Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb past] into " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I asked you earlier where I fitted into the assignment you said that I 'd find out soon enough .
2 This was , at least , an improvement on an earlier pattern , where I went into the end-game with a lead of about 30 — and then lost on the black .
3 As the light faded she left the office and returned to her room , where she changed into a more attractive dress and attended to her make-up .
4 Her ‘ Spencer Special , ’ where she dived into the pool leaving barely a ripple , always attracted an audience .
5 We went youth hostelling for m the sort of the chapel choir , after When you grew up in chapel , then you were either found a job teaching , in the Sunday School , or you went into the choir .
6 We were jolted from the Delta to the coast , where we disappeared into a giant galvanised iron shed .
7 The impression of the wood grain is often preserved on the metal components where they came into contact .
8 One of them chewed it off and swallowed it and I 'm covered in gashes where they bit into me . ’
9 A puff of wind swung it round on its vane , and snatched a bunch of twigs from its beak and sent them twirling slowly down the steeple to the ground at Carol 's feet , where they sank into the snow .
10 Berry arrived with his party at base camp where he ran into the Kazakh climber Valeri Krishchaty by chance .
11 Woosnam had had three birdies in his first five holes and the only shot he dropped in going out in 34 was to take five at the ninth , where he drove into the trees .
12 It arrived at the sixth , where he drove into the lake , picked out his ball under penalty , then hit it 260 yards with his 1-iron straight into the hole .
13 Largely self-taught in Marxist literature , he joined the Marxist British Socialist party , where he came into contact with Russian Marxist exiles such as Maxim Litvinov and Georgi Chicherin .
14 As a result he was sent to Arles , where he came into contact with the rhetorician Julianus Pomerius .
15 Resuming at the short fourth hole , he promptly took a double bogey five , leaving a bunker shot in the sand , and then following it with a six at the fifth , where he hooked into some bushes and had to go back to the tee .
16 It also resulted in the interest in the potential of the Macintosh extending beyond the production area to design and editorial staff where it developed into passionate enthusiasm .
17 With a sudden flash of rage , she hurled the Browning far out across the dock , where it splashed into the water and disappeared .
18 Riverside conditions such as that , must have continued to exist for a very long time , for when the Romans arrived and established — about A.D.47 — a settlement astride the River Fleet where it ran into the north bank of the River Thames , the River Fleet was about two hundred yards wide at that junction .
19 Where it ran into the special ceramic-and-leather codpiece that it tailored into most of my tights and leggings , a useful protection in many situations .
20 On reaching Worsley the canal tunnelled into the sandstone cliff to reach the coal workings some three-quarters of a mile inside the hill , where it divided into channels that eventually reached a length of several miles .
21 His shaggy , walrus moustache was deeper coloured , streaky , with irony grey still in it and it was brown and sodden where it dipped into his own , special , pint-size mug which had the word ‘ Father ’ executed on it in rosebuds .
22 Yanto reached the end of the rock bridge where it disappeared into the hard sand The walking was now relatively easy as he made his way towards the first of the salmon traps , or kipes as they were called locally .
23 I followed the telephone cord and found where it went into the wall .
24 From there , he lobbed the bottle to the tiled floor beneath the sink unit , where it smashed into pieces , releasing its contents to flow over the floor .
25 Or it grew into a tree
26 They knew him so well that everyone fell into a hush and appeared to move around him on tiptoes .
27 I was offered a pair of shoes for about one third more than the market price , and I was so much in need of shoes that I fell into temptation .
28 ‘ When I first got there it was a lot of fun , a big gay scene that I fell into , dancing every night .
29 So that I married into what you call a railway family .
30 It was in October of that year that I got into trouble again , the first time since ‘ 78 .
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