Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] being [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This is why the Bible shows so much concern about the danger of having ‘ hardness of heart ’ , or of being coldly indifferent in our thoughts towards God .
2 Such is the fear of funding ‘ products ’ or of being too ‘ near market ’ , that we are failing to address the needs of 80% of today 's IT professionals — the users of IT , most of whom work outside academia and the IT supply industry .
3 Paul spends most of the rest of his letter dealing with the problem in Corinth ; he does n't come down on the side of being totally separate or of being totally indistinguishable in lifestyle — but you 'll have to read that for yourself .
4 In that sense , it is like any other job of work , or like being any parent .
5 He showed no further interest in the magazine or in being outside .
6 It gets into water supplies in two ways : either from acid soils , where it becomes soluble at low pH ( there are huge amounts in the soil and these are washed out by acid rain where there is little organic matter to bind the aluminium ) , or by being deliberately added to peaty water to remove the suspended organic matter and make the water clear , by a similar chemical process .
7 Where any Member is unavoidably absent from the House on that day , through sickness or by being abroad , the scrutineers will make arrangements to receive their votes .
8 They looked quite like the Store nomes , except for being slightly darker and much skinnier .
9 Except for being much deader than I remembered .
10 One deduction we might draw from this is that the examples of Anderson 's modesty noted above , when seen in the context of his more pompous utterances and these attempts to preserve his academic credibility , are more likely to be viewed simply as superficial politeness strategies than as being genuinely meant .
11 He preferred to explain divine presence in Christ on the analogy of inspiration : Jesus was a man , essentially like all others except in being perfectly good .
12 Officials could accept responsibility for their behaviour but argue that in being willingly loyal to the corporation they were obeying a superior moral imperative .
13 I do n't know how the problem can be circumvented , except by being so much better than your opponent that even the most biased referee is forced to acknowledge your scores .
14 Sometimes I try to think about the concepts behind the immersion and about being spiritually cleansed , and sometimes mikva is just something that has to be done on time , and the spiritual significance is almost forgotten in the ritual of the act .
15 Hunt was acquiring something of a bad reputation : both for being accident-prone and for being excessively forthright .
16 The last time they played at Worthing — when Alton were in Division II South — the then skipper Alan Fleetwood broke an ankle and after being easily the better side , Alton lost by just one point .
17 And after being surprisingly left out of the South African party that reached the World Cup semi-finals last March , Cook has much to prove and not too many years left in his legs to make his mark on the international game .
18 They were successfully raised and after being carefully examined and analysed with carbon dating techniques , they appear to have been under construction around 1500 BC — that was at the same time as Stonehenge was built .
19 The ride itself was very open and exposed and after being so long in the close embrace of the trees Marian found it difficult to step out into the clear daylight .
20 Upon opening the Carlton Standard 's case , and after being initially overjoyed that I was n't looking at yet another Strat derivative , I must admit that my aesthetic values were backed into a corner while I tried to work out exactly what I was looking at .
21 And despite being so cool , DJ still has a fiery temper and can summon up a useful blast of flame breath at any time .
22 Freud 's comment on dreams of exposure was , … the dream of nakedness demands our attention only when shame and embarrassment are felt in it , when one wishes to escape or to hide , and when one feels the strange inhibition of being unable to stir from the spot , and of being utterly powerless to alter the painful situation …
23 She thought of standing against this landscape and of being somehow contained within herself : resolute , alone , but not lonely .
24 People are quite capable of saying one thing and doing another , and of being quite unaware of this .
25 From the American perspective , Giraud had the twin advantages of outranking de Gaulle and of being totally uninterested in politics ( he later proved incompetent as well as uninterested ) .
26 She lost 7lbs ( 3.2kg ) more , and from being just ‘ slimmer ’ , Stephanie 's body became curvaceous and beautifully toned .
27 It 's asking us to save them from being depicted in overexposed snaps , and from being constantly pointed at by male senior citizens .
28 But remember that these stages on her journey to the position where she can love and remember her husband without pain , and without being emotionally tied to him , will only be acceptable to her when she is really ready for them .
29 THERE are horror movies and there are Japanese horror movies and without being remotely racist it is a proven fact that in the Land of the Rising Sun they like their severed limbs , blood and gore with knobs on .
30 The phoneme would still be distinguished from and by being neither alveolar nor bilabial , and would be distinct from plosives and fricatives simply by being neither plosive nor fricative .
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