Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] 's for " in BNC.

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1 Their justification for doing it is that it 's for this thing , this painting or whatever , and I always wonder if it could n't be more without all that . ’
2 I do n't know that it 's for or against that he dotes on his wife .
3 ‘ I wo n't say that it 's for the school , Gowie , ’ he says , ‘ for I know that interests you not at all . ’
4 The fact that it 's for a different crime is n't important . ’
5 When you begin to feel guilty , remind yourself that it 's for the child 's sake .
6 And , come to that , can we any longer rely on the received doctrine that it 's for the Chief Constable to decide on the allocation of resources ? ’
7 That does n't immediately occur to me that it 's for blind people
8 Things like that it 's for letting that 's what words are for well numbers are for telling other people how much you how much do you Would you like a cup of coffee ?
9 It 's not really made it clear that it 's for bookings and reservations as well .
10 And I and not sure it 's Well I am sure that it 's for the worse .
11 He may not be able to see the political and general interest wood for the specialist trees , and there is a sense in which there are obviously dangers of that kind erm and the generalist has always taken the view that it 's for the specialist to be able to explain his problems in language which , after all , politicians who take the final decisions will have to be able to understand .
12 The dish does n't look like much , so it 's for family meals rather than dinner parties .
13 ‘ THIS is an ideas battle … not every one of these things can be distilled into politics — you know , who 's for this and who 's for that , and if this person is for this , somebody else has to be for that .
14 I walked down this ledge , walked down the stage and there 's for security guards .
15 But that would be a strictly literary question ; and it 's for raising quite other questions that this book is momentous and irreplaceable .
16 ‘ I respect the fact that The Jam can touch people and what they 're doing is an attempt to be ‘ real ’ — no myth or far-fetched fantasy — and it 's for real people , not people who follow trends .
17 ‘ It 's in their interests to address the issue and it 's for them to decide whether change is cost effective , but it 's in our interests too . ’
18 And the first one is based at a project called and it 's for unemployed people in .
19 th th there 's , basically there 's an ord it has an ordinary editor which is sub right , it 's an ASCII editor that appears in a window and it 's for using , for editing the ASCII files .
20 ‘ I 've set my face towards it , and it 's for the best .
21 And it 's for p for p for publicity . .
22 And it 's for p for p for publicity .
23 It is for a Mr erm , Ridgeway , and it 's for a two storey extension to an existing house .
24 Section fifty four A makes your local plan structure plans extremely important governors on what happens on the ground and it 's for that underlying reason that we find E two unjustified and reasonably repressive and an unreasonable extension of constraint by the county on the freedom of districts in their local plans to choose the geography of their of land allocations .
25 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
26 Well er to me it does n't matter s er that much , what I 'm concerned about is that this is a matter of public interest , it should n't just be a matter of professional interest and it 's for these reasons I think the government should take a rather more lively interest er than perhaps it does .
27 I think that feeling has got to be dispelled and it 's for these points that the , for these reasons the government needs to turn its attention a little bit more er to the issues that I that I have raised and I would refer in conclusion Madam de deputy speaker , the minister to the Bank of England 's er memorandum submitted to the treasury and civil service er select committee in its report published on eighth of December last year when at page a hundred and eighty five they draw attention to the European directives that the minister himself referred to .
28 Tilson , who 's married and used to be a school cleaner , has n't been seen since the attack 3 weeks ago , and it 's for this reason , police have taken the unsual step of naming him as a suspect .
29 you see and it 's for all the family .
30 And it 's for the children .
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