Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] as a " in BNC.

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1 It is as if Sukenick were putting into practice the principles of what he has called the ‘ architectonic novel ’ which ( and he cites Raymond Federman 's Double or Nothing as a prime example ) works like a jigsaw puzzle : ‘ the picture is filled out but there is no sense of development involved ’ ( Federman 1975 : 38 ) .
2 You say about the Moat House being expensive , well it might be expensive to you or I as an individual , but when you 're negotiating conference rates in the area it is actually cheap and very suitable .
3 Was there a big trail of dust down the corridor or something as a .
4 The finished text will , in appearance , be of a professional standard with all that that implies for the child 's image of him or herself as a writer .
5 Unfortunately , anyone can describe himself or herself as a homoeopath .
6 In this context , the youngster must come to terms with his or her changing and changed body ; must try out the precepts , attitudes and ideals of childhood against the demands of the transitional and later groups among which existence now lies ; must establish himself or herself as an individual with rights and responsibilities and with a unique and largely self-determinant personality ; and must cope with feelings and impulses which have previously been only of the vaguest and most unformulable nature .
7 This is less practicable for the smaller firm , but all firms should incorporate in their selection procedures a judgment on whether an applicant 's educational background appears to fit him or her as a candidate for the examinations .
8 We can see him or her as a person rather than as a stereotype .
9 I believe that those sexual practices which fail to recognise the essential humanity of other people are bad ; the man who rapes an unwilling partner , the individual who takes delight in the infliction of pain upon a partner who does not desire it , or the one who forces another into any sexual practice which is obnoxious to him or her is using the " partner " as an object rather than interacting with him or her as a human being .
10 The first is the ethical difficulty associated with the need to give a patient the treatment that is believed to be best for him or her as an individual rather than what the statistician 's random allocation might assign .
11 Then , by pure chance — but seeing it as an act of providence — she had heard Lin Foh call down for an early supper , for him and his CI5 guardian .
12 Let's say , that me as an individual , if I was erm , buying a Covermaster Plan , for twenty pound a month , the minimum premium , let's say I could get fifty thousand pounds worth of cover .
13 Then they condemn themselves as well and until society can say that 's perfectly alright , that 's a good situation to be in , whoever it is you 're living with , and that you as a child are okay and are valued then the children themselves will be okay and I think the Sco , we lose some of the erm secondary deprivation and emotional deprivation that children in single parent families
14 Choose the five that you as a group think are the most important .
15 Can I ask you though to devise a name that you as a team would wish to be known by , and then I can start er , on the scoreboard .
16 The French elaborated a lot of wonderful nonsense in the nineteenth century about the climate pauses of the British character , they said that because we all lived in the fog we were incapable of clear and distinct ideas , a sort of bogus science that you as a scientist would see through more quickly than people like me .
17 On the other hand I suspect that you as a magistrate have , have views about the amount of time that it takes up erm in your court , dealing with what must seem to you erm fairly erm minor offenses , and I wonder what you feel about it .
18 There 's also information about the International Ecumenical Fellowship which is something that you as an individual can do to support ecumenical work .
19 And so you as a sort of er volunteer army did n't have a lot of
20 ‘ Could n't describe that one as an asset , ’ Granpa used to say .
21 The problem is that we as a nation continue to expect a clinical quart out of an economic pint .
22 Please pray that we as a mission will be able to help provide the Christians there with the Christian literature that they need .
23 We 've got two officer 's for example who are leading on working the young people in the town , Youth Development Officer 's er we , the Local Government Unit has a policy team initiated work on the youth policy , and this arose out of erm a member seminar 's , September eighty nine , where er the members felt that really the Council was n't doing enough for young people , that we as a Council , not not to think about young in the way we deliver our services and it was felt that we needed to go out and talked to young people , which we did in the winter of that year , erm and find out what they wanted from us , and the res as a result of that , that , that policy , and that consultation exercise has now developed into a front line service where we have two people full time working with young people in the town and that 's on various things , graffiti project , the underpasses in the town we , which have got graffiti type I mean I know there not everybody 's cup of tea , but I mean they way .
24 Because when I was thinking about trying to talking to you today , I thought although we 've worked quite a lot with people along this group , you might be sitting here and thinking well you do n't seem to be doing any specific work for and with old people erm , well I think your quite independent and can work out your right that , but one of the things this front line review erm it erm , it 's considering Council front line services under various headings , one of which is Retired Services that the Council provide as a group , now the leader of the Council wants to erm , get public views on how we look at these services , so , and that 's , that 's individuals and groups and one of the things that you might like to think about and I 'm that we as a local government unit who are servicing this review can help you with , is to consider how you might want to fee in for that review , erm and , and consider this , that the re-services for retired people , that the Council provides that you use and basically whether you use that , or service , we want to hear that , the Council would need to know that cos were gon na be making decisions about whether or not they should continue in this front line review erm , and erm , you know , or what things you would , what , what are your questions on about those services , what other things you would like to see provided , things like that and I thing this group could quite easily make a collective representation , a collective submission to that process then you could do it as individual 's as well , so that , that exercise it , it should be over by the eleventh of October it starts on the sixth of September .
25 Mr Falk suggested that we as a profession are not getting the message about risk factors across to the population .
26 is that , that we as a group can , can er video the production , but it was at Perth , but in this case it would have to be
27 Just on that last point , it was suggested that we ought to be writing now , to these commissioners , saying that we as a parish council wanted to make comments to them when they were er in Nottinghamshire .
28 But I would n't wish anybody er to get the idea that we as a union wish to take away what really is the parliamentary privilege that members of parliament have got to have to look after their own constituencies in addition to being sponsored members of parliament .
29 That we are again debating environmental policy reflects the priority that we as a Government , this House and the nation as a whole attach to this most central of issues .
30 They are entitled to do that in a free European democracy , but we are entitled to hold our ground and to argue that we as a nation were never committed to a united states of Europe in 1973 , that we are not committed to it now and that we do not intend to pre-empt that decision .
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