public are looking for a fresh approach .
30 State-sponsored housing began to reach further down the social scale than previously and house building under subsidy began to increase in the later 1920s .
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