Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have try " in BNC.

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1 STATE The state specified is either not in the range 1–7 or you have tried to change the state incorrectly .
2 Alternatively , you have tried to create a new user without CREATE USER privilege , or you have tried to give a user privileges you do not have yourself , or you have tried to reduce the LIFESPAN Manager 's privileges .
3 Alternatively , you have tried to create a new user without CREATE USER privilege , or you have tried to give a user privileges you do not have yourself , or you have tried to reduce the LIFESPAN Manager 's privileges .
4 You have tried to create a new charge code using option 7.7.1 — Create Charge Code and you do not have MANAGER privilege or you have tried to offline a package using option 9.1.0 — Request Package To Be Offlined , and you are not the package manager .
5 You have tried to update the details of a user that is not one of your descendants ( using option 7.2.2 ) or you have tried to change the owner responsible for a charge code to a user that is not one of your descendants ( using option 7.7.2 ) .
6 There are a great many misconceptions about touch legering , stemming mainly from the conclusions drawn by anglers who have never tried it , or who have tried it and failed to catch fish .
7 The Ariston CD3 is , in the end , just another player , and although I have tried to highlight its special attributes , there will be listeners and systems for and with which the Ariston is less at home than it was here on test .
8 So you see , although I have tried since — needs must ! — to subdue that dangerous spirit of rebellion , I have so little succeeded that — that … ’
9 Even though hon. Members disagree on many issues , I believe that the House will agree that I have tried to make that a priority within the narrow band of the 17 or so per cent .
10 I tend to buy something new once a month , and inevitably end up getting various items for both Roger and Jamie as well , so I have to try to keep my spending under strict control .
11 The Special Report for 1940 last year recorded wartime memories of Somerville , many shared by us , so I have tried to augment , not repeat .
12 The reality is a slow moving animal that you have to try hard to be trapped by .
13 Because you 'd you could n't hold that much in your head so you have to try and break them down into little patterns of Oh it 's one of that lot or it 's one of this lot .
14 You can not force-feed them , so you have to try to persuade them . ’
15 But they do not question traditional psychology 's male-identified emphasis on , for example , objectivity and success : ‘ We are both feminists … and although we have tried to be objective about the value-laden topics discussed in this book , we know we can not have succeeded entirely ’ ( 1974 : 12–13 , my emphasis ) .
16 Although we have tried to express these scientific impulses fairly , we hereby give notice that we intend to question them in later chapters .
17 Although we have tried hard with Jane , we have not succeeded … in keeping her calm and amenable and pleasant , as she can be .
18 Erm well slightly different in the fact that er we er have two close schemes with far more er beneficiaries than there are er subscribing members , and at the moment that are four nominated by the er employer and four by the unions er we wish to say a pensioner erm that the rights were a pensioner nominee to that board of trustees , because we feel that er the situation is er is going to increase , we 've got so many beneficiaries and that the pensioners have no representative er I know that erm people on the boards of trustees are completely impartial , but on the other hand there is no pensioner there , the members are unsure of the fund , because of what 's been said , not that I 'm implying it 's not a secure fund , it is a secure fund , but they think why are they keeping the pensioners off , they there is some sort of hidden agenda they will not have us on there because neither of the businesses although we have tried for several years er they will not entertain at the moment erm a pensioner trustee , and yet Professor Good in his report acknowledges the merit of pensioner nominated trustees , er particularly in the sort of schemes where we 've got , wh where th the majority of beneficiaries .
19 Even so , tough or not , fungus attack is persistent , and the principle of prevention being better than cure means that we have to try to prevent the development and growth of spores into our roses by spreading a film of fungus-toxic material on leaf , shoot and other vulnerable parts — a contact killer — or , as we are now able to do for insects , we can render the sap stream and internal tissue poisonous to invading fungus by introducing a systemic fungicide .
20 Erm , disability and mental health has a specific contingency of fifty thousand , and again this is addressing the point that we have tried to reduce expensive out-county placement , erm , successfully .
21 The best laid plans do n't always run as smoothly as they should , so we have tried to identify areas where you might encounter problems .
22 The Royal Society for Nature Conservation / Wildlife Trusts Partnership took on the role of lead-organisation within the Consortium , although they have tried hard to liaise with all other partners , particularly CPRW .
23 He did so well he has since won three England caps as a midfielder and Liverpool decided he was the man they wanted , although they have tried him back in his striking role in recent games .
24 When I talk to parents I find that they have tried most known procedures for stopping fights — but still the squabbles continue .
25 And I I think some of the lessons from Eastern Europe are that they have tried to go from one old system to a new system at an incredibly swift pace .
26 Officials say that they have tried to keep any disturbance to a minimum by limiting the closures to Sundays only .
27 I have said that the anorexic starts from a position of helplessness and hopelessness , and I have tried to demonstrate that this was so in my case .
28 It is also an irresponsible stance , for our obligations are to clients , in this case children , and I have tried to show why research must be an integral part in generating excellence in the services we seek .
29 Some of the listed newcomers may not sell as well as the established names mentioned beneath them , but they are there very often because publishers are promoting them heavily , and I have tried to pick the best of these .
30 Now in Selby for example , where I think a we'v Bill and I have tried to offset the balance a little bit , but in the past they have been better staffed .
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