Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] might have " in BNC.

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1 At least they had told me of their bad luck already or I might have succumbed to the old tales of women on ships and the bad omens they can bring .
2 Perhaps you or I might have got fed up with all the attention and been tempted to tell the crowds to go home and leave us alone .
3 Maybe Dundee will be interested in players here , or I might have to break the club 's transfer record to get him . ’
4 ‘ Patrick weighed 8lb 7oz — ‘ I 'm lucky he was a big baby , or I might have ended up having him even more quickly .
5 look , you 're going to have it on the floor , will you hold it up straight please or I might have to scream , shall I scream ? , it 's alright Richard he did n't spill any
6 I want no more fighting or I might have to fight what shall I do with you ?
7 Len did n't answer , then a sound that could have been a sigh or which might have been a sob escaped his lips , a sound full of despair .
8 ‘ You 've no idea where she might have gone ? ’
9 a space where she might have spoken ;
10 In Miss Weeton 's Journal of a Governess , she writes on 15th September 1810 : ‘ I would have introduced you to Mr. Green , who keeps an exhibition of drawings ( all his own ) in that village where you might have been amused for two or three hours-for he has a great number , two rooms being kept open for the purpose .
11 If the draught is sluggish , it may be improved by fitting vents in wooden floors near to the fireplace ; or you might have to install a vent in an outside wall .
12 Or you might have become part of a large co-operative farm , where you would virtually farm as you were told in every facet by those in charge .
13 You might , for instance have to alter the way the murder you had in mind is committed or you might have to go so far as to alter the motive of the murderer or even find a completely different person to commit the central action .
14 There are areas that are just what they want things passed on the hoof. left , right and centre when anyone else outside these areas wants it we 're told no money , no capital , ca n't be spent this year , wipe it off and I think you should be very careful or you might have a backlash where you least want it .
15 If the person makes up for the deficit by eating extra nutritious food , then he or she might have an adequate amount of nutrients , but the high overall food and calorie intake will lead to obesity .
16 But that 's the same as if you willed spouse had died before you for instance , and you were the second of two to die and she had n't or she might have everything to the children and you still got a hundred and sixty thousand pounds , you ca n't avoid the inheritance tax in those circumstances .
17 If the Second World War is often regarded as the watershed of ‘ permissiveness ’ , then those with more educated tastes — who perhaps remember the precipitating crisis of the Public Order Act of 1936 and Mosley 's black shirts , or who might have read the descriptions of pre-war razor gangs in Graham Greene 's Brighton Rock — look back beyond the war before that , to the slumbering golden years of Edwardian England which is one of the most authoritative versions of the true location of the ‘ British way of life ’ .
18 Where we might have expected these to vary in the same direction as the specialist team 's , they in fact exhibit a different set of distinctions , particularly in the high rate of service provision and the trend towards maintaining cases as live .
19 Where we might have expected him to grant her the respect of verse , he goes on in the same business-like prose : ‘ How now , Kate ?
20 But where we might have expected a bourgeois society logically to break it up or transform it — as indeed it was to be disintegrated later — the classic phase of bourgeois society reinforced and exaggerated it .
21 ‘ Well , get your best friend to take you home , ’ said the first constable , ‘ or we might have to take you down to the station for the good of your health . ’
22 God might have annexed colour sensations to the kind of light reaching our eyes in ; quite different way from that which he has done , so that the very same things ( in their real nature ) which are red to us might have been blue , and vice versa , or we might have experienced , quite different range of colours in the same physical situations .
23 Dear Mr Westgate , I think we should have more footpaths or we might have a good chance of being killed .
24 or we might have to bring this back a bit
25 There is the further difficulty that mortgagees , in circumstances where there might have been a conveyance or transfer at less than full consideration ( whatever that is in a matrimonial context ) , are requiring indemnity insurance to protect the mortgagee for an amount equal to the advance ( see Halifax Building Society practice notes 1992 paras 22 and 25 ) .
26 Obviously Miles did not trust her with his camera or there might have been a matching sequence of ‘ Miles in front of a shop …
27 The plaintiff might be an author who is prevented by his injuries from writing or completing a book or there might have been high unemployment in the area and large redundancies in the company that had employed the plaintiff .
28 In fact , even the most basic repairs had been neglected for many years before that , so that structural problems developed where they might have been avoided .
29 Such routes should increase in density towards the town centre , where they might have weather-protection canopies and be served by what Ramsay has called ‘ pedestrian service points ’ .
30 Although insufficient to provide the full service , these bogie cars were worked hard on the main line and sometimes worked to Thornton Heath but never to Addiscombe or Penge , where they might have been too long for some of the passing loops on these lines .
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