Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps this time Cinderella will go to the ball .
2 Last year , you 'll remember , we had to absorb , in fact in the Tussauds group , about three quarters of a million er , pounds on the increase in V A T and that was a blow to us at the beginning of the season , you remember it was the budget more or less this time last year .
3 It 's the pasta Italians use for those glorious family feasts that mark special occasions — or just any time they feel like spoiling themselves at table !
4 It was a grand or more each time .
5 After that , a top executive tends to get stale , in Pearce 's opinion , because ‘ you 're seeing the same problems coming up for the second , third or even fourth time and you begin to think you 've done it all before .
6 When preparing a suggestion for costs to your opponents you should run through a checklist of the following tasks which are likely to have occupied your time during the case and assess how long you have spent on those tasks or how much time you think you should charge for having completed those tasks : Letters out , miscellaneous telephone calls .
7 No and we 'd got three young girls , new , new girls and I saw those and I must have been thinking about Mandy and the car because they said something about oh when we leave we 're all going on a picnic to and I think it was Kettering or quite some time aw some
8 At or about that time Rostern contained four who had to be moved from their holdings .
9 But after tonight 's slaughtering of ‘ Bill Is Dead ’ and ‘ Popcorn Double Feature ’ , even repeated mumblings of the old mantra that ‘ Mark Smith is The Fall ’ are unable to erase the feeling that perhaps this time they 've got it wrong .
10 But after tonight 's slaughtering of ‘ Bill Is Dead ’ and ‘ Popcorn Double Feature ’ , even repeated mumblings of the old mantra that ‘ Mark Smith is The Fall ’ are unable to erase the feeling that perhaps this time they 've got it wrong .
11 The lasting impression of last week 's London International Book Fair , to an antipodean publisher and book marketer who was not emotionally or financially involved in proceedings , was the niggling worry that so much time , money and energy is poured into books that the world does n't need or — if the buzzing basement gathering of remainder specialists is a useful gauge — actually want either .
12 Perhaps the fact that so much time , money and paper has had to be spent on selling the education reforms , and that so few are beating a path to the doors of Rathgael House , suggests that they ‘ ai n't got much of a mousetrap ’ !
13 They complained so much that not enough time had been allowed them for their discussions that we had them back a second week .
14 In July an Indian government report on the February crash of an Indian Airlines Airbus A320 in Bangalore in February 1990 [ see p. 37268 ] found that not enough time had been allowed to enable personal to adapt to changes in aircraft , equipment , maintenance , ground facilities and the training of engineers and pilots .
15 Hewlett-Packard Co says that in the UK , growth in orders was a storming 39% , and that orders for Unix systems are more than double this time last year : exports from the UK are up 16% , 80% of everything sold is now new business , and all new business is on the Unix side — as price-performance improves two-fold every year , it is selling four times as many Unix boxes each year .
16 HP says that in the UK , growth in orders was a 39% , and that orders for Unix systems are more than double this time last year .
17 Except maybe this time it really is .
18 Yesterday , however , the ministers endorsed a counter-proposal prepared by senior treasury officials , which asks that the current zero-rating mechanisms are maintained ‘ for a limited period ’ , on the grounds that too little time is left to adapt to a new system .
19 The implementation of privatization legislation was delayed due to a decision on Nov. 6 by the Czech Minister for Privatization , Tomas Jezek , who said that too little time had been allowed for compiling the list of companies suitable for privatization .
20 The authorities are said to have realised that too little time had been allowed for vehicles to be updated .
21 Mr Liljeros has maintained that too much time has passed to make it possible for Mrs Palme to point out her husband 's murderer .
22 If a family held a small amount of land and was in a village with a large number of households , its strips could be so small and scattered that too much time was spent in travelling between strips .
23 PSI , which is supported by the EPHOS guide to public procurement , is a reaction to end-users ' belief that too much time has been spent focusing on the protocol aspect of interoperability — in which users are n't at all interested .
24 The slow business environment there was cited as a reason for closing while director Lawrence Salander felt that too much time and input was required of him and his partner in order to get the project up and running .
25 JOHN SMITH , lecturer in the Law Department , warned Marian Jackson at the beginning of her second year that too much time spent with Dram Soc would prevent her from getting a first class degree .
26 As more Disability Arts Forums emerge and the involvement of disabled people and non-disabled allies increases , this is the most rapidly shifting and most exciting time to be working towards this aim .
27 Was n't she entitled to some time of her own after a busy week 's teaching and little free time on Saturday ?
28 The protests will be bigger and louder this time . ’
29 There stood the Shah , impeccable as ever in a well-cut grey suit and rather loud time ramrod straight , his face , always , expressionless before the cold white stare of his father .
30 The austere ideal , the man who acts out his principles and endures what is — can you imagine Michel Devaux saying as my father so often did , I 've only got one life and so much time , I ca n't afford to stand back ?
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