Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pers pn] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Caught four fish I think it 's West Clandon or somewhere it 's in Surrey it 's where his Dad 's got he takes out his annual
2 Mentally or instinctively he is looking for the pattern and his antennae are an outward expression of that inward instinct .
3 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
4 ‘ Oh well , ’ said Marcus , capturing his left hand again , ‘ I suppose it 's about what makes human consciousness possible , or rather it 's about what human consciousness is , which is to say what , and how , the world is , how anything is .
5 Erm the speed with which we dealt with item one is encouraging or rather it 's somebody might be but item two again maybe if proposals which perhaps er a little controversy .
6 Or rather it is proved — by sleight of hand ; for if the little scene is not momentous , how did it come to be framed , in all its sparsity , by so much white paper ?
7 This is the same proposal , associated with the Port Royal grammar and earlier versions of Chomskyan grammar , which has already been mentioned in this chapter in connexion with prenominal attributives ( 3.2 and 3.3 ) ; or rather it is part of the same proposal , since the full clause with adjective in post-copular position is claimed as the " origin " for both sorts of attributive .
8 Or rather she 's looking at the screen and that 's what happens to be on .
9 This minimum is the optimum ; expenditure above or below it is deemed wasteful for society as a whole ( de Nevers , 1981 ) .
10 Or perhaps it 's because they eat all that gorgeous chocolate which , as we know , is an aphrodisiac .
11 Or perhaps it 's just the effect of the Peter Pan collars .
12 Or perhaps it 's this city , ’ he says .
13 Or perhaps it 's just a way of admitting a preference for empty ferries .
14 Or perhaps it 's belting out Slade 's greatest hits with your best friends and a bottle of wine ?
15 ‘ As I say , it went to Canon Wheeler or perhaps it 's in his house , amongst his effects . ’
16 Or perhaps it 's the storm that 's doing it .
17 Or perhaps it 's an open invitation ? ’
18 Could it be Silas — or the men in the rafts — or perhaps it 's one of the guides ? ’ she finished waspishly .
19 Youth-v-experience or perhaps it 's time a woman won in Stockton South The three candidates squaring up to each other in the battle for Stockton South are quick to use the differences that lie between them as political ammunition .
20 Or perhaps it 's just the mix .
21 Or perhaps it 's sort of some dressed up character .
22 Or perhaps it 's in brawls and means .
23 And the novel which got written breathes life into this sentence 's very unpromising warrant for the ‘ truth ’ of what is being told , namely that there are hard facts or perhaps it is just being made up .
24 It could be that your lack of confidence concerns home life ; perhaps you hate people coming to see you because your home is not beautiful — or perhaps it is never tidy .
25 Or perhaps it is an opportunity to be more philosophical , less clinging , over money ?
26 Or perhaps it is not . ’
27 Fate is cruel , or perhaps it is n't , but it does n't answer to me .
28 Once again , the best way to open the sequence is to establish the location with a wide shot which shows the character of the setting : maybe it 's one of those idyllic places which the crowds have not yet discovered , or perhaps it is crammed with people and overlooked by tourist hotels .
29 Or perhaps it is that if we try to take on the identity and authority of the Weaving Mother the consequences will be severe ; our own personal weavings are only part of a much greater pattern , which we can not control or take credit for .
30 Or perhaps it is that life is simply not fair , and that skill and cunning are what we should be using to navigate its choppy waters , rather than making open displays of bravado against the odds .
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