Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] could get " in BNC.

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1 I decided to abandon my earlier plan of just walking around until dawn and instead to try and find somewhere where I could get some sleep .
2 We had another seventy miles till London and at least another fifteen until the next junction where I could get out .
3 Also , there was a pleasant inn about a quarter of a mile away where I could get a room if the tide — in the way of tides — served at some merciless hour of the early morning .
4 Can you let me have a phone number where I could get you this evening ? "
5 According to the information on the disk , the price was $7.95 or I could get another two included for $20 .
6 In a short while she would be installed in a quiet hotel room where she could get on with her work , and try to forget about the arrival of that frightening letter .
7 To start off Changez 's career in the grocery business , Anwar instructed him to work on the till , where you could get by with only one arm and half a brain .
8 Or you could get a life instead .
9 Perhaps you could c come from you see , but you would n't be able to come near Amlwch or you could get to Amlwch and you could n't get to .
10 or we 'll get you one , or you could get it through your local news agency .
11 ‘ Is there anywhere near here where we could get some bread and cheese ? ’ asked Breeze , thinking that at this moment she could eat a dog-biscuit with gusto .
12 Eels are not thought to go down to the abyssal depths of the Atlantic where they could get such indications from the sea floor .
13 He wanted to go somewhere where he could be alone — where he could get some peace .
14 It is such that nothing could get in the way of its operation save changes logically inconsistent with it or with its effect or with a causal sequence of which it and its effect are parts .
15 When there were , the engine driver would stop the train and get out of his cab and shoo them off , and sometimes he 'd wait so that everyone could get down from the carriages and stretch their legs and pick blackberries before they set off again .
16 The underlying objective of the PMUG is to encourage the free flow of information between users so that everyone could get the best out of PageMaker .
17 I ran along the stony path to Sam 's large shed in my socks and hardly felt the discomfort , and found to my relief that I could get inside easily enough — no lock on the door .
18 Sometimes I feel that I could get to the point where I 'd let her get on the bus [ transport to day care ] in the morning and then ring them up later and say ‘ Do n't bring her back because I wo n't let her in ’ …
19 ‘ He was a big man , but I had studied martial arts and felt confident that I could get away if he made the wrong move .
20 At around midnight , the chairman used my pregnancy — I was huge by then — as an excuse to break up the meeting : he said that even if no one else was tired , he thought we ought to disperse so that I could get my rest !
21 I was hoping that P & I 's would be having a sale and that I could get a new concordance but she would n't even let me look .
22 I like to read about my time and it was only really in the style magazines that I could get in touch with people of my generation — black or white .
23 They had both been so kind , caring and helpful during the whole of Nigel 's illness — staying with him so that I could get out to shop and have a break , taking him to his hospital appointments because their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable for him , and in dozens of other , smaller but no less important ways .
24 I popped in on yer to see if I could do anything for yer , like did yer want a medical bandage that I could get cheap .
25 I hated Gionesca because he complained all the time , and I knew that I could get away with hating him because I was stronger and fitter than him .
26 When , and if , I got to the 2ème Régiment Étranger des Parachutistes I hoped that my efforts during basic training would pay off , and that I could get involved , if not in a war , then in something physically and militarily more adventurous than anything I had done so far .
27 The child itself would want to know who its father was , and the fact that I could get no comfort from the circumstances would be no excuse for hiding them from — him , her ?
28 Just as I was trying to find a hole in the hedge , so that I could get into the next field , I saw another giant coming towards me .
29 I knew exactly where to stop it so that I could get off and go down the ladder , sneak a cup of tea or something .
30 Er er always played football or tennis and I I played all sports that I could get hold of .
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