Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [is] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think there is a tendency erm for local authority planners to have horizons set by the end date of the current plan period , and work , try and work in that , sort of around the real world I think , where nothing happens , or nothing is conceivable , beyond that time period , erm , this particular approach , er does not work in the case of new settlements , there is no need when having established your design size for a new settlement that it necessarily all has to be built within current plan period , and I think this sort of approach is recognized in Cambridgeshire where , in case of the A forty five new settlement , a view was taken at an early stage that a new settlement of three thousand dwellings was needed to meet long term development needs in Cambridgeshire , an area where the planning issues and problems where very similar to those of York , and the approved structure plan in policy proposed that new settlement to be designated as three thousand , of which two thousand portion would be built within the current plan period , so it seems to me that the the question of size need not be an impediment to erm designation of a new settlement if the existing requirement and need are adjudged not to require the sort of new settlement size that we are creating .
2 You note that he resented them , where them is plural , and you may consider what plural entity may be both resented and worn ( or not worn ) .
3 Where nothing is forthcoming for a word position , shape and length could be used along with higher level information to select potential words ; where some characters are suggested these could be used in addition to this information ; if only one or two letter positions in a word have no candidates , shape information could be used to select letter candidates , along with the restrictions provided by the adjacent letters .
4 He added : ‘ What I want is a country of real opportunity where everyone is free to choose .
5 Khovanshchina is so : you see what happens , someone is coming or someone is angry or unhappy or he 's making a political move or it 's coming from the heart .
6 and the only thing that they 've done is if you kiss somebody , kissing someone whatever you know , erm or someone 's dirty and that is the only thing they can put it down
7 Whether personal or commercial , business will be terminated where their is little or no likelihood of profit .
8 It begins with a wild party where nobody is worried about the consequences of all the booze , the nose candy , the easy sex .
9 We commence by maximising the first objective function , using the simplex method , until we reach a tableau in which the objective function value is non-negative ( so that the goal is achieved ) or which is optimal .
10 Nor does a term cease to be a leasehold because it is determinable by an event which may happen , or which is certain to happen , within the term — e.g. if A holds land for 99 years or for 999 years , ‘ if he shall so long live ’ , he is still a leaseholder , though it is nearly or quite certain that he will not outlive the term .
11 As the corporals head for lunch they pass a recruit from the TA platoon shepherding her visitors toward the museum , Where she is convinced that she has found a photograph of her mother , Who served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945 .
12 But his wife still commutes there , where she is domestic service manager at the hospital .
13 LIFE IN THE SHADOWS : Sarah is preparing to go out for another night 's work ( left ) and on the streets , where she is wary of police
14 Mama will agree , I am sure — you can not put a foot wrong , it seems , where she is concerned !
15 However in many ways , Caulfield is the complete opposite of Lucy Snowe ; where she is quiet and retiring , and hides her feelings , Holden speaks his ; for example , he will strike up a conversation with anyone he meets — at one point in the book , Holden asks his taxi-driver if he knows where the ducks in Central Park go when their lake freezes !
16 We are always ready to assist and advise in the development of video film for your products and company , where none is available .
17 ‘ I can not accept credit where none is due . ’
18 Two or three children remain the ideal of 80 per cent , only 6 per cent think one or none is ideal ( Gallup 1986 ) .
19 ai n't ya ? ah , well I think she 's going off er , either that or she 's lazy , I think she 's going off bacon
20 I wonder if she 's died or she 's ill ?
21 Every person , whether at the most junior or the most senior level , has someone to whom he or she is accountable for doing the job properly .
22 He or she is accountable to the education committee , on which elected councillors form the majority ( see Chapter 6 ) .
23 He or she is disadvantaged , dissident or deviant in relation to a great mass of laws , norms and customs which regulate the society of which both the client and the social worker are a part .
24 The survivor can cope with the fact that the dead person may not be physically present , but feels that he or she is present in every other way .
25 Owing to the provisions of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland and Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Brown [ 1981 ] AC 487 it would be prudent to obtain the consent to the conveyance from any other occupier of the matrimonial home aged 18 years or more , coupled with confirmation from such occupier that he or she is agreeable to the rights of the mortgagee taking priority over his or her rights in the property or its proceeds of sale .
26 The principle was confirmed at the Eighth Congress of the International Association of the Arts held in Baghdad in 1976 : ‘ Works by living artists exhibited in or on public buildings , galleries , museums and other public sites and which continue thereby to provide a service to the public should be subject to a continuing form of remuneration to their creator ( comparable to performing rights for theatrical or musical works paid to author and composer ) so long as he or she is alive and the work continues to be a public amenity ’ .
27 There is one other significant point to be remembered , and that is that the person who suffers from what appears to be an illogical fear always feels that he or she is stupid .
28 If the client ca n't be dissuaded , the Law Society has directed that the following steps by a solicitor are obligatory : ( 1 ) A solicitor must , with his clients ' authority , at once disclose in writing his clients ' decisions to the solicitor for each prospective buyer ( or to the prospective buyer if he or she is unrepresented ) .
29 Sometimes they are told to demonstrate what new recruits ( and the field-worker ) can expect ; on other occasions they are told to illustrate the funny or the tragic sides of policing ; or are used as a vehicle for the story-teller to display some features about him or herself , such as his or her experience and skill and ability in handling all things , and that he or she is professional in being able to talk about horror in a cold and detached manner .
30 If a reader ever expects to do more about the stringing of an old keyboard instrument ( or a modern instrument designed after one ) than replacing broken strings , it is essential that he or she is familiar with this book .
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