Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] would if " in BNC.

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1 Or I would if I had a club .
2 Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that last Friday , on a delegation to Kiev , I took the opportunity — as I had always promised myself that I would if ever I were in Kiev — to visit Babi Yar , just outside the city limits , where in two years of Nazi terror and occupation tens of thousands of people were murdered ?
3 " I feel worn out , much more than I would if I 'd been for miles on the moor .
4 So we get two things , we get a very good new personality , and secondly , an intelligent personality , and , therefore , and this is an important part of the strategy , she gets out of the other archaeologists she 's talking to a much higher level of interaction and intellectual interchange than she would if she were simply a standard presenter .
5 For example , a worker who is unaware that exposure to high levels of benzene , as happens in some chemical plants , might cause cancer will be willing to work for a lower wage than she would if this information were widely available .
6 I do n't know why you would want to kill them , but I 'm sure that you would if you had them in your hands .
7 Gouache can , of course , be used in thin washes to give watercolour effects , but you will not achieve the same degree of clarity that you would if you used pure watercolour .
8 er in the way that we would if we were visitors .
9 An inadequate return on capital might mean that we are getting less than we would if the money was at work in the money market but whereas the development of the business is within our control interest rates are not .
10 To compensate for that possibility , sterling-holders need higher interest rates than they would if they believed the pound would never be devalued .
11 Nevertheless , most natural populations , at most times , change much more slowly than they would if subjected to strong directional selection .
12 However , it has also been suggested that since there is a dominance hierarchy among the females and only the subordinates do badly , it may be that it is only younger females that fare worse in big harems than they would if they were monogamous .
13 Some weaving yarns , for example chenille and mohair may feel much harsher when woven than they would if knitted by hand or on a chunky machine .
14 If rates vary between countries , firms may carry out more or less of their business in one particular country than they would if all countries had the same rate .
15 It also has substantial material advantages — the ability to raise loans is greater , the opportunity for setting off and writing off business expenses are more generous and , because tax to be paid at the end of any one financial year is assessed in relation to the previous year 's results , organisations with a growing turnover have a lower effective tax rate than they would if tax were assessed on current activities .
16 Thus , an uncompetitive market structure may be maintained indefinitely because of barriers to entry and exit ; products are not , as in the model , homogeneous , but have differentiating characteristics which enable producers to raise prices without causing a total shift in demand to their rivals ; and finally , purchasers lack perfect information and hence may pay higher prices than they would if aware of alternative , cheaper , sources of supply .
17 To the extent that R&D is undertaken by independent firms merely in order to ensure that they innovate before their rivals or to prevent rivals from producing new products which displace those that currently generate rents , then firms who make R&D decisions co-operatively may do less R&D than they would if they were independent .
18 They 're getting fined more for marrying again er than they would if they 'd committed a crime .
19 For the same reason , if we ride fast on a ( preferably quiet ) motorbike past a wailing factory siren , when we are approaching the factory the pitch will be raised : our ears are , in effect , gobbling up the waves at a faster rate than they would if we just sat still .
20 Now for a motor car I think you can say that the practical desirabilities of a car , and the acceleration and performance and looks are very important , one could also say that the fact that many people have their cars bought for me by the firm they work for means that they will therefore buy a larger car than they would if it was their own money that they were spending , so the market for cars is perhaps not one which is determined by energy efficiency or even optimum efficiency in terms of people 's and prestige is coming into it as much as these other factors and it is determined by who pays the money .
21 None of the companies in this survey — although a number of banks and other City concerns were included — had actually ever employed search consultants to recruit whole teams , although two said that they would if the need occurred .
22 The second part of clause 13 also authorised the buyers to sell these finished goods , on condition that they would if requested transfer to the sellers the benefit of those sales .
23 I agree that it would if I constantly compared her with my current partner , or wistfully mentioned her name from time to time .
24 So that it would if it were were just like a trough .
25 He suggests that the term ‘ porpoising ’ should be used to describe any aquatic animal that leaps out of the water and uses less energy than it would if it were surface swimming at the same speed .
26 At low discounts , the supply curve in our figure will shift to the right more rapidly than it would if prices were low .
27 In other words British Gas may end up paying more than it would if more help was offered at tender stage .
28 I 'd quite like a rest now , and I would if there was somewhere to lie down , but I do n't want to get dirty .
29 And I would if I 'm gon na use that term because I think I would be taking a flier with you .
30 If I 'd If I had n't of gone , I 'd of had nothing .
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