Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 How could the lev or the rouble be put in the ERM ?
2 How can a football or a golfball be compared to a girl ?
3 Should he sell ( or a sale be forced to realise the security ) to someone unacceptable as crofting tenant ( because of non-residence , for instance ) , the Crofters Commission could require the croft to be re-let by the new landlord in order to protect the crofting system .
4 A written paper — a story or a report be used with the word processing software or viewdata software be rewritten , providing another opportunity to refine and enhance the work in a new dimension .
5 Should an order for meals need to be altered , or an error be discovered , while unloading is taking place at the plane , the driver of the vehicle supplying the meals can simply radio back to base and within minutes the problem is resolved .
6 One day when he was extremely unrealistic and euphoric , I really became upset ; it was like going in to see a stranger — he was receiving a high dosage of morphine at that time — and I called his pulmonary doctor and requested that something be done or an explanation be given .
7 ‘ Neither a lender nor a borrower be ’ was often heard in Peter 's house .
8 His father had said all along : ‘ neither a lender nor a borrower be ’ .
9 XEROX : Shakespeare 's silent character , hence the continuing confusion over ‘ Something is rotten Xerox in the state of Denmark ’ , ‘ Neither a borrower nor a lender be for loan Xerox oft loses both itself and Xerox friend ’ and the most famous ‘ You are disgusting , in fact you are rank , Xerox . ’
10 Results of psycholinguistic experiments to do with the intelligibility of words spliced out of context seem to cast doubt on the usefulness of the categorization , however , Lieberman ( 1963 ) found that , the word borrower was recognised by 80% of subjects when isolated from the context , The borrowers were all imprisoned , but was only 45% intelligible in the context Neither a borrower nor a lender be .
11 The US negotiating team , led by Max Kampelman until his retirement in December , had on Oct. 30 proposed that anti-missile tests in space be permitted but that a limit be placed on their scope , with a specific assurance that the USA would limit to 15 the number of satellites deployed in a Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI , or " Star Wars'-see p. 36760 ) test .
12 And in the afternoon , at the time he was drowned , her mother would call her inside and bolt the door , and they would kneel together and say the rosary for the soul of the father she had never known ; and when all those Hail Mary 's had been said , and the Glory Be 's and the Our Father , and they had made the sign of the Cross together , her mother would pull out the silver Madonna she always kept hidden at her breast and press her lips to it in a way that said everything you needed to know about love and death and being a woman .
13 He goes on to say of course federal laws were not being obeyed in the confederacy because they 'd rejected the entire panoply of federal laws and Lincoln goes on to point out must they these laws and the confederacy be allowed to state the question more directly , are all the laws but one to go unexecuted and the government itself to go to pieces less that one be violated .
14 Now this means that the sponsor of the bill , Allan , brothers , pro proposes that the debate be closed and the bill be given a second reading .
15 However I am not so enamoured of the sound of my own voice that , bearing in mind what er Dr has said about the amount of business , I would insist on inflicting it upon it if someone would be prepared to second it and the convenor and the assembly be prepared to accept it .
16 If the cellular or biochemical changes are inhibited during the period over which memory formation should occur , then memory formation should be prevented and the animal be amnesic ; and vice versa .
17 Political , cultural and labour organizations had reportedly demanded that the conflict between the executive and the legislature be settled by a national referendum .
18 Involuntary reception into care : if a child or young person is in a situation of acute danger the youth department is entitled to intervene , but parents or guardians have to be informed immediately and the case be brought before a court for a care decision before the end of the day following the admission ( s. 42 ) , Where force is necessary , the police department must act but under the professional guidance of the youth department .
19 In a section on Italian music in La Borde 's compendious Essai sur la musique the writer takes up a position against those of ‘ the opinion that the woodchopper ( nickname for the Maître applied by critics of this practice ) should be banished , and the tempo be guided by ear alone ’ The reason was that
20 Do n't let the body and legs pull the club , but instead try to make the club get there first on the right path and the body be pulled on through into the finish .
21 Would she succeed and the future be a succession of triumphs , starring parts , world tours , fame , the increasing terror of growing old ?
22 How strictly will EC rules on subsidies , product safety and the environment be applied to East German products ?
23 The Foundation on Economic Trends has filed a petition with the US Department of Commerce demanding that the impact of transgenic animals on health and the environment be studied before any further patents are granted , arguing that such studies are required under the National Environmental Policy Act .
24 We are works of art , belonging to a world that is itself an aesthetic phenomenon ; and this is our highest claim to dignity , " for only as an aesthetic phenomenon can existence and the world be eternally justified " .
25 and the wine be spiced
26 Will materials , components , and the product be made internally or purchased from outside ?
27 The notion of pastiche is now a guiding thread in critical discourse , to the extent that Palandri 's novel can be put forward as ‘ a disturbing attempt to write a kitsch novel ’ ( De Michelis 1986a ) , and the argument be made — — referring to Piersanti 's Charles — that no novelist born in the 1950s can return to ‘ traditional narrative ’ without being aware that he/she is ‘ holding an old toy which might look fine in an antique shop , or might be an ornament or a collector 's item , but is no good for playing with any more ’ ; if they do use it ( but why should they if it is no use any more ? ) , it is with a mixture of pleasure and melancholy , ‘ like someone repeating a game which once gave pleasure for years and years and now gives none , only the memory of the joy it once gave ’ ( De Michelis 1986b ) .
28 Lavish praise should then be heaped on the dog and the dog be allowed to go again .
29 In the hope that the dust would settle quickly and the episode be forgotten , the French convinced the World Cup Chairman Russ Thomas to ‘ close the file ’ , a shabby reaction which outraged press and fans alike .
30 She would not do this again , she thought tightly , and the agency be damned !
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