Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] always did " in BNC.

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1 She had nagged at her mother for insisting on cooking everything herself , although she always did it , however formal the occasion or long the guest list , she had gone on and on until Mrs Roberts had snapped back in her turn , furiously .
2 ‘ But perhaps you 're in danger of forgetting that it always did , and always will , take two to tango . ’
3 Still , he could not be quite sure that he always did that with his bread .
4 He was gazing into his make-up mirror , playing the same game that he always did on the monitor screens in television studios — in other words , deciding which was his best profile .
5 ‘ I missed not being able to put the stocking on the end of his bed like I always did , and not seeing his face when he woke up .
6 Oh she 's , but she 's gone nice , I must admit , cos I always did like her , even though like they use to say she was spoilt and that , well , you ca n't help it
7 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
8 And she always did whatever she wanted , which was mostly enjoy herself and ignore her homework .
9 I though we 'd sit on her step , like we always did , and share out the Cadbury 's , and I 'd tell her about our school and she 'd tell me all about the nuns and everything , but when she opened the door she just stood there , all clean and different in her stiff long uniform still , and said , " I ca n't possibly play out tonight .
10 And they always did , no matter how rich they were ; no matter , come to that , if the wives were richer or bigger than the husbands .
11 If he caught them before they reached the Isthmus of Corinth he killed the suitor ; and he always did , because he had divine horses given him by his father Ares .
12 Joe always aided and comforted me when he could , in some way of his own , and he always did so at dinner-time by giving me gravy , if there were any .
13 We steered away from neutrality and headed for the magnificence of the Alps in the moonlight ; I always wondered if the Stirling would clear the Matterhorn and it always did with plenty to spare .
14 Or maybe even further than that : to those warm sunny days when she sat watching her Daddy and asking him questions and he told her like he always did - ‘ Go and play , there 's a good girl . ’
15 ‘ He even remembered to open the lav door and close it with a bang , like he always did ’ .
16 No , there was no quarrel : he just went on to someone else , like he always did .
17 and she said she , its cos she said , she said of course if its because she 's so used to Joe he would of , I said yeah but he went over the top did n't he , cos he always did every thing to perfection , I said you ca n't have Joe doing it
18 ‘ Houses I adore , but I always did .
19 But I always did a good line in love potions .
20 But I always did hate rules .
21 I was dead against it , but he always did what the family wanted .
22 The van was in Belmodes and I 'd asked Charley not to park it there , but he always did .
23 Although the neighbours made me feel like an evil , uncaring daughter , I knew in my heart that you 'd understand because you always did — I loved you and that was all you needed to know .
24 I stared into the mirror , expecting to see huge marks like red flowers blazing on my mouth where I had been kissed , but I looked just the same as I always did .
25 Trotter had raised her voice as she always did speaking to the old man .
26 When he asked , what did she mean , ‘ taunting ’ , she resorted , as she always did when they argued , to silence .
27 Luch considered , as she always did , and slowly nodded .
28 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
29 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
30 I just wanted her to take me back , to talk to me as she always did .
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