Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] were just " in BNC.

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1 Where we were just now with the research then talk about questionnaires .
2 You said in your last letter that you were just friendly with Cora-Beth but you do n't ever write about any other girls , so I do wonder if you are n't more fond of her than you let on .
3 I thought that it was a real fire , and that you were just a kind old man .
4 ‘ You do n't have to worry , ’ she said quickly , ‘ I know it did n't mean anything , that you were just — ’
5 I seemed to recall that in the past when we 'd met we 'd got on reasonably well , so I assumed that it must have been something that Jennifer had told you that had turned you against me , or , failing that , that you were just embarrassed at having to work with your sister 's ex-fiancé . ’
6 ‘ Then when I saw you I realised suddenly that you were just the friend who would help to make it all a success .
7 Because God does not require reminding that we were just as good Jews without ostentation .
8 Why does he not impose a levy — not the levy that we were just speaking about , but one similar to the French or German levy — to bring jobs to disabled people ?
9 There were no immediate changes , it went on from private enterprise , the changeover We were told at the time that we were just just to carry on the way we 'd been doing .
10 I understand that this was pretty common , quite common throughout British Railways , it took a few years to knit together you know , the nationalization and the fact that we were just the same railway after that .
11 no , but the spiders , I remember that one that got , was on the daddy-longlegs and he was just sitting there and he would n't move and no one would walk down the stairs , so we were just giving it pouf pouf and all throwing things at him trying to get him to go .
12 Having sifted through the views of countless organizations , through its technical appraisals , through computer assessments , it had concluded that there were just two places where it would pursue its investigations for an underground dump .
13 In 1986 , the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys ( OPCS ) , estimated that there were just over a million ( 1,010 thousand ) one parent families in Great Britain caring for more than a million and a half ( 1.6 million children ) .
14 We have seen that there were just over 100 there in 1875 .
15 Now that there were just two of us we were often left unchained for most of the day , certainly from breakfast to lunch-time .
16 The Foreign Ministry reported on May 8 that there were just under 411,000 Iraqi refugees inside and along the Turkish border .
17 He said the figures came hard on the heels of the news that there were just 202 job vacancies for the 4,685 unemployed in the Darlington district .
18 The potential to encourage lifestyle changes that would make retailing more environmentally sustainable are more limited than they were just a decade ago .
19 The truth was that they were just jealous they had not thought of it before and made all of that money .
20 It seemed that both incomers and Shetlanders presumed that the researchers did have a clearcut image of conflict in the area and that they were just fiddling about trying to show it , rather than attempting to do something about it ( e.g. putting the incomers somewhere else , helping out the incomers for once , etc . ) .
21 Initially the reaction of many to Take That was that they were just a bunch of pretty boys with no talent .
22 ‘ She was making these excuses that they were just good friends , and all she did was his typing . ’
23 But I quickly found out that they were just ‘ sussing me out ’ — seeing how tough I was — and when my novelty as a new boy wore off , I was out in the cold .
24 Contrary to making it plain that they were just friends , Simon had indulged in some imaginary kiss-and-tell .
25 So that when we get to the mock interview stage , no , no one can actually back out , no one can pretend that they were just sent by their council .
26 Hanging back so they were just at the limit of vision , she followed them through the tunnels of the complex , occasionally passing other personnel or soldiers , who ignored her to concentrate on their search for the fugitive .
27 ‘ Your Mum and I were just about to phone the police . ’
28 My girl-friend and I were just making-up after a quarrel .
29 And and John and I were just in fits .
30 " Harry and I were just wondering how we were going to get her clothes on again . "
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