Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Make a grand or summat out of that wo n't you ?
2 Where you out on the front , .
3 I said I was thinking of making a waistcoat or something out of one .
4 But the promise of the student 's higher education is realized when the student is able to raise him or herself out of that state of ‘ delight ’ ( to borrow again from Marjorie Reeves ) and to reflect on what he or she is doing and thinking .
5 Try to catch him or her out in good as well as bad behaviour .
6 LEE KE MIN Anything or anyone out of sight that one senses will never return ; an apology offered for illness
7 Or anyone out of East Seventeen .
8 Now we manufa yeah , you do not er , conservatories , or or anything out of the usual , draught stoppers
9 JAMES CLEMENTS , a jovial rotund Englishman who runs the Sek Kong detention centre for Vietnamese boat people , could barely contain his satisfaction when telling reporters that nothing out of the ordinary happened when camp inmates heard news of the first deportations from Hong Kong .
10 ‘ The Community proposals mean that one out of ten farmers set aside land in the rest of Europe compared to six out of ten in the UK .
11 … This means in practice that one out of every twenty samples will fail to comply with the standard and the Authority will be at risk from somebody , some member of the public , prosecuting . ’
12 Is the Minister satisfied that not a single case was substantiated by the independent Police Complaints Commission , or does he share the scepticism of Lord Colville and others , who feel that nought out of 726 does not reflect the world that we in Northern Ireland inhabit ?
13 Remember that anything out of place is incorrect .
14 Someone must have done some extensive informing , because MacLane picked Susan and me out of the crowd without even the pretence of looking around for the usual suspects .
15 Jessie Young was on holiday in St Abbs but , nevertheless , took Ian and me out for a day , visiting Eyemouth and exploring Berwick .
16 Well do I recall the ecstasy , and the shame , when on about two occasions each year during the summer he would take Jerry , Anna and me out for the day to one of the many beautiful villages around Glasgow .
17 After the placing , for example , they threw a huge party for the professional advisers downstairs at a local Chinese restaurant , and in early 1987 , almost as a thank-you , they took the audit manager and me out to Chicago to meet the team there .
18 For many pupils their experience in school will have been mainly or solely with metric units and their out of school experience mainly with Imperial units .
19 Klein 's Bastard Boy was out of her life , and she out of his .
20 With few exceptions , villages were tiny , shrinking communities with the irreducible minimum of the poorest people : at Hawling , where the population was well short of a hundred , only three of the twenty different men recorded in the combined muster and subsidy were assessed at less than £2 , and none out of eleven at tiny Batsford .
21 Ex-chasers , and one out of a circus down on its luck .
22 In 1945 , 50 per cent of Labour MPs and half of the cabinet had come from a ‘ working class ’ occupational background , but by 1970 the proportion had fallen to 25 per cent of MPs and one out of twenty-three in the Cabinet ( Butler and Stokes , 1974 ) .
23 For instance , I Was A Teenage Six Pistol by Glen Matlock ( Omnibus , £12.95 ) is only on the shelves because someone calculated that if one out of every few hundred punk rockers is daft enough to shell out nearly £13 for Matlock 's eye-witness account of the writing of ‘ Pretty Vacant ’ , then they 'll make a small fortune .
24 Four-fifths of the chaplains in Buckinghamshire and Rutland owned personal estates of 5 marks or less , while if one out of three in Cornwall had £5 or more , a good 10 per cent were assessed at nil , and indeed at Gwinear and Towednack were described as ‘ pauper ’ .
25 Moving Seawitch and herself out of Gibraltar would be the quickest and most effective way of killing public interest .
26 I tell you , I was hard put not to snatch it from her hand and throw it and her out of the window . ’
27 Nick 's worryingly calm words , ‘ I should watch out if I were you — there 's an avalanche , ’ triggered Steve and myself out of our sleeping bags like shots from a gun .
28 She lives in time : Hugo and myself out of it .
29 He had promised her that if anything out of the ordinary happened , any unnecessary flicker on a dial , he would wake her .
30 The RAC said morning rush-hour traffic on the A12 between Great Yarmouth and London was ‘ busy but nothing out of the ordinary ’ .
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