Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [be] for " in BNC.

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1 For reasons which are too complicated to bother with , I had left Scotland , where I was for Christmas , on December 30th to go to the Isle of Wight and spend that most braw , bricht , moonlicht and Caledonian of celebrations , Hogmanay in the Deep South .
2 I 'll have her brought down here to Florence as soon as she can be moved but we 'll have to leave her where she is for the moment — in fact , put me through to Pontino again now , will you ?
3 If both genes are for wild-type eyes , or one is for wild-type and one for pearl eye , the beetle has wild-type ( black ) eyes .
4 By its nature , it is a long term investment and some of the dispensers may remain where they are for at least a year .
5 By its nature , it is a long term investment and some of the dispensers may remain where they are for at least a year .
6 They stayed where they were for another minute or so , although Jack had to practically hold Ho down while they waited .
7 Floy stood where he was for a moment , looking up at the great , shining edifice that was Tara , Ireland 's Bright Palace , the great legendary Citadel of Light , the home of the Wolfkings …
8 In the law of property , a child conceived , but not yet born , will be treated as born , at any rate where it is for its advantage that it should be so treated .
9 I emphasise this point because popular topographical books still tend to suggest that any particular place is sited where it is for defence reasons , or because it is near a source of water .
10 Section 50C(2) provides a specific example of when this may be necessary , that is , where it is for the purpose of error correction .
11 It occurred to me , when I reached Julius Apollo 's door , that the Canadian would be standing where it was for the whole of the twenty-five minutes of its daily scheduled stop .
12 ‘ Scripture ’ he said ‘ puts the great Commission from Jesus right at the heart of the Christian faith , or it is for every disciple ’ .
13 Or it was for the production crew working on the new children 's series The Borrowers .
14 But a bank spokesman said yesterday : ‘ We have no plans for flotation of Direct Line , although nothing is for ever .
15 ‘ No , it 'll be a night out I would guess , although I 'm for home myself first , to get some shuteye .
16 ‘ I think he was better casting than I was for the part .
17 The competition was to take place in August and , although she was for ever panicking about what they still could n't do , she tended to overlook how far they had come from first beginnings .
18 But the Princess Sabatini was no more responsible for her egotistical grandson than she was for tonight 's overblown charity event .
19 We 've got this far , Culley thought , so I 'm going to assume that you 're for sale .
20 And reading those terrible things , that you 're for dead , and you have to get up at so many different times .
21 ‘ No more anxious than you are for the return of the Earl of Gloucester , madam , ’ he countered .
22 Now that one was for ten years
23 So everything was for the best , Maggie ? ’
24 All spring records except one were for the Downs , but all autumn records for the coast .
25 One of the most distressing factors is the ‘ jollying up ’ attitude of staff and their expectations that the patients and their families will collude with the ritual pretence that everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds .
26 ‘ All I can say is that I recognise the incredible enthusiasm that there is for this sport among a section of the listening public — especially Daily Telegraph readers .
27 These examples should bring home the great difference that there is for Moore between intrinsic good and bad and anything of the nature of pleasure or pain .
28 But right now , I 'm going to do the most important thing that there is for me to do .
29 Buttressing these are the scarcity of good job opportunities on the internal labour market and the intense competition that there is for them ( Koshiro , 1981 ) .
30 We may thus argue that /a/ functions for women as a network marker to a greater extent than it does for men ; by this we mean that there is for them a higher correlation between choice of variant and network structure , a tendency to select relatively backed variants being associated with higher levels of integration into the community .
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