Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] must have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Either someone moved it or I must have got out of the lift on the wrong floor . ’
2 The girl let go of my hand and moved away into the gloom behind me , where she must have put the screwed-up five-pound notes on to the chest of drawers with the magazines , the small framed photograph , the towel , the box of paper tissues , the jar of Vaseline , the baby 's dummy and all the other odds and ends spilled over the varnished oak top .
3 Choose one of the four and try to work out what he or she must have been doing at each stage of the carnival .
4 ‘ Whoever it is has presumably been coming regularly since last November so he or she must have been seen by other people .
5 But it is not only in the UK where we must have a more positive attitude to science .
6 This explains the abundance of deltaic sediments in the stratigraphical record of the continental areas , but one must also expect that such sediments will either not exceed a critical maximum thickness , such as that suggested above , or they must have been deposited in a tectonically subsiding trough .
7 ‘ You 've no idea where he must have gone to when he came back from London ? ’
8 If Vitor did take her to court it would be in Portugal , where she was a foreigner and where he must have all kinds of contacts , muscle , sway .
9 Similarly , at the other end of the belt , Chalk was later discovered in south-west Ireland ( where it must have been noticed by the early surveyors , but they had evidently been too scared of their autocratic director to record such an unlikely phenomenon ) .
10 For this section to apply , the landlord must be under an obligation to the tenant for the maintenance or repair of the premises , or he must have an express or implied right or power to enter the premises to carry out any description of maintenance or repair .
11 No one else intruded in the pictures , although someone must have been there to point the camera .
12 It seems to me now that I must have been more than a little simple , because I received a telephone call from the home the very next day .
13 Now , was it Margery Fish or Vita Sackville-West whose rhapsodies persuaded me that I must have this lime-green foamy-flowered plant with the scalloped leaves edged with silver hairs , in which captured raindrops gleamed like opals , at absolutely any price ?
14 All I know , like the protestors when the Julian became the Gregorian calendar , is that I must have missed something .
15 My expressing some Fear of being troublesome in coming so frequently , occasioned a great Variety of Invitations , both in Verse and Prose ; which I could seldom resist : And indeed her whole Behaviour to me was so extremely good-natur 'd and obliging , that I must have been the most ungrateful Person in the World , if I had not endeavour 'd to make some Return .
16 I had kept all the abuse that had been happening to me very much to myself — it seemed to me that I must have been very bad .
17 As I can remember very little about the rest of the day I presume that I must have been unconscious most of the time .
18 Why wo n't I admit that I must have the shortest arms in the world ?
19 Only , I think , in so far as I 've seen so many pictures over the years that I must have picked up some knowledge and a sort of an overview of what there is in English art , so that I can make better comparisons .
20 No doubt it will transpire that I must have known this Paykhull . ’
21 I told him this evening that I must have some daylight .
22 It never was matter for such fear to me that I must have tried to silence him .
23 ‘ I mean , my dear Shiona , that I must have your absolute assurance that you do n't intend trying to spirit her away again . ’
24 But I think I can take it that I must have been a little — er — unsteady with my actions .
25 ‘ For once , not Rosemary , though I 'm getting more and more desperate about not knowing what to do for the best , ’ he confessed , but went on to explain , ‘ I spent a lot of time yesterday in realising that I must have been a real wet blanket when Naylor announced your engagement on Saturday . ’
26 ‘ Lots of people say it must be easy for my family to carry on in music and that I must have taught them everything — but I feel they just inherited their love of music as it 's in our blood . ’
27 And I mun that I must have words in front of me , if I do n't have words in front of me even though I know it , I I still forget it .
28 ‘ It is just , ’ said Hope , looking at Mrs Crump as if she were a particularly testing landscape — perhaps a copse whose colours were for ever changing under sun and scudding clouds — ‘ it is just , ’ he said , ‘ and I am sure , certain , that someone must have told you this — ‘
29 ‘ It concluded that someone must have betrayed Nowak and that he probably knew who it was .
30 I 'll tell Jean tomorrow so I must 've
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