Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] just " in BNC.

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1 Oh , well it 's either that or she 's just ignorant !
2 The trick here , and in the scores of near-novels that have followed in its wake , is to make the reader , or disciple , imagine that he or she is just as erudite into the bargain : no need to struggle through Dante or The Song of Roland when it is all there in one fat detective story .
3 Having witnessed the horrifying poverty and hunger in countries where there is just not enough food to feed the teeming masses , he feels depressed and worried about the future .
4 Folding doors are especially useful in small or narrow rooms , where there is just not enough floor space for comfortably opening a normal hinged door .
5 Or there 's just a little honey left ?
6 Perhaps radio will allow me to play all the unsuitable roles that I ca n't do visually in the theatre , where it 's just the voice and the character .
7 It 's not really clear whether this is a symbiotic relationship of some kind , or it 's just that the Gobies find the corals a convenient place to sit .
8 DR ROBERT Answers Your Queries The big question this month is sound : it 's muffled ; it 's too directional ; it oscillates or it 's just not quite bluesy enough …
9 Yes , or it 's just another tragic waste of a life .
10 Or it 's just
11 Tracey said that she 's just gon na be one of these the judge either likes you or he do n't like you .
12 That 's it , that 's what I had they told and they said that it might be that she 's just , she 's just is small for her size , but it might be that Katie taken all the goodness from Hannah
13 Is n't it now obvious Mr Speaker that her own personal position on this issue is utterly impossible to justify , and that she 's just plain ‘ frit ’ .
14 Is n't it now obvious Mr Speaker that her own personal position on this issue is utterly impossible to justify , and that she 's just plain ‘ frit ’ .
15 The procedure continues for weeks with the man unable to tell the girl that he still buys the ticket even though he no longer has a car , and the girl not wanting to hurt his feelings by revealing that she is just taking a short cut , walking through the car park on her way to W. H. Smith .
16 Erm , and she 's just getting a new car , erm , unfortunately about two year ago , she had an accident in a Nova , well , her mam was driving , and they have n't had a car for two years , so she 's just recently getting an Orion , erm , one point eight , diesel , all the body kit , and very , very nice .
17 We 've got some experienced older players who are doing the business too , so everything is just clicking . ’
18 Thus discussion lessons can often give the impression that everything is just a matter of opinion — there need be no rigour , for " it 's all subjective anyway " .
19 We can just as readily conclude that there is just one type of latent inhibition ; that the change induced by exposure to the stimulus always tends to dissipate during the exposure — test interval ; and that the size of the interval required for such a loss of latent inhibition to become apparent grows longer as the strength of the effect induced by the initial exposure phase is increased .
20 The evidence that there is just one kind of cell which generates all the blood cell types — a multipotential stem cell — comes from destroying the stem cells of mice and then replacing them with just stem cells .
21 Exponents of this approach aim to overcome the deficiencies of absolute holism by sacrificing its claim to completeness , and their concession therefore consists in abandoning the Althusserean dogma that there is just one mode in which to explain all social phenomena .
22 It is increasingly important that there is just such a Wales-based environmental group putting forward a Welsh viewpoint ; and that such a group is seen to be supported at its grass roots by active branches playing parallel roles at local levels .
23 And this song does say that there is just one requirement from our part and that is , that we want to receive .
24 Well , you see , I think it 's such a masterpiece in itself , that there 's just nothing to be done .
25 Terrible bangs and things that there 's just no explanation for .
26 You begin to see that it 's just another language .
27 There 's no resistance : it seems that the neck has no muscle , no bone , no leather hide , that it 's just a blood-filled tube of white fur .
28 Beyond that it 's just a matter of trying to perceive whatever vision you have .
29 And even though I assure myself that it 's just the annual resurgence of an old allergy ( a distant relation of eczema — Xmasa ) , I am still incapable of keeping the worst symptoms at bay .
30 My hair is so thick and there 's so much of it that it 's just too annoying for me .
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