Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] had [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Before getting into bed I went into the large bathroom beside her bedroom , where I had n't been before .
2 McEnroe was philosophical : ‘ It just got to be too long where I had n't won the big one .
3 She opened her eyes and was aware of being in her mother 's bed , where she had not been for over ten years .
4 Melanie decided to adventure downstairs to the kitchen , where she had not been .
5 She stole up the staircase to his room , where she had not been since she was one of his students .
6 She tried to use Spacefleet hypno-techniques to block the remorse , but either they were n't that good or she had n't learned them well enough .
7 ‘ I do n't know , ’ Ellie hedged without any clear idea whether she had or she had n't .
8 It was useless to baptize people who had no understanding of the faith , or who had not been persuaded by teaching to espouse Christianity .
9 Its real achievement lay in slowly but surely creating and manipulating opinion to create a border mentality where one had not existed in such crude form before .
10 Carole said that she always brought everything including the kitchen sink because she 'd stayed in the past in basecamps where there had n't even been enough mattresses to go round ; one in South Wales had been a wooden hut with gas lights and a fridge half a mile away .
11 In general these texts give the impression that where interpretative principles had already been worked out for legacies , trusts followed them ; and where they had not , much the same principles were adopted for both institutions .
12 The extent of royal jurisdiction varied enormously : at one extreme lay Roger II , the would-be autocrat , uttering absolutist doctrines out of Justinian ; or the English king , who , however tied by custom , had effective control both of the king 's court , which retained a wide jurisdiction and was capable , under Henry II , of rapid expansion , and over the old popular courts of the shire and , where they had not fallen into private hands , of the hundred ; at the other extreme was the German king , much of whose jurisdiction had been delegated to the ecclesiastical immunities , and equally much was slipping , in the twelfth century , into princely hands ; or the French king , who was expected to do high justice to all who came , but received comparatively few callers from outside the royal domain .
13 Crops appeared where they had not grown before : rubber was carried from Brazil to become the staple of the Malayan economy , and soon to be very important in Indonesia and Ceylon .
14 He had been keyed up , expecting just such a confrontation , where they had not .
15 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
16 It was a view , noted the SRU 's chief executive , Bill Hogg , at Murrayfield yesterday , which Ian McGeechan fully endorsed — the Lions ' and Scotland coach contending that where they had not been proved they had not , as yet , been disproved .
17 But apart from that incident , it was a great show and he did the same kind of thing in Seattle , Kansas City and the sort of cities in the Mid West where they had n't heard of him — it was too early — but Tony DeFries was as good as his word .
18 As soon as he saw their mood he made no attempt to join or follow ; and the people , seeing he had not the cut of a government man , passed him by .
19 There were a few areas of life where he had not been involved — his interests ranged from Stockport Infirmary to the Territorial Army , Stockport Lads ' Club to the Boy Scouts , the Trustee Savings Bank to the NSPCC .
20 Her superiors in pastoral studies had , on the whole , been of the opinion it was not merely officious but often dangerous to move a drunk from the place he had chosen to lie down into one where he had not .
21 Away from Stroudwater the industry seems rather to have remained in the hands of independent craftsmen : in eight places where cloth was made , the structure of wealth resembled what was commonly found in parts where it had not taken root , with perhaps three of the four £100 men belonging to the gentry .
22 On Jan. 16 the Central Commission on the Population and House Census announced the continuation of the census in areas where it had not been completed by Jan. 14 .
23 It is therefore very unlikely that the court would insist on an expert giving reasons where it had not been agreed beforehand that he would .
24 He kind of looked at me quizzically and he had either not heard it or it had n't made any impact on him … and he basically just kind of waved it off . ’
25 Although I had n't seen her in over thirty years , there was one person in the world who might help me : my sister .
26 How was I to combat it , physically , menially , and although I had n't thought of it in those terms , spiritually as well ?
27 Although I had n't met him before , like many would-be adventurers I 'd read a lot about his life and experiences .
28 Although I had n't come across this Siberian wader before , it does turn up in Shetland occasionally .
29 He had known where I was because he had received all my letters , although I had n't received any of his .
30 ‘ It was the last day of school and I had intended to phone you later although I had n't decided what to say . ’
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