Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] off his " in BNC.

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1 I come in and put the bedside light on , and he lies there with his eyes half-open , conscious but immobilized , as if he were under some strange paralysing drug , unable to tell me what the trouble was , unable to nod or smile or shake off his dream .
2 Or hack off his head and boil it
3 Henry Druce is features editor of Outdoor Action — when he 's not out hillwalking , mountain biking , skiing or falling off his windsurfer
4 ‘ Not now ! ’ he bellows , without raising his head from the printout that spills off his desk and carpets most of the floor .
5 Mitch stood under the light in a tartan shirt and jeans that hung off his buttocks .
6 It was Estella that started off his obsession with wanting more .
7 Little Peter Quince thought this a symptom of facial neuralgia , or worse , a precursor of the hydrocephalus that carried off his sister … nyum-nyum …
8 The rider saw Leithen and got off his bike .
9 It was never clear exactly what in his wife 's behaviour had felt so rejecting and triggered off his attack on her , but the attack had occurred shortly after the birth of their first child .
10 ‘ The smoke , full of PCBs and cyanide , drifted through his office and triggered off his chest condition , ’ she said .
11 They 'd taken the plug out of his boiler just the same and let off his mill-dam without a thought for what it was going to cost him — and them , he 'd see to that — in the long run .
12 His eyes came up and she saw his jaw tense before the shutters came down and blanked off his thoughts .
13 Peter Mueller 's experience brought him no great success , either racing or on the French roads ; the new roundabout in Bourg St Maurice , on the road to Val d'Isere , had nearly caught us out , and later we heard that Mueller had crashed and written off his car .
14 And then he sat down and stripped off his shirt .
15 The pathologist looked at his own hands and stripped off his surgical gloves , dropping them into a plastic bag .
16 The Anti-Rex smiled sweetly upon Ed Kelley , leaned forward as if to kiss his cheek and ripped off his other ear .
17 A monkey in a fringed vest , a plumed sombrero tied to its head , shot into my legs , pulled at my trench coat and showed off his teeth .
18 His trousers were slightly too short , and showed off his purple nylon socks and his tar-stained desert boots .
19 It was me who bathed him and turned off his light .
20 He put in another , and turned off his torch as he stepped out of the cupboard .
21 At one point one of the subjects went berserk during a psychomotor tracking task , screaming in terror and pulling off his electrodes , falling to the floor and sobbing and muttering incoherently about a gorilla .
22 ‘ Come here , Dickon ! ’ he shouted , and threw off his blanket .
23 At the hospital with its crowd of out-patients and wards full of in-patients he was so busy , so plagued and hassled and rushed off his feet , and the women so submissive and ignorant or merely sullen , that he forgot about principles .
24 Pulling off his black leather jacket and kicking off his shoes , he threw himself on to a bed .
25 A man sitting in a group , leaning against the wall of the shrine , starts shaking and stands up , throwing aside the woollen blanket he wears as a shawl and kicking off his shoes .
26 Charles frowned and cleared his throat , tentatively he took the boots from Hari and kicking off his leather slippers , bent forward and gingerly drew the boots on to his feet , lacing them up with trembling fingers .
27 He got to his feet and brushed off his trousers .
28 Futcher said : ‘ Short of getting a double-barrelled gun and blowing off his head , I do n't think he can be stopped . ’
29 Such a weight of worry and terror and contempt had been lifted off his shoulders that he sometimes thought , when the end-music started up beneath the wagon and the audience began to toss like a field of corn , that he could spread his arms , if he wanted , and soar off his ledge , above their heads and round the church tower .
30 ‘ About here , ’ Tammuz said , and pulled off his T-shirt .
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