Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Why should it be zero or below before they receive the small amount of assistance of £6 a week ?
2 Although my emotions were engaged , or perhaps because they were engaged , a flash of revelation lit my intellect .
3 Perhaps because they were suddenly aware that Madrid could fall to the rebels at any moment , or perhaps because they felt more confident with a government which now included representatives of all the Popular Front forces and the anarchists , the Republican troops rallied at that point and managed to slow down the Army of Africa 's advance on the capital .
4 ‘ They 've been besotted with each other more or less since they were children .
5 Rare , even bizarre , circumstances aside , it never profits a monopolist to do more when customers are signaling for less , or less when they are signaling for more ’ .
6 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
7 I like to think I 've been helpful to somebody else , so that they do n't make the same mistake as I made , or so that they know the responsibilities they 're taking on if they do have the baby .
8 Ministerial statements have talked about raising council house rents to ‘ more realistic levels ’ or so that they more nearly approach rents in the private sector .
9 The most remarkable of these long-established families were the Boulters who had established no fewer than eight different households during the 100 years or so that they had lived in Wigston .
10 They were always a big league band in the States , but it 's only in the last five years or so that they have been rising up the Euro league .
11 and I 've we 've taken the the old settee down to Carrie 's and moved the two seater and the armchair down this end and they flew in tonight straight up on the sofa , I said to it 's gon na be tough for a week or so but they 've got ta get used to staying on the floor , I 'm not having them on the furniture all the time cos they just absolutely ruin it !
12 They then wheeled in unison into a shaft of light which held them for a second or so before they soared over the car and away .
13 Psychoanalysts themselves undergo five sessions of analysis a week for five years or so before they can practise .
14 On the summer 's day that Michael Caine was being interviewed , he and the researcher sat and watched Wimbledon on the telly together for an hour or so before they got down to work .
15 It 's probably best not to feed your fish for the first day or so as they settle in ( though some fish will feed within a few minutes of being stocked ) .
16 In the case of the couple or family considering the costs and benefits of a future child , the explicit consideration of rates of discount is rather different in that children are perceived to be a positive asset from early on in life but particularly after fifteen years or so when they can work effectively on the farm ( and so replace costly paid labour at times of peak labour demand ) or as a wage labourer .
17 They stood on their ends in the inward sloping shelves for a fortnight or so when they came in during the spring or early summer .
18 At one time in the recent past , willow-pattern plates and dishes were very popular , but did people buy them for the sad story of the elopement they depicted , or only because they were fashionable at the time ?
19 They hope to marry next June , or sooner if they find a house .
20 That OR play a team like Aston Villa home or away as they try and win whatever … so you always get open games .
21 Or not unless they join in wholeheartedly with the other lot .
22 They 're quite appear quite Well I do n't know whether they 're happy living in the flats or not but they seem quite normal people , they talk about the normal thing that people always talked about .
23 And so this poor woman who was supposed to be asleep , And the problem is that er it 's very difficult to decide whether somebody 's actually unconscious or not if they ca n't move .
24 But erm so er I mean , but I I often wondered whether she got commission from that or , or not if they 're supposed
25 I think you still , I 'm not sure whether they 've changed the law round or not cos they
26 The obligation to provide free school milk and to provide school meals was removed , allowing LEAs to provide milk or meals or not as they wished , at whatever cost or standard they chose ( including free milk or meals , if they wished , for families on low incomes ) , apart from a responsibility to provide free meals for children of families receiving Supplementary Benefit or Family Income Supplement , and to provide facilities free of charge for pupils to eat food brought from home .
27 And the other one takes seventy minutes or longer if they wish to examine things .
28 It was a year or more since they had met , but he ran out of the shop and clung to her elbow .
29 The numbers of consultations , home visits and night calls reported for those in such homes for a year or more before they died are compared with those for others under the care of a general practitioner in Table 4 .
30 Many of these farm workers originally migrated from Zambia or Mozambique , but some have been in Zimbabwe for a generation or more though they have no regularized status .
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