Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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31 IT HAS become clear these past few years that London 's investment houses are rather worse at managing their own affairs than their clients ' .
32 and the Scottish Court of Session agreed that his employers ' prejudice justified their sacking of him ; Susan Shell was sacked from her job as a care assistant by Barking 's Labour council , when it was discovered that she was lesbian and she refused to resign .
33 But this reveals a cultural context of great importance only when we can be satisfied that his texts ' historicity — their social embedment — is not determined by Greenblatt 's own desire to keep these texts empowered .
34 Postmasters could , and did , ensure that priority was given to the letter advising of these developments which was intended for their own particular political friend in London , and that his enemies ' letters would be delayed until the next post .
35 The young prince will feel emotionally bruised that his parents ' marriage is over .
36 What he did was to go to Holy Trinity Church and look at the parish records where he found that his parents ' wedding date was also May — the 27th .
37 David , feeling that he was learning nothing at Newtown Comprehensive and that his parents ' lives were increasingly centred on London , took a unilateral decision ; he left Clogau , moved into the family flat in Chelsea and enrolled at Holland Park Comprehensive , the most renowned , free-thinking state school of the day .
38 Peter Fane has noticed that his customers ' demands are becoming more adventurous as they try to appear lusher and leafier than their rivals .
39 ‘ The next problem is fees , ’ Tim said , noticing sardonically that his partners ' level of attention rose sharply .
40 I never understood this until I realized he meant that his characters ' uselessness , indolence and longing were typical of the adults he knew when he was a child .
41 Provided the landlord ensured that his serfs ' poll-tax did not fall too far into arrears , he was left to his own devices .
42 Their exploitation of this recently opened path aroused jealousy among the knights , one of whom refused to answer a charge levelled against him by the Erembalds in the court of Charles the Good , on the ground that his accusers ' lowly social origins barred them from comital justice .
43 ‘ Soul ’ is established as a category containing phenomena as disparate as Professor Paul Davies ' conviction that what we know of the universe points to a grand design , Miriam Rothschild 's delight in the beauty of her biological subject matter , and Oliver Sacks ' realisation that his patients ' brains do not resemble computers .
44 This structure will also show that our members ' contributions are spent in an acceptive and efficient manner .
45 What is more , he has a social conscience , and as a result of his persuasion I intend to see that our labourers ' cottages have better sanitation . ’
46 The team effort involved in achieving that goal has been mammoth , with sales , service , administration and management all now pulling together to ensure that our customers ' needs have been met , in spite of the tremendous upheaval involved .
47 I now turn to the submission of Woolwich that your Lordships ' House should , despite the authorities to which I have referred , reformulate the law so as to establish that the subject who makes a payment in response to an unlawful demand of tax acquires forthwith a prima facie right in restitution to the repayment of the money .
48 As you start to use LIFESPAN , you will find that your users ' disk quota requirements decrease , as LIFESPAN is now holding all but immediately required files .
49 If , after a previously unblemished career , you are taken to task , it may be that your superiors ' requirements are unrealistic or that you have not yet been given sufficient time to adjust to the style of the new regime .
50 Make sure that your employees ' representatives are involved all along the line .
51 Most of us prefer to watch Dallas than our neighbours ' home-movies , because , when it comes down to it , we know that truth is generally a lot duller than fiction .
52 For although our nights ' experiences were equally shared and celebrated , our days were incongruent .
53 The message to schools is stark and simple : if you can not persuade sufficient parents to exercise their freer choice by selecting your school , your allocation of resources will be less than your competitors ' .
54 The telephone answering machine , and my clients ' willingness to talk to me at unusual hours of the day and night , kept me firmly in touch .
55 I sell Amway products because the company operates only by direct selling ( not through retail shops ) , and I saw being a distributor as a chance for me to raise funds for NCT ( and my kids ' playgroup ! )
56 This was exciting and I was very soon trying crystals of all sorts of substances taken from the shelves of my own and my colleagues ' laboratories .
57 This First Book of Dowland 's raises the problem of which was the original form ; some were undoubtedly composed as part-songs , others ( for instance , ‘ Sleep , wayward thoughts ’ and ‘ Awake , sweet love ’ ) probably originated as solos to the lute , while others again ( ‘ If my complaints ' , ‘ Can she excuse ’ , ‘ Now , oh now I needs must part ’ ) seem to have been instrumental dances to which words were later added .
58 If my aunts ' upbringing had prepared me for anything , it was for just this sort of agitation .
59 A manifest interest in the membership Can the Institute really maintain an appropriate balance between the public interest and its members ' interests ?
60 A general reference to the state of the partners ' capital accounts for the time being to establish both the quantum of the firm 's capital and its members ' shares therein may be substituted , with the important caveat , mentioned below , that poor accounting practices may serve to confuse the matter .
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