Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 It is possible that those who work in education , even at senior management level , lack the confidence to press for this sort of recognition ; a diffidence which has its origin in the perceived ‘ otherness ’ referred to above , combined with the erroneous view that education has little or nothing to offer a commercial board-room .
2 They brought their families , some of them intermarried with time-expired soldiers who chose to settle here , too , and it grew into a real , life-and-death town , where everyone had a stake sunk so deep that when the legions started to leave , the locals still could n't get out .
3 Does it conceal a kind of romantic fascism , where everyone has a proper state and none should aspire to alter or change this state ?
4 All of my local contacts for people who are willing to travel up to Leeds etc , came as a result of either me , or them wearing a Leeds shirt .
5 ‘ And I could n't see , so we could n't do any more the things we used to — just little things , like watching the sunset , or laughing at a holopic when we turned out the lights in bed , or me reading a poem to her .
6 ‘ It is chilling to go among strangers , ’ he had written a few days earlier , ‘ & I leave a lovely country . ’
7 In order to reassure the House and the public , perhaps the Minister can explain what is the procedure when a police officer uses the powers given in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 to stop someone in the street or someone driving a car .
8 Like an overgrown Bisto kid I sniffed and aaahed my way to the source of the oaky-smokey smell , where I met a man whom I am very pleased to know .
9 This prompted me to look through my own collection , where I discovered a copy dated August 1931 , priced 2/
10 In the end I retreated to the sofa , where I spent a cold , uncomfortable and furiously sleepless night .
11 I crept out of the sitting-room and into the small room next door , where I chose a book full of pictures from the bookcase .
12 I would follow the police officers escorting the prisoner or prisoners up a flight of stairs into the small but impressive court-room , where I took a chair reserved for reporters at counsel 's table .
13 I came out of the army and returned to the Bideford Gazette where I had a year of my newspaper apprenticeship still to go .
14 I stopped right there , where I had an uninterrupted view , and watched the rim of it flatten out , spreading fire along the ocean 's edge .
15 ‘ Eventually we got to Lagrimone , a little place between Langhirano and Monchio on the way to the passo di Lagastrello , where I know a family .
16 For me the most dangerous aspect of the job has been not so much the very real dangers in the field as the psychological vertigo of alternating for months at a time between the utter extremes of the planet ; from the film markets of California 's Hollywood Hills , where I rented an A-frame , to the remotest jungles of the East .
17 I had the opportunity to visit the north-west on Monday , where I found a good deal of buoyancy and confidence in the future of the north-west and of the country as a whole .
18 I arrived at 10.30 and drove to 31 St Aldate 's where I found an enormous orgy in progress .
19 I was lucky to halve the match with her , and this flattering result was mostly due to a fortuitous birdie on the last hole , where I holed a pitch and run shot from short of the green .
20 There is one place where I can say I am at home , where I can live in peace and quiet with my most beloved father and my dearest sister , where I can do as I like , where apart from the duties of my appointment I am my own master , and where I have a permanent income and yet can go off when I like , and travel every second year …
21 ‘ Well — if you 'll excuse me I 'll go to my room , where I have a good book .
22 Where I have a little concern and that 's only 'cos I do n't know the of all of it , is that you are picking up , yes very minor non-conformances but in practice fairly large numbers in a fairly short time scale what I would be concerned about is when you get your B S I audit that these other areas that you have n't looked at have got equally this lack of attention to detail , that you end up with not only major break down in your system , but sufficient minor breakdowns in your system , to cause them to say that they wo n't give you registration .
23 I had reached the dizzy heights of compère at the Fiesta , one of the North 's most prestigious night clubs , where I did an hour spot and introduced acts like Ella Fitzgerald and Nancy Wilson , as well as all the top British acts .
24 I was articled in Worthing in 1966 with the Borough Council where I undertook a wide variety of conveyancing and litigation , and as a local authority employee , I was authorised to appear on its behalf in the Magistrates ' Court which gave me early experience in advocacy .
25 Or I got a garden , I could occupy myself in the garden .
26 Or I get an L B.
27 Erm I 've got a note , or I had a note to write to the admin at the university and I have done , erm saying that Derek 's been approaching people , apologising for not writing beforehand and saying that Derek 's been approaching people and if they 've got a problem they should write back P D Q.
28 When my brother or I had a fever , my mother or my grandfather used to come here to find leaves or roots to cure it .
29 fourteen or I had a sixteen overhead cam Cortina engine sitting up the blokes just swapped it for a two litre cos he wanted some more go .
30 For instance , I bought it from John and John sold it to me , or I received/got a letter from John and John sent me a letter are equally ‘ natural ’ as far as the phraseology of English is concerned ; their ‘ acceptability ’ is , of course , determined by the context in which they occur .
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