Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pron] give " in BNC.

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1 For the first time the Bill gives galleries powers of disposal , subject to certain conditions — or rather it gives such powers to the Tate and the national portrait gallery , but not to the Wallace collection or the national gallery .
2 That 's why Lisabeth thought he might be a musician or maybe somebody giving you work or something .
3 Or maybe someone gave him a warning .
4 Typically subjects either described at length one feature of interest ignoring all others , or else they gave several brief cryptic comments which could not unambiguously assigned to particular objects in the film .
5 The guardian may produce any copy he takes in his report or when he gives evidence and it will be admissible regardless of any enactment or rule of law to the contrary ( s42(2) ( 3 ) ) .
6 If a particular monkey is chased and harried for as long as ten minutes , it may become so stressed that eventually it gives up trying to escape and sits to face its death without screaming or even resisting when the hunters finally seize it .
7 This brings out what is perhaps the essential feature of a security interest , namely , that ultimately it gives the holder of the security a proprietary claim over assets , normally the debtor 's , to secure payment of the debt .
8 Doubtful if he ever dented a heart ; more than likely he gave quite a number of hearts a new lift after they 'd imagined the ball was over for them .
9 They used this when they were one-night-standing and eventually they gave it to me . ’
10 He immediately queried the instructions and eventually they gave him a new course to steer .
11 Soon the mask of mob rule and anarchy was replaced by the naked face of despotism , and eventually it gave way to Napoleon 's personal image of collectivism : an imperial militarism .
12 and we will give you a er , two addresses , and so they gave me two addresses and and to reach people at I 've done the job quite well .
13 And so he gave Katherine all his protective tenderness , but he could n't bring himself to blame his mother , to judge her .
14 Well , in my book nothing comes before football and so I gave them a simple ultimatum : ‘ Make your choice .
15 Each ‘ hour ’ — Matins , Lauds , Vespers and so on — consisted of psalms , prayers and readings from scripture and the fathers and so it gave the nun a form Lectio .
16 MADRID 'S five big daily newspapers carried dozens of pages on the split and only one gave more front page space to another story .
17 Olympic four-hundred metre hurdler Kriss Akabusi told the youngsters they can achieve as much as he has , if only they give their best .
18 We could really make this place swing if only they gave us the data to work on , could n't we ? ’
19 Most people are accustomed to follow linguistic rules more or less slavishly , but in this case they would be glad to change if only someone gave them a new set of clear rules to follow ( an earlier work by Miller and Swift was subtitled ‘ New Language in New Times ’ : it seems they take the optimistic view that we are living in a postfeminist world ) .
20 And naturally they gave their opinions on the new Mrs Arbuthnot .
21 So I really wanted to nail the bastard — preferably with the cooperation of my team-mates just to prove the point — but the fucking technology let me down and the gun jammed and he had me pinned , firing shot after shot at me , and finally I gave up trying to un-jam the gun and made to throw it at him though I could hardly see because there was yellow paint all over my visor , but he ducked and tripped and sat down on a trunk , holding his stomach , and the bastard was laughing his socks off because I looked like a giant dripping banana , only I 'd just realised the gun was n't jammed after all , the safety catch was on .
22 And then when he 'd won he offered Heseltine the had of friendship and promptly he gave him the Poll Tax , which will finish him for ever .
23 And once I gave him a fish-cake for free .
24 Once or twice Paula teased me about nude swimming , and once she gave me a brief conducted tour of the gardens and the house .
25 And always it gave time to fit the second shaft and loose the second volley , and redouble the boiling turmoil that was held at a distance by nothing more deadly — but there was nothing more deadly ! — than cloth-yard shafts of wood and steel flighted with a handful of feathers .
26 With fertilisers the same crops can be grown year after year on the same fields and still they give high yields .
27 and like they give you a secret number of what comes next
28 and they do some singing and everything and also they give out the bibles to those that are going up to school
29 But my ex-husband says I 'm inclined to be intimidating and also I give out powerful signals that I 'm desperate to get another husband .
30 R A Y N E R , and that 's your head of department in case erm , so if you look in that book in chapter four , right , there 's er agricultural trade and the GATT , if you look er , if you read that chapter , it 'll give you all the information you need to know about erm , agricultural trade , erm , how it 's changed , what the costs , there are a lot of estimates of the costs of agricultural protectionism , and as the benefits to liberalization of er , of trade , and also it gives er , a view of erm , er the Uruguay round of GATT .
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