Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] even [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , he likes , instead of sticking to Paul and the Ephesians all the time , to , you know , slip in a wee snippet of Shakespeare or Tennyson or mibbe even Wordsworth now and again , as a Text .
2 The collection that provoked even Mrs Thatcher to show an interest in art is inaugurated 9 October .
3 In his own particular way , Karajan also kept intact the ideal of ensemble opera , building teams and rehearsing , with the aid of handsome subventions from his record companies who make preliminary recordings , over a time-span that makes even Glyndebourne 's schedules look rushed .
4 The best parts of his book reveal the Honecker-like corruption that weaves around the top of the Communist party and embraces even Mr Gorbachev himself .
5 Euripides , the intellectual Euripides , was the " poet of Socratic rationalism " and tragedy did not simply die after him : it was " Socratism " in its Euripidean embodiment that killed it , although this destructive tendency preceded Socrates himself and affected even Sophocles .
6 Can not you trust me to ensure a square deal and to ensure even justice between man and man ?
7 It occurred to me later that there 's something almost , that there 's a cultural imprint , not to make a pun , of this letterpress image of a page in the structural necessities of locking a page and having even gutters and relatively rectilinear forms that creates a feeling of reliability , security and permanence .
8 Victorian parents have been condemned for clothing their children in black for months on end , and putting even babies into mourning .
9 This checked the sap and induced even growth .
10 But it was Cromwell who remained the arch repository of true evil in the world , Cromwell who had persecuted Ireland so greatly as to overshadow even Queen Elizabeth who , vilifying Mary Stuart , had put her to a martyr 's death .
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