Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 With the best will in the world , I am not responsible for what was said over the weekend or for what may to be a contradiction .
2 This certainty was that the Spice Islands , the Moluccas , lay at the farthest side of the Mar del Sur , or of whatever might lie beyond the waters that Balboa saw .
3 Neither he nor the Council was fully aware of the pressures for expansion that were to intensify from 1972 , or of what might be involved in a response to such injunctions as those of the THES to make the influence of the CNAA more widely felt .
4 The effect of such imagery is to enrich or enlarge our concept of the male , or of what may truly be said to be ‘ masculine ’ .
5 It 'll either go round it or under it wo n't it ?
6 As a preliminary to their blockbuster , Castle Houses had arranged the awards dinner and subsidised the tickets so that more or less everyone could afford them .
7 If you have been out of nursing or health visiting for six months or less you may feel that completing a formal course is a waste of valuable time which might be more profitably spent in reorientation to your new job .
8 By restricting yourself to seven or less you will enhance your chances of making the report effective .
9 Where the absence extends to seven days or less you must , on return to work , complete a self-certificate .
10 Select ‘ Add ’ a printer in the next menu , and then click on the top line ‘ Unlisted Printer ’ where upon you will prompted for the drive designator where the information is .
11 Any info amongst your vast audience or from yourself would be much appreciated .
12 One of these can form part of a reference archive , the other is a working copy , upon which notes and details can be written , or over which can be placed transparent overlays to mark grains , microprobe analysis sites etc .
13 If you are on income support and aged 60 or over you will automatically receive £6 for any consecutive period of seven days when the average temperature is 0 degrees celsius or below .
14 If you could pull that off you can put it on .
15 However , what is most interesting is that a deliberate attempt was made to sell it as a concept rather than as what might have hitherto been seen as a package of infrastructural measures .
16 If you read that through I will be grateful .
17 Oddly enough , Ceauşescu was always a shrewder judge of the likely choice for the highest offices of democratic electorates than of who would come out on top of the Soviet politburo .
18 Dowd shivered with unease as he stood in the plain hallway of the Tower , knowing that somewhere nearby was the largest collection of magical writings gathered in one place outside the Vatican , and that amongst them would be many rituals for the raising and dispatching of creatures like himself .
19 Now what will be concerning the last hard core will be that amongst them can almost certainly the people who were involved in the original planning of the er uprising or riot , and also who probably er orchestrated the Kangaroo Courts .
20 He recalls one study suggested that if you present youngsters with a diet of relentlessly insipid programmes then that in itself may stir up aggressive tendencies and encourage violence .
21 If she was not , then she must have been almost the only member of Edinburgh political society who managed to know nothing about it — and that in itself would be a comment on her political awareness .
22 If , objectively , corporate crime is the more serious , in the sense that more people are avoidably killed , maimed , and robbed and that the last of these aggregated far exceeds the value of ‘ conventional ’ theft , then that in itself would justify prioritizing its study .
23 So that in itself would make people stop and think that they are going to take work away from health service and social service workers .
24 There was no evidence that Berowne had started his own meal — that in itself might be of some help in deciding on the approximate time of death — but he had apparently either cajoled Harry into the church with the promise of a meal or , more likely , had supplied an obvious and immediate need before he was ready for his own share of the supper .
25 The other problem is that as companies shed more labour to remain competitive , the fewer people there are who have real spending power and that in itself will be a major inhibiting factor on recovery .
26 I think that 's true of the women , but of course an awful lot of our young men erm come from all boys ' schools and quite a lot of our young women from all girls ' schools , so this is the first time , when they get to Oxford , that they are interacting with each other , on a day-to-day basis I should say , and I think that in itself will they are not sure how to act towards each other and there 's going to be confusions .
27 The more successful it is , the more we are going to be able to offer subscribers , and that in itself should make it even more successful . ’
28 The whole character of faith is that it does not rest on itself , nor on what can be seen as an extension of itself , but on what is quite other than itself , by which its own emptiness is filled .
29 And we 'll have to change that to we 'll write it as six over ten then we 'll write it as point six .
30 I would say that to we should give you a bit of freedom in terms of price , therefore I think we should er allow you to spend up to say five thousand pounds ?
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