Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] have to make " in BNC.

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1 They dragged me to the Police Station where I had to make a detailed statement of everything that had happened the first time intercourse took place .
2 I felt that I had to make some sort of social effort so I swung my legs off the bed and sat sheepishly on the edge .
3 I told myself that I could not — that I had to make her admit what we both knew — that she was in love with me , and always had been .
4 That morning Doreen 's absence meant that I had to make the coffee and take in the biscuits to Mr Hutton .
5 I am coming later to the ‘ none-atall ’ which is one of the more emphatic observations that I have to make , namely that one must not assume there is necessarily a rational purpose , or even a felonious purpose , in the breach of law and order and the commission of crime .
6 Not that I have to make the same choices as someone I acknowledge to be more discriminating , since my differently constituted palate may react differently , but my own choice will be better informed if I heed nuances which I would have missed if he had not pointed them out .
7 I hardly had anything in the cupboard so I had to make do …
8 ‘ I also have to accept that maybe I 'm not that versatile , so I have to make sure that I 'm in the right situation to show myself off to my best advantage .
9 She recognized that she had to make a sensible framework of her own .
10 But I hope he 'll be able to make her understand that she ca n't ever have me , and that she has to make a life for herself away from me . ’
11 In Britain 's case it also remains true that she has to make up in sales to the world outside the EEC that which she loses by running a heavy deficit with the Community .
12 .. Try it out when you leave here , try it out in the meetings and the presentations that you have to make I encourage you to do that , to try it out in your day to day working and for those people who have either already been on this course or are coming on this course after you that you meet encourage them to do the same , because there 's nothing like encouragement and feedback from each other to be able to use these new ideas .
13 Mark you , I feel that you have to make the effort to go out there and meet the world … 'cause , part from a few stalwart friends , the world does not come to you ! !
14 The literal world which she inhabited was so plainly hostile that she seized with ardour upon any references to any other mode of being ; she came across few direct ones , in that suburban and industrial spot , so she had to make do with the oblique .
15 But then , he was in advertising , so you had to make allowances .
16 The patient may have to move about in a relatively confined area , so you have to make sure he can do so safely before he begins .
17 Yeah , so you have to make them the same .
18 Which means that so you have to make
19 Then erm you just so you have to make sure you keep .
20 Once you have to make sacrifices in your job and you have responsibilities then things might be different . ’
21 ‘ The problems of distribution and the various changes that we had to make to establish ourselves in Scotland made me think that if I just swung the compass I 'd land up in Paris . ’
22 But , all of us know that we have to make the effort at prayer .
23 It is precisely because all is not certain that we have to make certain .
24 In the unlikely event that we have to make one of the following changes to holiday arrangements before departure date and within 6 weeks of departure , we will give passengers paying the full brochure price a reduction of up to £30 per person on that price depending on circumstances and the time of modification :
25 It just says that we have to make the the call for nominations so long before we put out the selection ballot .
26 Barrow said : ‘ We have only nine signed professionals at the moment so we had to make a start somewhere for the future .
27 There is nothing in the data to tell us whether X causes Y or Y causes X , so we have to make the most plausible assumption we can , based on our knowledge of the subject matter and our theoretical framework .
28 A council spokesman said : ‘ We have got a duty to ensure payments are justified , so we have to make checks which can cause delays .
29 The man remarked to his wife that they had to make their way towards a particular church and that , once they had found that particular building , they would be almost on their friends ' doorstep .
30 ‘ We 're so boring that they have to make up stuff about us . ’
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