Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] is your " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do not know who is your friend or who is your enemy until the ice breaks . ’
2 ‘ Panovarious ’ refers to both ovaries ; ‘ hyster ’ refers to the uterus or womb , and ‘ ectomy ’ simply means ‘ cutting out ’ , so there is your technical answer .
3 ‘ The great thing about painting ’ , he says , ‘ is that it is your own individual interpretation of whatever view you have chosen .
4 ‘ The government , ’ he yelled to the crowd of mechanics and young men listening , ‘ try to tell you that it is your duty to fight .
5 When you are disappointed with the way other people react to you , assume ( even though it may not be true ) that it is your fault .
6 Teacher : How can you tell that it is your shadow ?
7 But since I agree that it is your duty to enquire as to the welfare of your wedded lord , and as … ’
8 If you can find someone else whose fault it is , then you can give up worrying that it is your own .
9 … You really must put it over that it is your job to know every wretched pipe anywhere on this river system … that it 's your job to know what is going on , who is doing what . ’
10 On a number of occasions you have said that it is your belief that any initiatives being announced by the Government by way of statement are best announced to the House .
11 Then : ‘ If you would just confirm that it is your brother … ’
12 Not that it is your concern . ’
13 You should explain to them that it is your responsibility to ensure that contracts are exchanged in such a way that this scenario does not arise .
14 And , I feel that when I go in your room now very much that it is your room , and I feel the same when I go in Glenys 's , it 's her room
15 And who is your uncle ? ,
16 " And who is your patron ? "
17 And who is your teacher ?
18 And as Grainne stared at him , horror and comprehension dawning in her eyes , he said in a voice of extreme tenderness , ‘ And she is your mother , Grainne .
19 " I ca n't help it if she is your sister — she 's spoilt and she causes trouble .
20 And it is your birthday , is n't it ? ’
21 It is not for the likes of us to try and tell you your job , after all , you are the boss and it is your decision as to who gets in the squad , but when rubbish like Terry becomes a regular , well … it reflects on the whole team and your lousy judgement in particular .
22 I have lost interest in religion and it is your fault ! ’
23 Th that for most of us would be very sad and it is your Association and it is the only substantial body that there 's representing you as individual sailor but is attempting to fight off that unnecessary legislation .
24 The client does not know what to expect and it is your responsibility to ensure that he or she does not waste time trying to contact you at inappropriate times .
25 On the day they want to , they will massacre you to the last man , and it is your duty to fall .
26 But what if it is your screaming ?
27 If it is your passion that is in the driving seat , ask yourself whether you care what effect the actions of your free will will have upon others or upon yourself .
28 If it is your own mother who is bereaved , the fact that you are grieving too will probably help you both a good deal , as you will be able to share your sorrow and comfort each other ; though in some families shared sorrow occasionally leads to friction and unreasonable apportioning of blame for trivial or imagined omissions in the course of the terminal illness of the deceased .
29 If it is your mother-in-law who has come to live with you , even greater efforts will usually be required on both sides if there is to be peaceful co-existence , for this is always a challenging relationship ( there are not too many Ruths and Naomis around ) .
30 If it is your intention to add a fully scripted commentary , you will need to work out the timings .
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