Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] was say " in BNC.

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1 While there was , from the platform , evidence of considerable care and attention being paid to the potential physical hazards of the industry , little or nothing was said by the industry 's speakers about the effects of chemicals or their by-products on the environment .
2 In 1942 he was persuaded to go into hospital , where he was said to be schizophrenic .
3 The policeman gave chase but one of the suspects turned and shot him twice in the back w He was rushed to Homerton Hospital where he was said to be in a serious condition early today .
4 He was rushed to Alder Hey Children 's Hospital where he was said today to be ‘ doing fine ’ .
5 The Victorian poet Algernon Swinburne lived a tortured sex life , heavily influenced by the beatings he received at Eton ( where it was said the boys were required to sprinkle eau de cologne on themselves before the canings began ) .
6 A 17-year-old paper-stainer , James Irons , was brought before the magistrate — described by the police as a ring-leader and by his mother as ‘ a good boy ’ — where it was said that he had ‘ used disgusting language , and discharged a number of stones larger than walnuts from a powerful catapult ’ .
7 ( N.C. , 1979 ) where it was said that persons charged with serious disciplinary offences had a right to call any evidence which was likely to assist in establishing vital facts in issue , that the chairman had a discretion to refuse to call witnesses to prevent the accused calling so many witnesses as to make the system unworkable but that fairness demanded that there be a right to cross-examine witnesses .
8 Meanwhile on April 25 the National Assembly had unanimously approved a plan for the resettlement of 3,000-4,000 marsh Arabs in new settlements on the periphery of the marshlands , where it was said that they would have improved access to services .
9 An interlocutory injunction was sought , but not granted by the court , where it was said that there had been a breach , but that an injunction would not be granted on a balance of convenience .
10 Michael had had a farm across the border , a lonely ruin near a place called Hackballs Cross , where it was said that men with guns had been known to train , and where certainly only the barest minimum of farming ever happened , enough to get the EC grants and little more .
11 Perhaps the most elegant formulation of principle was given in Coco v Clark ( AN ) ( Engineers ) Ltd where it was said that if a reasonable man standing in the shoes of the recipient of the information would have realised that upon reasonable grounds the information was being given to him in confidence then this should suffice to impose upon him the equitable obligation of confidence .
12 The reason for this is clear in Collins MR 's judgment where it was said that , in the case of a purchase of goods capable of a multitude of purposes , in order to invoke the implied condition , it was necessary to show that the goods were sold with reference to a particular purpose : … in order to give rise to the implication of a warranty , it is necessary to show that , though the article sold was capable of general use for many purposes , in the particular case it was sold with reference to a particular purpose .
13 This is recognised in the Law Commission Working Paper No 85 ( 1983 ) in relation to self-assembly furniture where it was said : The goods would , of course , have to be in a condition in which they could be assembled , and if they were sold without adequate instructions it is unlikely that they would meet the required standard of quality .
14 That is the scheme er as as I see it and unless , unless I I thi , unless that is progressed quickly then as I say I am extremely pessimistic and let me just say Chairman the dangers of not going along that line the dangers of the present scheme which was at the last planning committee meeting or or or was it one of the social services committee anyway , where four were chosen or or it was said choose a small number .
15 Cross J in dismissing the claim , went on to say : " Recalling matters of this sort is … quite unlike memorising a formula or list of customers or what was said ( obviously in confidence ) at a particular meeting " .
16 M sh you see that I was saying , to be a farm labourer in those days you 'd got to be a clever man , you 'd got to know how much wheat to shove to an acre , no waste , you see ?
17 We 've covered a lot tonight that I was saying
18 but you see there , that I was saying to Penny
19 Before I got pregnant it was taken for granted I 'd be in the sixth form , then when I found out , I thought I had two months to tell everybody I wo n't be back and they 're going to say , " How come ? " , so I was saying , " Oh God , I 'm going to fail my 0-levels , you wont see me back here again " .
20 Little that is definite is known of her early years , except that she was said to have been a backward child ; that she was sent to a private school , Hope House , in Taunton ; that she broke away from the family tradition of Methodism and became an Anglican ; and that she came to the attention of Dorothea Beale [ q.v. ] , and taught at Cheltenham Ladies ' College from 1877 until 1881 .
21 She never said to whom that fresh statement was made , but it was apparent to the jury that she was saying that she had made a statement contrary to that incriminating one , and she was suggesting that the second statement set out her case as she was putting it in the witness box .
22 It seemed that she was saying : ‘ Here I am and I will do whatever I must , attend functions , support the various trusts and so on . ’
23 And then she said to me , and then , when I was going , she went to me , would you like to come on holiday , I went , then she went , because of me and mum and dad , we went another day to holiday , we went to beach , and er , mum said , that , yeah , mum said that she was saying , erm , to her , why , why is it not , what was it she said , about the weather , mum was moaning saying it was cold , and she went why , why are n't we go on holiday , mum , and mum said we ca n't , we ca n't afford to go on holiday , and she ah , why do n't we go to seaside when it 's cold .
24 Josie knew more about Christine than she was saying .
25 So , I thought ah , so she was saying what 's he like ?
26 Except she was saying that you 'd actually offered her the job . ’
27 Although it was said in a jocular fashion it was too much for Maura .
28 Although it was said that his main contribution to debate was his sonorous ‘ hear , hear ’ , his speeches , reflecting the outlook of a liberal-minded Whig , were usually sensible and to the point .
29 This is obviously a safer course than renewing the writ although it was said in Sisknys v Hanley ( 1982 ) The Times , 26 May that the fact that the plaintiff 's solicitor could have but did not use this substituted service procedure was not a good reason for refusing renewal .
30 She felt I had something to say , a strength , and she was willing to staff to my weaknesses to make sure that it was said .
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