Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] 'll [be] " in BNC.

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1 If not then I 'll plead to my wife for the car & I 'll be able to offer other people a lift there ( but I 'll be coming back on Sunday ) .
2 Where I 'll be is right here in Liskeard , for the most part seated at this very desk . ’
3 I must get away or I 'll be trapped here for life .
4 Now I must be awa' tae Pack Meeting , ’ she said to Dick and Chuck , ‘ or I 'll be late . ’
5 ‘ Either that or I 'll be dead . ’
6 ‘ This is a team sport , and if he does n't listen to me , I 'll either get out of the car or I 'll be physical with him , because that 's the only language he understands .
7 ‘ I 'd better go or I 'll be late . ’
8 But I 'd better not keep on like this or I 'll be accused of queering Mr Karlinsky 's pitch .
9 Sack this tadger immediately — or I 'll be cancelling my order for Sounds .
10 I shall have flown into who knows whose airport , or I 'll be sleeping on a ship steaming slowly out the English Channel , or I 'll be dead and rigid on a lonely piece of ground .
11 I shall have flown into who knows whose airport , or I 'll be sleeping on a ship steaming slowly out the English Channel , or I 'll be dead and rigid on a lonely piece of ground .
12 ‘ Quiet there , you infant menaces , or I 'll be along and slipper the lot of you in a minute . ’
13 ‘ It 's either that or I 'll be spending the next million years in a coal measure .
14 ‘ Laverne , we 're going to have to get back quickly or I 'll be sick . ’
15 Sack this tadger immediately — or I 'll be cancelling my order for Sounds .
16 do n't no do n't say that to her or I 'll be in the dog house
17 They are facing formidable opposition in the shape of last year 's winner , Rosa Mota , who sees London as a warm-up for the Olympics , where she 'll be defending her title and looking to put the disappointment of the World Championships in Tokyo last year behind her .
18 The Blaiken has a welcoming bar and a separate dining room for house guests and it is the only place Scheffau where you 'll be able to get real English tea !
19 I always get on very well with English prisoners of the R. A. F. I worked for some time at the prison camp where you 'll be going tomorrow , and there I made many good English friends , especially — . ’
20 It may be a boundary drawn for the toddler 's safety ( ‘ You are not to go out of the front gate ’ ) ; it may be to do with the teenager 's wellbeing ( ‘ You do an hour 's homework ’ or ‘ You have to tell me who you 're out with and where you 'll be ’ ) .
21 You may as well sleep under a hedge or in a doorway , and get arrested for being a vagrant , and get put in jail where you 'll be treated like muck but at any rate it 'll be warm and you 'll be made to have a bath .
22 For your chance to win , take the ‘ corner ’ to the Schwartz stand , where you 'll be able to taste and buy the Schwartz Seasonings featured in our recipes as well as other new ranges and Authentic Mix Cook-in sauces .
23 You better have your orchards well fenced or you 'll be out of apples by October . ’
24 Either that , or you 'll be giving these dirty-minded men a lot of wicked ideas . ’
25 ‘ Kip quiet or you 'll be sent to prison and fed on bread and wayter .
26 Tremayne , off you go or you 'll be late .
27 ‘ No more questions or you 'll be punished . ’
28 ‘ You need your sleep , sweetheart , or you 'll be no good in the morning . ’
29 Suddenly , as we were boarding , he tugged me by the sleeve and said quietly : ‘ You 'd better pull your socks up , or you 'll be playing for your place . ’
30 Or you 'll be laid up .
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