Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] done " in BNC.

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1 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
2 Needless to say Lord Elphinstone did not hesitate to respond to the challenge and rallied his friends , while at the same time pointedly expressing his hope , when writing to the duke , that ‘ neither my friend or I have done any thing to deserve your Grace 's withdrawing your friendship , interest & protection ’ .
3 Spain stood very much where she had done when Philip II came to the throne , except that the Netherlands had broken free and had set up an empire based much more on trade than on overseas settlements .
4 Parking where you have done seems a rather unnecessary expense , does n't it ?
5 where you have done everything in half an hour .
6 Or you 've done a tiny bit and you need something that 's not
7 While tearing out the old central heating and installing new , they had daringly put in new patio windows looking on to the rear garden ( where they had done away with mouldy flowerbeds full of Michaelmas daisies and had built a tiled area complete with ornamental pool and a lion 's head which dripped water into the pool ) , as well as redecorating most of the house in a lighter , more ‘ eighties ’ , way .
8 However , local authorities have had a duty , since 1968 , to provide adequate sites for gipsies normally resorting to their area and , where they have done so to the satisfaction of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment , they have criminal powers to remove illegal campers .
9 Suppose she went out into the woods with … him , and they were going to make love … or they 'd done it … and she said ‘ I 'm pregnant , you 're the father , what are you going to do about it ? ’
10 But I got talking to one of them and he told me he 'd just come out of prison where he 'd done time for soliciting .
11 Thus Lord Bridge 's guiding principle could properly be expanded to read ‘ one looks to see what the taxpayer has done to earn the profit in question and where he has done it . ’
12 So , where he 's done the extra year at the end if I do this extra year at the beginning I can start the teaching certificate .
13 So obviously if Mike 's been chosen once or he 's done it he does n't want somebody asking him again .
14 If he 's got a job there , and he 's done it well or he 's done it badly , tell him he 's done it badly , tell them where they 've gone wrong and tell them what they should do to put it right .
15 I says , he 's either hiding summat or he 's done summat .
16 ‘ I do n't know anything except I 've done something unforgivable and you have to help me undo it .
17 I had no intention to going into the art business and although I had done ‘ extra art ’ at school , I sully intended going on the stage .
18 Then you go back and you think : ‘ Well , although I 've done my best , maybe I have to find that little bit extra as a black person . ’
19 ‘ She 's a real feisty northern woman and that was nice for me because although I 've done a lot of different work , because of my television work , I tend to be thought of as the rather middle-class , bouncy , girl next door type .
20 Those Marshalls sure sound great , ’ but although I 'd done the work on them it did n't really help me a lot .
21 ‘ I am treated as a big failure to my parents and am seen as unworthy , although I have done nothing wrong . ’
22 In some ways that was the classic sound that I had with Whitesnake , but that sound was n't usable in later , more AOR versions of either that band or even other things that I 've done ; all you can say is that it was right for that particular music .
23 That I 've done what I 've done because it seemed to me right , not because I wanted to spite him . ’
24 Right , now then , be like this I 'll pretend that I 've done something that needs to be , a high sling to support me in this fashion .
25 most of the things that I 've done have been on Atlantic salmon and you put in Atlantic salmon and you get seven thousand eight hundred
26 Erm you know just about everything that I 've done .
27 ‘ Oh , I do hope that I 've done well , ’ Anne told Diana when she arrived back at Green Gables .
28 That I 've done for the first time in my life something original .
29 ‘ Since I met Dorian Gray , the work that I 've done is good , the best work of my life .
30 I only want him to say that I 've done well in finding somewhere for us to be ! "
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